

Explore other Spinoffs:

Pestplotter klaar om in gebruik te nemen bij scholen

Jeroen Pronk heeft als postdoc bij de faculteit Gedrags- en Bewegingswetenschappen van de VU in 2015 een Proof of Concept (PoC) financiering ontvangen (van Technologiestichting STW) voor de PestPlotter. Jeroen: “Door deze PoC hebben wij een technologische en inhoudelijke doorontwikkeling kunnen maken waardoor de PestPlotter nu echt richting de praktijk kan. Met de financiering hebben wij samen met […]

Ester Hulleman

UvA Faculty of Law opens incubator

Per January 2019 UvA opens a Law Hub: a co-creative teaching/research/entrepreneurship space. The Hub will house legal clinics, innovative businesses, start-ups and socially conscious organisations that work in close collaboration with the teaching programmes at the ALS. The Law Hub is planned as a meeting place and co-creative space for students, researchers and legal professionals, […]

Eurostars grants project funding for immunomonitor consortium led by Enpicom

A total grant sum of EUR 2 million has been awarded to a multidisciplinary EUROSTARS consortium. The EUROSTARS project is titled “Treatment Response Monitoring for Cancer Immunotherapies Using Immune Repertoire Analysis” and named IMMUNOMONITOR. A multi-million grant for the clinical validation of an immunosequencing analysis solution for monitoring of treatment responses to cancer vaccines This […]

Azafaros secures seed investment from BioGeneration Ventures

Azafaros, a biotech company established in Leiden in the Netherlands, focusing on the development of new therapies in the field of rare metabolic disorders, announced the closing of a seed financing round. BioGeneration Ventures (BGV) is the founding investor. Rare metabolic disorders such as lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) represent a broad class of severe and […]

Nico.lab to Australian stock exchange and North America

The Dutch healthtech company Nico.lab prepares for an IPO in Australia after the company has previously collected 3 million euros from Australian investors. In addition, Nico.lab will enter the US market. Nico.lab is the result of a collaboration between Amsterdam UMC and health tech venture builder NLC. With years of intensive clinical research in the […]

Scale up Photanol BV to build demonstration plant at AkzoNobel site in Delfzijl

Photanol BV has closed a substantial new financing round to demonstrate its industrial capabilities to produce chemicals from CO2 and sunlight. Photanol BV is a spin-off company established in 2008 by UvA Ventures Holding in collaboration with the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences of the UvA’s Faculty of Science. Photanol uses modified cyanobacteria to produce […]

Pacmed wins Digital Impact Award 2018

De Digital Impact Award 2018 is gewonnen door Pacmed met Machine learning op de intensive care. De award wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt door Nederland ICT en ECP | Platform voor de informatiesamenleving aan een ICT-project of product met impact op de samenleving en de digitale economie. Machine learning op de Intensive Care Op de intensive care […]

Grootste Nederlandse onderwijsvernieuwers bundelen krachten

Prowise B.V. maakt bekend dat het Oefenweb, aanbieder van adaptieve onderwijssoftware, overneemt. Met de bundeling van educatieve hard- en software-expertise versterkt Prowise haar producten en diensten voor alle scholen in het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs wereldwijd. Prowise-oprichters Erik Neeskens en Michael Ahrens zijn blij met de aanwas van het deskundig Oefenwebteam en het reeds bewezen […]

Physics2Market grant for promising research to improve cold-stress tolerance of plants

Higher yields and improved resistance to climate change Researchers of University of Amsterdam’s Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) and Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have found a way to improve the plant’s resilience to low temperature stress. The first results are promising and the agricultural sector has already expressed its interest. […]

EU-rapport: HvA is voorbeeld in ondernemerschaps-onderwijs

Nederland loopt voorop in het integreren van ondernemerschap en innovatie in het hoger onderwijs ten opzichte van andere Europese landen. Dat blijkt uit een rapport dat in opdracht van de OESO tot stand kwam. De HvA wordt als voorbeeld genoemd voor andere instellingen. Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education in the Netherlands werd gepubliceerd […]

VU professor Davide Iannuzzi wins NWO Physics Valorisation Prize 2018

The tenth NWO Physics Valorisation Prize will go to Prof. Davide Iannuzzi, professor of Experimental Physics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). He has won the prize “on account of the valorisation of this own research and the attention he gives to facilitating valorisation by others”. The award ceremony will take place on 22 January 2019 […]

Challenge for Master and PhD students to explore entrepreneurship based on a CERN ICT technology

On October 25 and 26 ACE, Nikhef, IXA and CERN-BIC organized the first challenge for master and PhD students to develop their own business concept in a two day session at Start-up Village. On the first day experts from CERN and experienced entrepreneurs from Amsterdam Start-ups showed the participants how to start their own innovative […]

Privacy Policy

Who we are Our website address is: https://www.ixa.nl. What personal data we collect and why we collect it Comments When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection. An anonymized string created from […]


For researchers

Do you have an idea – based upon your research – that could benefit people, companies, other organisations or society as a whole?  Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, even in the early stages when your thoughts and plans are not yet concrete. Often, an unlikely concept opens up new avenues. Your colleagues at IXA can help you identify the best valorisation strategy to further advance your particular idea, invention, innovation, product, service, technology or (educational) material.  Continue […]

For companies and non-profits

Are you interested in setting up a Research & Development collaboration with one of the Amsterdam universities or medical centers? Access new knowledge. As a knowledge transfer office (KTO), IXA is your single point of contact for all Amsterdam academic and practice–based research. We act as an intermediary, connecting companies, non-profits, governments, health care institutions and educational institutions to the researchers and facilities of Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), University of […]

