
Optics11’s new partnership for breakthrough underwater surveillance by Royal Netherlands Navy

VU spin-off Optics11, partners with Thales to equip Dutch submarines with advanced sonar technology to enhance underwater surveillance capabilities. The ability for the Royal Navy to detect threats in deep waters ensures that potential dangers are identified early. Ultimately, the advancements contribute to stronger national security, safeguarding our interests and maintaining stability.  Thales delivers cutting-edge Sonar […]


Innovative Minds: insights from the next generation of scientist-entrepreneurs

Photograhpy by Monika Vaskorova Explore the journeys of UvA Researchers Tijmen Bakker, Olivier Lugier, and Ewelina Weglarz-Tomczak as they transformed their research into impactful startups. From developing solar cells and nanoparticles to creating enzyme-based treatments against Alzheimer’s, these scientists share their experiences of overcoming obstacles, securing funding, and utilizing university support in the context of […]


RehabAI@Home: public-private innovation for advancing rehabilitation 

With RehabAI@Home, there is a unique public-private partnership between VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, and ROM InWest. The goal is to elevate innovation in rehabilitation care by combining science, artificial intelligence (AI), and entrepreneurship, making home rehabilitation more accessible and effective.   Why RehabAI@Home?   Healthcare faces significant challenges: The number of people […]


Madglove Amsterdam secures Rabobank Innovation Loan to drive further growth 

Madglove Amsterdam B.V., originally founded at the Vrije Universiteit’s Demonstrator Lab, is proud to announce that it has secured the full Rabobank Innovation Loan. This funding enables the company to continue its mission of viewing disabilities as a form of diversity and providing innovative solutions for individuals with physical limitations.  Jeremiah Oluwatobi Makinde, COO of […]


Call open for NWO’s Faculty of Impact

The new call focuses on the five themes of mission-driven innovation policy: Energy, Safety, Health, Agriculture, and Circular Economy. With a two-year program, selected researchers receive funding and support to develop their innovations into startups that address societal challenges. Application is possible until 3 June, for guidance application, contact IXA.  The latest call focuses on […]


Four Amsterdam researchers selected to join the Faculty of Impact program

In the latest round of the Faculty of Impact, focused on security and energy transition, four researchers from Amsterdam have been selected for the intensive two-year program. They will have the opportunity to transform their scientific research into scalable or commercial startups with societal impact. These researchers will receive guidance on entrepreneurship, intellectual property, and investment, […]


Presenting the 28 pre-finalists of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards 2025

Get to know the 28 pre-finalists of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award (AmSIA). The selected ideas offer solutions to a wide range of contemporary challenges, including (mental) health, climate, energy, nutrition, education, sports, and more. 


NWO Take-off Approvals Announced for VU and UvA

The fall 2024 round of the NWO Take-off Grant has brought exciting news for Amsterdam’s academic community. Four innovative projects have been selected, with two from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and two from the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The Take-off grant empowers academics to explore the feasibility and commercial potential of their science-based ideas, […]


UvA spin-off Eddytec wins Women TechEU Grant

This €75k funding will help validate their business model and accelerate their go-to-market strategy. Eddytec’s technology aims to revolutionize maintenance and quality control processes for aircraft components, making them faster, easier, and more cost-effective.


Highly impactful Amsterdam stroke innovation now reaches even more patients

Ten years ago, a groundbreaking medical innovation made it possible to remove a blood clot from stroke patients using a catheter procedure. The health benefits for patients after this procedure are often much greater than with other treatments. Thanks to the collaboration with Amsterdam UMC, this treatment is now also being performed at the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep in Alkmaar.
