How to make impact with your research and what does it take to go from an idea to a product or service. Melvyn Roerdink is Associate Professor Technology in Motion at the Department of Human Movement Sciences (FGB) at VU and tells about the augmented reality queuing application, Holocue, he developed for people with Parkinson’s. With this application, walking difficulties that people with Parkinson’s experience can be corrected by using visual signals on the floor. In the video Melvyn explains what has helped him to translate his idea into a concrete application and bring it to the market.
In this video, HvA researchers Ben Kröse and Margriet Pol share how their practice-based research project led to the rehabilitation support product Hipper and the establishment of the first HvA spin-off Hipper Therapeutics BV Theme’s in this video Development and Impact practice-based research | product development | exploitation plan | impact | knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship | […]
Biobanks contain valuable information on the donor of the sample. Access to these collections can be crucial for companies developing novel diagnostics or therapeutics.
By request of the dermatologists at VUmc, Ruud Verdaasdonk has developed a ‘UV-mirror’. It enables people to see whether UV-light has damaged their skin and helps them to assess their sunscreen application skills. “The mirror is a very effective instrument for education and prevention purposes”, says Verdaasdonk, who is not only professor of Biophotonics and […]