News & Agenda

IXA organizes workshops, webinars, the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award (AmSIA) and other events. You can find our upcoming activities under Agenda. In the News section you will find the latest news about IXA, university spin-offs, new research consortia and projects and other valorisation related items. Our Stories offer inspiring testimonials and real-life cases illustrating the […]

About IXA

Test exerpt

Start a company or social enterprize

Sometimes your research may lead to an idea for a product, service or innovation. IXA will help you determine how to best follow up on this. A logical step could be to partner up with an existing company or other third party. It may also be worthwhile to follow your own direction and start your […]

Develop your idea, concept or innovation

If you are excited about an idea or a potential innovation, one of the very first steps is to talk to one of IXA’s business developers, even if your idea is still in the concept stage and plans are very much ‘under construction’. The sooner you involve us, the better – in particular when protection […]

Access high-tech facilities

IXA is your gateway to state-of-the-art equipment, laboratory and technical facilities and the scientific expertise at the Amsterdam universities. Spark904lab If you are a research-intensive business, Spark904 is your research partner for chemical analysis and spectroscopy. This is University of Amsterdam’s spin-off company providing R&D services from an ever-expanding state-of-the-art research infrastructure. Tech Labs VU […]

Consult a researcher

One way to benefit from the insights and expertise of university researchers is to bring them in as advisers or consultants. Researchers can offer a fresh perspective to your organisation and provide valuable insights from unexpected angles. Bring in an expert researcher IXA can assist you in finding the right expert for your particular topic, […]

Upcoming workshops & events

Private: Contact us

info@ixa.nl IXA AMC            +31 (0)20 566 5056 IXA UvA             +31 (0)20 525 5417 IXA HvA             +31 (0)20 525 5417 IXA VU               +31 (0)20 598 9905 IXA VUmc         +31 (0) 20 444 […]

Elsevier Artificial Intelligence Lab opens in Amsterdam

In an exciting joining of forces between science and business, the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) and information analytics business Elsevier announce the opening of the Elsevier AI Lab. The lab, situated on ICAI’s grounds in the Science Park in Amsterdam, will help further establish the Amsterdam region as a Data Science and Artificial […]

Entrepreneurship Cases

To bring entrepreneurship… Lorem ipsum…


docent copy

PPS projects granted within Amsterdam UMC

Various projects within Amsterdam UMC have received funding through the PPS Allowance from Top Sector Life Sciences & Health to stimulate R&D in public private partnerships. This funding is a financial instrument to help consortia consisting of research organisations, knowledge institutes, companies, and health foundations to realise their innovative ideas. The funding per project varies […]

Demonstrator Lab project GlucoEasy wins NWO Open Mind funding of € 50,000

GlucoEasy has won the NWO Open Mind funding of € 50,000. The Open Mind grants are awarded by NWO to technologies with a surprisingly societal application. Measure glucose, but comfortably Diabetics should no longer have to measure their glucose levels by pricking blood. It can perhaps be a lot more comfortable, for example by measuring […]

SAM Application fights loneliness, selected for the Startup in Residence Programme Amsterdam

Meaningful social contact is the slogan of SAM Application. Elena Köstler and her team are developing a mobile app to combat loneliness among young adults (18-35). They want to bring people together offline via an online platform. “34 million people are socially isolated in the EU. Today, it is more likely to become lonely between […]

Guide to probiotics wins James Lind Award 2018

VU-microbioloog Remco Kort in ontvangst genomen tijdens het symposium ‘Gezondheidswinst met vitamines en mineralen’ in Maarssen. De ‘Gids voor probiotica ter preventie van antibiotica-gerelateerde diarree’ van TNO en ARTIS-Micropia wint de award in de categorie ‘toepassing’. De wetenschapsprijs is vrijdag 23 november door Voorzitter van de jury, Renger Witkamp, hoogleraar voeding en farmacologie aan Wageningen […]

AML patients receive cancer drug DCP-001

DCprime (spin-off VUmc) announces first patient dosed in phase 2 ADVANCE-II study with DCP-001 in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. This administration marks the official start of the phase 2 study in the ADVANCE-II study. A total of 20 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a rare form of leukemia, participate in this study. A […]

Demonstrator Lab successful in NWO valorisation Take off grants

Several Demonstrator Lab projects have received an award for a feasibility study or early phase trajectory within the NWO TTW Take-off program. D-Lab helps enterprising students and researchers to turn their ideas into tangible products and services. The Meta-grip, a tool for climbers, and Fitsurance, with tailor-made lifestyle advice on physical exercise and nutrition, are […]

Collaboration VU and Deloitte

On Thursday 6 December, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and Deloitte formalized their intention to underline the collaboration for the further development of the Care robot. In the collaboration with Deloitte, further steps will be taken in the further development of the prototype known as Alice 2.0. The aim is a robotic solution for health care, […]

Social enterprise Tony’s Chocolonely and fintech start up SRXP are subject of the newly launched Entrepreneurship Cases

On December 10 the Tony’s Chocolonely and fintech start up SRXP teaching cases were presented to an audience of teachers and entrepreneurs. During his presentation of the SRXP case professor Sustainable Entrepreneurship at VU Amsterdam, Enno Masurel, focused on the development from student start up to a growing and expanding company. While Maarten Hogenstijn researcher […]

New collaboration between Amsterdam universities to support starters

A new collaboration between the Amsterdam universities has been set up to support students and researchers wanting to start their own business. On December 17, UvA, VU, HvA, and Amsterdam UMC signed a stakeholder agreement with university incubator ACE to collectively support spin-off companies. ACE supported over 150 startups from Amsterdam universities in the past […]

Maartje Bakker

Valorisation for the humanities is attractive

For the humanities, collaborating with ICT companies is truly fascinating and rewarding.

