COVID-19 Funding possibilities and platforms

April 8, 2020

In the fight against COVID-19, various organizations have made extra money available or set up platforms to facilitate creative solutions. Initiatives can focus on solving material shortages, researching COVID-19 solutions and solutions to other practical problems in and outside hospitals.

Below is an overview of various platforms and financing possibilities:

Het kabinet stelt € 100 miljoen beschikbaar voor overbruggingsleningen aan startups, scale-ups en innovatieve MKB-bedrijven. Deze leningen zullen verstrekt gaan worden via de regionale ontwikkelingsmaatschappijen (ROM’s) in Nederland. Lees meer op de website van de Rijksoverheid.

Topsector Life Sciences & Health (;Health~Holland) intends to invest in the field of COVID-19. If you have a high end public-private research proposal in the field of COVID-19, they are inviting you to send them an e-mail. See for more information the website  Health Holland Call for proposals

IMI planning EUR 45 million Call for proposals on COVID-19. See for more information on the website of IMI 

Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport stelt extra geld beschikbaar om creatieve oplossingen te faciliteren met betrekking tot het #coronavirus (COVID-19). Die zijn nodig voor tekorten aan materiaal en oplossingen voor andere praktische problemen in en buiten ziekenhuizen. Heb jij een creatieve oplossing die hieraan bijdraagt? Vraag dan nu een financiële impuls aan. Kijk voor meer informatie

ESA will launch on 31st March 2020 an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) inviting companies to submit their ideas for deploying and demonstrating services to respond to the emergency that Europe, and especially Italy, is facing because of the spread of the coronavirus. The AO is issued in cooperation with the Italian Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitalization (MID). See for more information

The various platforms and funds for COVID-19 initiatives are also listed at IXA. In this way, ideas can be matched with other (national) initiatives that are also coordinated from the VSNU. If you have questions about funding or are also working on an initiative to contribute to solve the problems caused by the COVID-19 virus, you can contact the IXA-Offices:

IXA VU & Amsterdam UMC: