Boost your chances of success at the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award! Join our workshop to learn valuable tips and tricks for writing a standout AmSIA application. Our experienced business developers will guide you through the application format, helping you articulate your idea clearly and effectively. They’ll also address any questions you have about AmSIA […]
23 Jan '25 EventEver think about the impact that your work can have outside of academia? The autumn session starts in October with various start dates to participate.
27 Feb '25 EventHoe vergroot je je maatschappelijke impact? Wat voor strategie heb je nodig? Hoe presenteer je het verhaal achter je onderzoek duidelijker, met meer nadruk op output en relevantie? Wie zou geïnteresseerd kunnen zijn in jouw project of idee? En hoe benader je media, overheden of bedrijven? De Opleiding Impact biedt antwoorden op al deze vragen […]
18 Mar till 30 Sep '25 EventHow do you increase your societal impact? What kind of strategy do you need? How do you present the story behind your research more clearly, with more emphasis on output and relevance? Who might be interested in your project or idea? And how do you approach media outlets, government agencies or companies? The Impact Program […]
2 Oct '25 till 11 Mar '26 Event