Private: Test Entrepreneurship cases

Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia […]

Melanie Wijnen

Is sweat the ideal outcome for diabetics?

Meerdere keren per dag bloedprikken om je bloedsuiker te bepalen. Het is voor diabetici dagelijkse kost. Maar als het aan dr. Elizabeth von Hauff (GlucoEasy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ligt, hoeft dat in de toekomst niet meer. Ze ontwikkelt een nieuwe meettechniek die verder gaat dan biochemische sensoren.  Hoe ontstond het idee voor dit project? “Dat […]

Chinouk Lindt

VU researcher nominated for Medical Inspirator Prize

Het project ‘De online Vriendschapscursus’ van Vrije Universiteit onderzoeker Tamara Bouwman is genomineerd voor de Medische Inspirator Prijs. Het project dat gericht is om eenzame ouderen uit hun sociale isolement te halen is een van de twee projecten die in de running is voor de hoofdprijs van € 100.000. Om de prijs te winnen moet […]

Jolanda Frese

Christine Schalkx-Verweij

Patty den Enting

Emil Holland

Rónán Mclaughlin

Beril Karabetyan

Helping researchers make an impact.
Guiding companies and non-profits in collaborations.





Michael Williams

Caroline van Impelen

Robert Moltmaker

Nieuwe broedplaats voor recht op Roeterseilandcampus UvA

Dinsdag 26 februari heeft burgemeester Femke Halsema de Amsterdam Law Hub geopend. Hier werken studenten en medewerkers van de UvA samen met maatschappelijke partners en juridische ondernemers aan juridische dienstverlening en innovatie. De Law Hub komt voort uit de ambitie het onderwijs te vernieuwen en relevanter te maken voor de samenleving, zegt André Nollkaemper, decaan […]

Barlaeus dinner on complexity

On Monday January 28th 2019, Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA office UvA-HvA) and the UvA Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) jointly organised the 6th Barlaeus dinner at the Allard Pierson Museum. The central question of the evening was: what is effective and responsible policy/governance in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world? Complexity is a feature […]

The climate agreement inspires to join forces

On 29 January professionals from both beta and gamma disciplines gathered at Amsterdam Science Park to share and to learn on techno-economic solutions for the conversion of carbon dioxide, carbon sequestration in agricultural soil, geo-energy supply and the re-use of plastics. The Amsterdam Green Campus brings together professionals from academia, applied science and vocational education […]

Rocío Díez Arazola

Nanny Appel

Soraya Mols

Olga Gritsai

Define your short and long term value

In valorisation, it is very important to think carefully about the exchange of values ​​between the organizations you work with and the team of scientists

Biobanks crucial for novel diagnostics or therapeutics

Define your short and long term value

Private: Humanities can always present something attractive

Karin van de Sande

Solliciteren? Straks kijkt de robot mee

VU onderzoekt samen met LTP Business Psychologen of kunstmatige intelligentie (KI) gebruikt kan worden om de persoonlijkheid van sollicitanten te beoordelen aan de hand van gedrag en emoties die ze tonen in het gesprek. Reinout de Vries, persoonlijkheidspsycholoog en universitair hoofddocent aan de VU en hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Twente., is door De Telegraaf geïnterviewd. […]

Carolien Zijderveld

Edith Petersen

Maren Pannemann

Art meets science at VU based Hybrid Forms Lab

Artistic and scientific research combined into an exciting artwork at new VU-based ArtScience labora-tory Hybrid Forms Lab. GAMeC, the prestigious Italian art museum, acquires artwork from artists Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand; artists are based at the VU physics & astronomy department Hybrid Forms laboratory, part of the Demonstrator Lab. The ArtScience Laboratory of the […]

IXA next Networking event on March 5

“Grab a boat into your future” with this title IXA, students entrepreneurship association LEAD and Westpoort association, invited students to a network boat tour. Aim of the event was to connect students to entrepreneurs, active in the Amsterdam harbor area Westpoort. A group of around 15 entrepreneurs, members of the Westpoort association and thirty students […]

VU onderzoeker ontvangt €50.000 voor ontwikkelen vriendschapscursus voor eenzame ouderen

VU onderzoeker Tamara Bouwman heeft donderdag 7 maart na een intensieve publiekscampagne voor de Medische Inspirator Prijs de tweede prijs van €50.000 ontvangen voor haar project ‘De online Vriendschapscursus’. Met de prijs gaat Bouwman in samenwerking met cliëntvertegenwoordiger Liesbeth Gaasbeek van de Gouden Dagen de online vriendschapscursus verder ontwikkelen. Uiteindelijk hopen ze de cursus daarmee […]

IXA is here to help you with expertise and insights

Elmar de Pauw

Private: Who we are

Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) is the joint knowledge transfer office of the Amsterdam universities Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) University of Amsterdam (UvA) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) Amsterdam UMC (AMC and VUmc) At every campus location throughout Amsterdam our business developers, legal advisors and grant advisors contribute to developing the Amsterdam innovation ecosystem by […]

Aniek Büller

Klaas de Vries

Froukje Vroom

Jacob Kooistra

Mariëlle Duijn

Entrepreneurship for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science

New elective : Entrepreneurship for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science In recent years, academic entrepreneurship education has shifted from the exclusive domains of business administration and economics to many other domains as well. In April/May 2019, entrepreneurship is taught for the first time to students of the master Computer Science (joint degree of the Vrije […]

