In this Knowledge clip Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business Developer at IXA, explains, using the Triangle, how to make your idea more concrete:
In this video, HvA researcher Sepp Eckenhaussen explains how his practice-based research project led to the tool Etherport. What is special about this project is that the tool was transferred to and is managed by a collective of cultural organisations. They ensure that Etherport is available for use by other cultural organisations. The tool was […]
Cancer Center Amsterdam has a dedicated IXA alliance office to assist oncology researchers in creating value from their expertise and discoveries
In this knowledge clip, we will talk about how to map out a network, how to approach people and how to prepare. Networking is a mutually beneficial interaction that involves exchanging ideas and information between individuals who are connected by a common interest, goal, industry, or profession. To create societal or economical impact networking is […]