At Demonstrator Lab, two locations: @Zuidas and @Science Park, researchers and students from the HvA, UvA, VU and Amsterdam UMC can go to develop and test their research-based idea for a product or service. In the past five years, more than 100 projects were launched, from which 21 start-ups have emerged. Jardo Stammeshaus (co-founder of startup Liion Power and most innovative student of the Netherlands 2021) experienced as the most important thing you need as an entrepreneurial student or employee with an idea is the space and facilities to be able to ‘start’. And that’s what Demonstrator Lab offers: technical facilities, support in making a prototype and coaching. In doing so, Demonstrator Lab reduced the step to entrepreneurship for Jardo Stammeshaus.
Developing high-quality entrepreneurship education – Amsterdam’s higher education institutions have been working closely together on this since 2008. This was done in the IXAnext valorisation program between 2016 and 2021. We proudly present the main results of the IXAnext program: Ten Amsterdam entrepreneurship cases; Post experience education for alumni; Blended learning modules; A mentoring platform […]
COMCRIM: COMbatting CRIMes that undermine the rule of law in a smart and comprehensive manner, in a financial public-private partnership and through artificial intelligence – with a focus on human trafficking, money laundering and corruption Contactpersoon: Mw. mr. dr. drs. J.E.B. (Jill) Coster van Voorhout PhD, associate professor.
In valorisation, it is very important to think carefully about the exchange of values between the organizations you work with and the team of scientists