Graziana Clare

New public-private AI research lab for medical image analysis

UvA professors Cees Snoek and Marcel Worring are starting a new public-private research lab together with researchers from the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence Ltd. from the United Arab Emirates led by Professor Ling Shao. Within the new AIM lab, the researchers will focus on using artificial intelligence for medical image analysis. The lab will […]

Aniek-9964-lo res

Carolien-0849-lo res

Caroline-0290-lo res


Diane-0075-lo res

Dilek 1406_lo res

Elmar-1227-lo res

Joris-3985-lo res

Karin-0920-lo res

Margot-9617-lo res


Olga-1027-lo res

Ronald-0982-lo res

Sanne-3877-lo res

Ahlam El Yaakoubi


Soraya Mols UvA-HvA


Evelien Janson

Eva de Wit

Partner up with research

and engage in strategic research partnerships The Amsterdam universities strongly encourage public-private research collaborations that drive innovation forward and have a positive impact on society. IXA is bridging the connection between Amsterdam academic and applied research and third parties. We call on companies, non-profits, governments, health care and educational institutions that are looking to innovate […]

Outsource Research

There are many good reasons for your organisation to completely or partially outsource research on a contract basis, i.e., contract research. Collaborating with the Amsterdam research landscape not only saves time and reduces costs, your company will also benefit enormously by gaining access to specialised knowledge or expertise, and cutting-edge facilities. For instance: laboratory experiments […]

Participate in new ventures

The Amsterdam research landscape sees a continuous emergence of new opportunities, spin-offs, start-ups, and products and services. These benefit society in areas as diverse as education, healthcare, clean energy and information and communication technology (ICT). New companies started by staff (spin-offs) and students (start-ups) offer opportunities for collaboration and investment. Meet start-ups at the universities’ […]

Find collaboration and licensing opportunities

The Amsterdam universities have a multitude of collaboration, licensing and investment opportunities available. To find out more contact one of our business developers to learn more about the many options and opportunities in various topics and research domains.

Behandeling hoogtevrees mogelijk zonder therapeut dankzij virtual reality

This news item is only available in Dutch. Een volledig zelfgestuurde behandeling met behulp van virtual reality (VR) is effectief voor het verminderen van hoogtevrees. Onderzoekers van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) en Universiteit Twente, onder leiding van VU-onderzoeker Tara Donker, ontwikkelden ZeroPhobia. Een behandeling die wordt geleverd via een smartphone app en een eenvoudige […]

Behandeling hoogtevrees mogelijk zonder therapeut dankzij virtual reality

Protect your knowledge

Although it is probably not the first thing on a researcher’s mind, there are several reasons why it may be necessary to protect your idea, knowledge or findings – before bringing them into the public domain. Most importantly, you don’t want others to commercially exploit your idea without authorisation. And in the case of existing […]

Collaborate with third parties

Turning a scientific result into a practical application is never a one-person or even a one-group effort. IXA can support you right from the start in finding the right partners, negotiating agreements and taking care of the formalities. Partnering successfully IXA’s business developers can assist you in looking for partners with the expertise, skills and […]

Ontbijtsessie IXA shutterstock_122833927


Foto workshops

Foto workshop social media

Foto IE regeling

ip, patent

Workshop how to fund your idea

money, funding

Industry Alliance Office triggers Rodin Therapeutics to launch Clinical Trials in the Netherlands

Rodin Therapeutics and Amsterdam Neuroscience of Amsterdam UMC announced the launch of two clinical trials; the first which has started meanwhile will assess the performance of a new PET ligand that can measure synaptic density in the living brain; the outcome of this first trial should provide insights to guide Rodin’s upcoming Phase 1b trial […]


Ahlam El Yaakoubi

Abeer Hossain

Kathrin Metselaar

Marcel Bartels

Biobanks crucial for novel diagnostics or therapeutics

Biobanks contain valuable information on the donor of the sample. Access to these collections can be crucial for companies developing novel diagnostics or therapeutics.


Foto VU bij cases

classroom, students, workshop

Team HvA_Klaas de Vries

Team HvA_Maren Pannemann

Team UvA HvA_Marcel Kloosterman

Team UvA_Els den Os

Team UvA HVA_Pieter Wybenga

Ted Jan Post

Lou Errens

Boudewijn Koopmans

Luke Somerwill

IXA Team

What we do

IXA is a network, servicedesk and liaison, all in one. We offer researchers the expertise of grant advisers, business developers and legal experts to help determine a valorisation/ impact strategy. We assist in setting up collaborations with third parties and/or starting new ventures, while managing intellectual property and other legal and financial support. For researchers […]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat […]

Job opportunities

We are currently looking for a: IXA Amsterdam UMC team: Business developer Amsterdam Neuroscience

Frequently Asked Questions

Max Nieuwdorp en Willem de Vos

Private: IXA VU-VUmc

De Boelelaan 1085, W&N-building, room F-554, Amsterdam | +31 (0)20 59 89 905 | info@ixa.nl

Location HvA


Location VU

Location Roeterseiland

Private: IXA UvA & HvA

Amsterdam Science Park 904, room B0.160 | +31 (0)20 525 5417 |info@ixa.nl |P.O. Box 1214 |1000 BE  Amsterdam |1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Private: IXA AMC

