In this Knowledge clip Diane Schöller, Business Developer at IXA, explains, how to start a successful collaboration with external partners
Diane will address different topics like:
AI voor veiligheid, zorg en welbevinden Contactpersoon: Dhr. prof. dr. C.G.M. (Cees) Snoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam
At the Academic Medical Centre Arthur Kievit has developed a method for diagnosing prosthetic loosening of Total Knee Replacements (TKR) in a direct manner. The orthopaedic surgeon in training designed a device that enables the application of a constant force to the knee while recording a CT-scan. With the use of dedicated software the condition […]
The academic incubator facility Amsterdam Venture Studios has found its place in the heart of five campus locations in Amsterdam (Startup Village on Amsterdam Science Park, LawHub on Roeterseiland, AVS VU Campus, AVS Humanities Lab on City Centre Campus, HvA Venture Centre at the campus in Zuidoost and AVS ahti near AMC also in Zuidoost). […]