How to make impact with your research and what does it take to go from an idea to a product or service. Melvyn Roerdink is Associate Professor Technology in Motion at the Department of Human Movement Sciences (FGB) at VU and tells about the augmented reality queuing application, Holocue, he developed for people with Parkinson’s. With this application, walking difficulties that people with Parkinson’s experience can be corrected by using visual signals on the floor. In the video Melvyn explains what has helped him to translate his idea into a concrete application and bring it to the market.
In this knowledge clip, Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business developer at IXA, briefly explains the types of funding available to further develop your idea. From feasibility studies to private partnerships. You will also gain insight in the funding options at different stages of valorisation.
The academic incubator facility Amsterdam Venture Studios has found its place in the heart of five campus locations in Amsterdam (Startup Village on Amsterdam Science Park, LawHub on Roeterseiland, AVS VU Campus, AVS Humanities Lab on City Centre Campus, HvA Venture Centre at the campus in Zuidoost and AVS ahti near AMC also in Zuidoost). […]
For the humanities, collaborating with ICT companies is truly fascinating and rewarding.