Meibergdreef 9, J1A-105.2 |1105 AZ Amsterdam | +31 (0)20 566 5056 |info@ixa.nl

JanBreed – VU

Jasper de Goeij

Marieke de Hoon – VU

Mark Hoogendoorn – VU

Mirka Jansen

Selma de Mink

Sophia Kramer – VUmc

Dave Koolbergen – AMC

TTO jaarverslag

foto’s voor het jaarverslag van TTO. Davide Iannuzzi en Hans Brouwer, wetenschappers aan de VU, met hun team op de foto en het apparaat wat zij hebben ontwikkeld, een soort voel microscoop op nano niveau

Frans Grijzenhout

Guus van Dongen – VUmc

TTO / Peter Boermans, Ivar Vermeulen, Kim van den Wijngaard

TTO / Peter Boermans, Ivar Vermeulen, Kim van den Wijngaard

CharlotteTeunissen – VUmc

Frans Feldberg

Amade M’chareck

Davide Ianuzzi – VU

Han vd Maas

Ingrid de Zwart

Irene Costera Meijer

Johan Hoorn

Joke v Saane

Susan Bøgels


Valorisation in medical technology

These are exciting times for Dave Koolbergen, congenital cardiac surgeon at AMC. With his company Haermonics he hopes to bring a new technology to market for postoperative pericardial flushing. It was developed upon his observation that after heart surgery often the removal of accumulated blood and clots can be achieved by flushing the pericardial space […]


IXA in the Media Giving successful start-ups room to grow on the VU Campus For most people, the name Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) is synonymous with the campus and all of its students, and that of Amsterdam UMC (VUmc), the hospital. What many people don’t realize, is that both institutions are also home to dozens […]

Private: Fund your research

Each university has a dedicated grant support team. They provide tailored support for research grant applications. This concerns both individual and consortium applications for national as well as international research grants. The level of support varies per institute, but in general includes: Advice on application for national and international grants Communicating opportunities and linking grant […]

Valorisation & Impact funding

IXA gives Amsterdam researchers from all research fields access to a variety of funds. You can receive financial support for early-stage activities, such as carrying out feasibility studies, starting your innovation-driven enterprise, start-up or setting up collaborations with companies or non-profits. Follow the links for more information, how to apply, terms and conditions: IXA Proof-of-Concept […]

Develop your skills

When introducing your idea to society, you may discover that you need to improve certain skills. That is why IXA organises a number of workshops, courses, webinars, seminars and much more. These enable researchers to explore activities that enhance the valorisation of research, develop their proficiency in specific valorisation–related topics, and gain essential entrepreneurship skills.  Impact Program (6 days over a 6-month period), create more societal impact through your research and teaching. The work you […]


The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by IXA and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the […]

Ada Kruisbeek

Anouar El Haji

Berthe en Bert

Connie Jimenez

Rob Chamuleau

Rosalie Luiten

Tom Wurdinger

Wytse Wadman

Armand Girbes

Arthur Kievit

Bob v Dijk en Jacqueline Krijnen

Harlaar en Becher

Iwan Dobbe

Micha Paalman

Peter Sterk

Ruud Verdaasdonk

Sigma Screening

Developing a product of clinical value takes time

With their user-friendly measurement instrument for the quantification of spasticity, Jules Becher and Jaap Harlaar aim to revolutionise therapy in children with spasticity. Becher explains that the cause of spastic muscles can be of neurophysiological or biomechanical origin, each requiring specific therapy. By employing three different sensors the new device can pinpoint the precise cause […]

A ‘pearl’ of an idea provides unexpected business opportunities

About three years ago orthopaedic surgeon Olivier Temmerman approached the Physics and Medical Technology (FMT) department of VUmc. He had an idea to improve the surgical chisel for removing old cementing layers during hip prosthesis revisions. It was ‘a real pearl’ according to Micha Paalman, head of the development group at FMT. “Olivier had worked […]

An electrolarynx for use in IC-units

The idea had been lingering for years. When Armand Girbes decided to finally pursue it, he almost instantly got a publication in the New England Journal of Medicine. The electrolarynx, which is known for its use after laryngectomy, produces vibrations that allow the intubated user to speak. As professor of intensive care medicine, Girbes understands […]

Extensive media coverage and a positive impact on my academic development

At the Academic Medical Centre Arthur Kievit has developed a method for diagnosing prosthetic loosening of Total Knee Replacements (TKR) in a direct manner. The orthopaedic surgeon in training designed a device that enables the application of a constant force to the knee while recording a CT-scan. With the use of dedicated software the condition […]

A few minor tweaks, a slick design and it’s ready for use

Apply existing eye-tracking technology for the development of a state-of-the art digital instrument for orthoptic strabismus measurements. This clever idea by physicist Bob van Dijk is now nearly a reality with Laméris Ootech, a Dutch supplier of orthoptic practice equipment. In his office at VUmc Van Dijk proudly demonstrates his almost perfectly functioning prototype. “A […]

More effective surgery through improved alignment of bone segments

Iwan Dobbe is bringing the benefits of modern 3D image analysis and printing technology to the clinic. As a researcher at the Biomedical Engineering and Physics department at AMC he devised a method for the design and production of a patient-specific plate for the alignment of bone segments. It requires a single CT scan, preoperative […]

Find a business partner as soon as possible

By request of the dermatologists at VUmc, Ruud Verdaasdonk has developed a ‘UV-mirror’. It enables people to see whether UV-light has damaged their skin and helps them to assess their sunscreen application skills. “The mirror is a very effective instrument for education and prevention purposes”, says Verdaasdonk, who is not only professor of Biophotonics and […]

