Could an innovative cancer treatment be used as a preventative vaccine? Arjan Griffioen and his team are determined to find out. These scientists have been developing proteins that specifically target cancer cells in the blood, leaving healthy tissue untouched. Every step of this journey—from vision to execution—has relied on the team’s dedication, as well as essential funding and investment. Spoiler alert: bringing the new treatment to market is not done overnight! Curious about the steps necessary? Watch the video to hear the full story by Arjan Griffioen and Else Huijbers.
How is diversity and inclusivity relevant for start-ups? And what can you do as a start-up to contribute to these themes? IXA sits down with Michael Musandu and Bouchra Talidi to talk about the benefits of building a diverse and inclusive start-up and to receive some tips on how to do so.
In this knowledge clip, Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business developer at IXA, briefly explains the types of funding available to further develop your idea. From feasibility studies to private partnerships. You will also gain insight in the funding options at different stages of valorisation.
Developing high-quality entrepreneurship education – Amsterdam’s higher education institutions have been working closely together on this since 2008. This was done in the IXAnext valorisation program between 2016 and 2021. We proudly present the main results of the IXAnext program: Ten Amsterdam entrepreneurship cases; Post experience education for alumni; Blended learning modules; A mentoring platform […]