In this knowledge clip, we will talk about how to map out a network, how to approach people and how to prepare.
Networking is a mutually beneficial interaction that involves exchanging ideas and information between individuals who are connected by a common interest, goal, industry, or profession. To create societal or economical impact networking is crucial.
Watch the video and learn how to build or expand a network.
In this Knowledge clip Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business Developer at IXA, explains, using the Triangle, how to make your idea more concrete: What is the problem that you are solving for your customer? Is there a NEED for the solution? Who are you solving it for? Who is prepared to pay for it? Why […]
The academic incubator facility Amsterdam Venture Studios has found its place in the heart of five campus locations in Amsterdam (Startup Village on Amsterdam Science Park, LawHub on Roeterseiland, AVS VU Campus, AVS Humanities Lab on City Centre Campus, HvA Venture Centre at the campus in Zuidoost and AVS ahti near AMC also in Zuidoost). […]
With their user-friendly measurement instrument for the quantification of spasticity, Jules Becher and Jaap Harlaar aim to revolutionise therapy in children with spasticity. Becher explains that the cause of spastic muscles can be of neurophysiological or biomechanical origin, each requiring specific therapy. By employing three different sensors the new device can pinpoint the precise cause […]