Less pain, more scientific value

When Ard den Heeten, professor of Radiology teamed up with his AMC colleague Kees Grimbergen, professor of Medical Technology, a new approach to mammography was born. It has been developed upon Grimbergen’s observation of a serious flaw in the current mammogram procedure: the establishment of a standard force of the so-called “paddle” compressing the breasts. […]

An idea leads to a research project for which an instrumental set-up is needed

AMC clinical physiologist Peter Sterk’s idea to explore the use of e-nose technology for diagnosis of lung disease has really payed off. His brand-new ‘SpiroNose’ breath analyser will shortly become available for hospitals and general practices. Sterk is confident about the clinical validation studies that are now underway: “The SpiroNose will be a formidable addition […]

Esther Stroo

Research community

Amsterdam Venture Studios

Amsterdam Venture Studios

Companies & Non-profits

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Demonstrator lab 2018

Contact us

Patricia de Souza Gordiano

Amy Zaagsma

Hubert Yeung

Mark Siebert

Silvia Goddijn

Maarten Regtuit

Maurice Duurvoort

Ellis Keizer

Margot Muller

Ronald Mooijer

Margreth Liefting

Miriam Tijs

Caroline Kleine Staarman

Pieter Wybenga

Peter Westerhuijs

Kimberly Riegman

Ahti Connect 23 mei web

Andrea Soto Padilla


Click here to read the privacy policy in English Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA), onderdeel van de instellingen: Universiteit van Amsterdam, gevestigd aan Spui 21, 1012 WX te Amsterdam en Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, gevestigd aan De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV te Amsterdam en Hogeschool van Amsterdam, gevestigd aan Wibautstraat 3b, 1091 GH te Amsterdam en Amsterdam […]

Privacy policy

Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA), part of the institutions: Universiteit van Amsterdam, located at Spui 21, 1012 WX in Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, located at De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV in Amsterdam and Hogeschool van Amsterdam, located at Wibautstraat 3b, 1091 GH in Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, located at De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 […]

Prisca Leferink

Sasja Heetveld

Pieter van Bokhoven

Eline van Dulmen-den Broeder

Jan van de Loosdrecht

Chris Ashbrook

Sander Scholten

Paul de Vries

Kira Temme

Alba Herranz de la Nava

Dalila El Ouarrat

Maurijn de Heus

Ties van Rappard

Maaike Alderliesten

Peter Cirkel

Francesca Rivello

Mark Mizee

Annemieke de Raad

Ric van Tol

Berno Bucker

Pieter Slijkerman

Diane Schöller

Timo Smets

Marianka van der Tol

Marcel Kloosterman

Rudi Rust

Amsterdam UMC’s newest medical devices startup, HaemoPulse

A new spin-off of Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, HaemoPulse, started in the first months of 2019. HaemoPulse will develop non-invasive optical technology for continuous real-time monitoring of blood hematocrit. Being able to measure hematocrit in such a manner opens a wide range of clinical applications, such as tracking of fluid balance in critically ill patients […]

New start-up Fitsurance wants to improve sustainable employability and quality of life of employees

Fitsurance, the latest start-up from Demonstrator Lab, wants to improve the quality of life of employees. They focus on sustainable employability, increasing work productivity and general well-being of employees. They aim to reduce sick-leaves and absenteeism among the workforce of any employer. This implies a radical shift from the current thinking of a curative way […]

Inspire your students with Amsterdam entrepreneurship cases

Tuesday 23 April two new entrepreneurship teaching cases have been launched: The Next Web and Radically Open. By involving examples about inspiring Amsterdam entrepreneurs in education, students get inspiring examples from their immediate environment. The cases can be used at any level, but are especially suitable for late Bachelor and Master level entrepreneurship courses at […]

Vincent Franken Aca Startup Competition

Documents, downloads, brochures and more

In this section, you find an inventory of all the downloads, brochures, templates and some external websites referred to on this website.  Valorisation guides As mentioned in the Develop your idea section. Brochure – Practical handbook for Social Sciences and Humanities researchers Brochure – Praktische handleiding voor alfa- en gammawetenschappers Sociale- en Geesteswetenschappen  Brochure Medical technology Position Paper – Position Paper […]



Valorisatiegids – praktische handleiding voor alfa- en gammawetenschappers aan de VU, UvA en HvA (PDF)

Valorisation guide_VU-UvA

Arrange your Legal affairs

At some point in collaborations, formal arrangements – in whatever form – will become relevant. Please involve your IXA office at the earliest stage possible to assist you with this. Legal counsels of your institute have extensive experience in drafting and negotiating contracts. Do you have a request from industry regarding the use of your […]

Factsheet software development

Private: Academic Proof of Concept Fund Amsterdam

Funding for a feasibility study Do you have an innovation or invention that needs further development, but its practical feasibility and/or the (commercial) exploitation opportunities are still uncertain? Then you may be eligible for funding from the Academic Proof of Concept Fund Amsterdam (APCA)! Feasibility Study In order to attract the significant investment required for […]

IXA Proof-of-Concept Funding and Pre-Seed Loan

There are two ways in which IXA can provide funding for start-up and early stage companies: Proof-of-concept (POC) funding offers (aspiring) entrepreneurs to carry out technical feasibility studies on their research-based idea, concept, or invention. Pre-Seed loan allows starting entrepreneurs with the financial means to found/ or further build a new business. The PoC and […]

IXA UvA Informatics Feasibility Fund

Do you have an idea or invention that could do with further development. Finance a feasibility and/or commercial study for your concept or invention with the new IXA Informatics Feasibility Fund. What is the IXA Informatics Feasibility Fund? A type of funding which offers researchers and students from the Institute of Informatics UvA an opportunity […]


Private: IXAnext Physics2Market Grant

For physics related projects, up to 10-35k€ With this grant IXA stimulates the receiver to validate physics related research towards exploitation in cooperation with an industrial partner. The Physics2Market grant is meant for situations in which companies are hesitant to invest but need further confirmation that a science-based concept can become reality before they agree […]

Steven van Huiden

Michelle Meeks

Tom Stirrop

Ruben Boyd

Dilek Yusuf

Wim Meijberg

Sanne Stembert

Joris Heus

Winnaars Academic Startup Competition

Foto Humanities & AI

Foto ahti Zorg2025 Groei van de stad, groei van de zorg

Foto Opening Sustainbility Institute

Nieuw platform voor samenwerking op gebied van duurzaamheid

Donderdag 16 mei 2019 is de officiële opening van het Amsterdam Sustainability Institute (ASI) van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), een samenwerkingsplatform op het gebied van duurzaamheid en de Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Het ASI wil de bestaande duurzaamheidsexpertise op de VU bij elkaar brengen en naar een hoger niveau tillen. Urgente vraagstukken van nu, […]

Foto Radically Open Security (ROS)



Foto VU bij cases

Voorwaarden gebruik CDA VU and VUmc

GEHEIMHOUDINGSOVEREENKOMST Confidentiality Agreement / Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) / Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) VU and VUmc De onderzoeker/medewerker van VU/VUmc mag pas met een andere partij vertrouwelijke informatie uitwisselen als er een geheimhoudingsovereenkomst (de “CDA”) getekend is. WANNEER TE GEBRUIKEN? De CDA is bedoeld voor de eerste verkennende gesprekken waarbij een mogelijke samenwerking tussen partijen wordt […]

Foto 2eprijs Tamara Bouwman

Intake form MTA IN

Intake form MTA IN

Intake form MTA OUT

Intake form MTA OUT

Foto IXAnext boattour 5 March 2019


Hybrid Forms Rayogram team

Material Transfer agreements

Whenever ‘materials’, such as cell lines, anti-bodies, model systems (plants/animals), databases or other substances, are transferred from one institution or company to another, arrangements on the use of such materials should be covered in a material transfer agreement (MTA) . The materials should only be used for the purpose the materials were released for. Furthermore, […]

Afbeelding-Telegraaf robot will join interview



Confidentiality agreements

Open discussions are key to any successful collaboration. To protect the rights of each partner, it is strongly advised to sign a confidentiality agreement before the discussions start. Then information can be exchanged freely to determine whether a formal collaboration is indeed possible and useful. If this is the case, the next step is to […]

Foto Barlaues dinner 2019

Foto online vriendschapscursus

dr. Elizabeth von Hauff

Stakeholders ACE

Foto presentatie Entrepreneurship cases

Foto ondertekening Deloitte – VU


Logo DCPrime

Foto_lind_James Lind Award


Foto_Demonstrator Lab project GlucoEasy wins NWO Open Mind

justice challenge


money, funding


Foto challenge 25 en 26 oktober

Foto HvA minister-van-engelshoven


Foto frost_on_nettle_leaves-robert-reisman-wikimedia


Foto Pacmed


Logo Nico lab




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foto’s tijdens college van buitenlandse studenten aan de VU. Diversiteit en VasVU

New public-private AI research lab for medical image analysis_def

Contact IXA teams

Meet your IXA team below.


Fitsurance receives MIT subsidy

Fitsurance has been awarded a Mkb-innovatiestimulering Regio en Topsectoren (MIT) subsidy. This subsidy enables Fitsurance to do a feasibility study on the further development of their mobile application. The feasibility study investigates the development of the Fitsurance app, a mobile application (iOS and Android) that is part of the Fitsurance platform. The goal of Fitsurance is […]


The Netherlands Brain Bank, a biobank for translational neuroscience – Biobank opportunity

brain bank

The Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging – Collaboration opportunity

Knowledge Utilisation UvA 2018_including Board Resolution

Improved HIV vaccine candidates activating naïve B- cells expressing germline bNAb precursors

Improved HIV vaccine candidates activating naïve B- cells expressing germline bNAb precursors – Licensing opportunity (PDF)

Regeling Kennis, Intellectueel Eigendom en Participatie VU

Pieter van Bokhoven

Prisca Leferink

Findest, Kepler, Confocal win top ten list of most groundbreaking innovations in science

Spin-offs Findest (VU), Kepler Vision Technologies (UvA) and Confocal.nl (UvA) are three of the ten winners of the Academic Startup Competition. This was announced by a professional jury in Amsterdam in the presence of State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Mona Keijzer. As a result of the selection, they were able to pitch […]

Registration Innovation award 2019 is open!

Sign up your idea and have a chance to win € 7,500. Do you have an innovative idea and would you like to develop it further? Then consider yourself invited to participate in the 14th edition of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award. € 7,500 will be awarded to the best idea in each category […]

ACE Incubation Program April 2019

IXA-ACE course “Entrepreneurship” wins Best PhD course award

One of the educational courses organized by ACE Incubator BV and IXA Office AMC is the Graduate School course “Entrepreneurship in Health & Life Sciences” for AMC and (since last year also) VUmc PhD candidates. In two days participants attend lectures on different aspects of starting their own company, get acquainted with business model canvas, […]

Foto IXA-ACE team beste PhD cursus

Foto IXA-ACE team beste PhD cursus-aangesneden

Still SHL Maaike 1

Sociale informatieverwerkingstest voor kwetsbare jeugdigen

De sociale wereld is soms lastig te interpreteren voor jeugdigen. Inadequate sociale informatieverwerking is een belangrijke verklarende factor voor gedragsproblemen bij jeugd. Sociale informatieverwerking meten bij jeugdigen met gedragsproblemen kan nu met de diagnostische Sociale informatieverwerkingtest (SIVT). Maaike van Rest (VU) heeft samen met diverse externe partners de SIVT ontwikkeld. Belang sociale informatie verwerking De […]

Read the artikel in Hello Zuidas

Hello Zuidas 44 VU

Mentor Pool

Startup and Running A new platform for (student) entrepreneurs to find startup mentors Finding a good mentor is difficult but in the start-up phase of a company it can be especially valuable to be able to spar with an experienced entrepreneur. Therefore the Startup and Running platform was launched. Via this platform, students who want […]

Valorisation program IXAnext 2017-2022

To stimulate innovation, economic activity and entrepreneurship in both education and research, IXA developed and ran a six-year program (2017-2022): the valorisation programme IXAnext: Talent for Innovation. Some of its projects and facilities have found a more permanent place in de universities entrepreneurship infrastructure. Lasting incubator facilities at Amsterdam universities As a result of the […]

Physics on Demand

Strengthen your R&D power by collaborating with the Amsterdam physics community. For companies, the Physics on Demand programme offers the opportunity to strengthen their R&D power with innovations and facilities of the Amsterdam universities. By building collaborative partnerships, specific scientific expertise, equipment and state-of-the-art research facilities will be made available. In addition, our Research Facilities database provides […]

Demonstrator Lab

Entrepreneurship laboratory for transforming ideas into innovative products and services Demonstrator Lab is a learning-by-doing environment open to students, researchers and staff. Its goal is to foster an entrepreneurial culture within the Amsterdam higher education ecosystem and to boost research driven innovation. You find Demonstrator Lab at both the VU Campus and UvA Science Park […]

Amsterdam Venture Studios

The incubator facility for innovative knowledge and science based start-ups Amsterdam Venture Studio (AVS) has six locations throughout Amsterdam which offers workspace and dedicated support. It connect students, researchers and alumni to entrepreneurial expertise, resources and a community of like-minded peers. The Amsterdam Venture Studios offers joint incubation programs, training, and mentoring in an environment […]

Entrepreneurship cases

As part of the IXAnext valorisation program the city of Amsterdam has financed the development of ten entrepreneurship teaching cases. The cases feature successful local new venture, start-ups and/or scale-ups and are developed by teacher/ researchers who are affiliated with institutions for higher education in Amsterdam (HvA, UvA and VU). By involving regional cases in […]

Entrepreneurship in Education

Promoting and developing entrepreneurship education To bring entrepreneurship education in Amsterdam to a higher level, a number of initiatives have been developed and employed. Entrepreneurship cases for educational purposes Mentor Matching platform Start Up and Running Pilots Blended Learning Post-Experience Program for HvA alumni with a company Inspiring Amsterdam cases for entrepreneurship education Teachers active […]




Private: Blended Learning

Blended Learning, briefly stated, is the well-thought-out combination of complementary and mutually reinforcing online and face-to-face activities, which can lead to an increase in learning efficiency and student motivation. At the same time, Blended Learning can also bring about cost reductions. The successful implementation of Blended Learning requires craftsmanship when it comes to facilitating  interactions […]

Mark Mizee IXA AMC

Peter Cirkel IXA UvA-HvA

Peter Westerhuijs IXA UvA-HvA

Silvia Goddijn IXA UvA-HvA

Venture Challenge_canvas2.0

Previous finalists and winners

20190704 D-Lab newsphoto_PAS-WRAP-D Iannuzzi and I Avci

NWO-Demonstrator Grant for methane leak detection

Imran Avci and Davide Iannuzzi (Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam) have been awarded an NWO-Demonstrator Grant. The grant will give them the opportunity to test whether their PAS-WRAP technology can be used to detect methane leaks in oil and gas extraction facilities. The project is based on a new approach to gas trace detection that offers high […]


Lichtkrant – Amsia2019_def_Page_1






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Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award

The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award (AmSIA) is the Amsterdam competition for innovative ideas with a societal and/or commercial impact. The Award makes valuable ideas based on scientific research visible. Since its launch, the Award has generated more than 400 innovative, bright and applicable ideas. Many of these have resulted in concrete applications and some […]

Entrepreneurship in Chemistry Oct 2019

Ahti Connect 10 okt 2019

IXA radaren mensen


Johan Kenkhuis

Lumicks opening

Minister van Engelshoven opent nieuwe LUMICKS hoofdkwartier in Amsterdam

Het Amsterdamse techbedrijf LUMICKS opent op 16 september haar nieuwe hoofdkwartier. Ingrid van Engelshoven, minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, heeft de openingsceremonie verrichten door met een laserstraal een DNA-molecuul door te knippen. LUMICKS ontwikkelt en produceert high-tech microscopen die kunnen filmen en meten hoe moleculen en cellen interactie met elkaar hebben. Het bedrijf is […]

Meet the most innovative and impactful ideas of Amsterdam

On the 26th of November, 9 scientists will pitch their innovative ideas during the 14th edition of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award. Three prizes will be awarded to the best ideas in the categories alpha/ gamma, beta and life sciences. Register now to get a unique and exclusive opportunity to meet their ideas during […]

Stop de Bloeding red een leven groepsfoto

Stop de Bloeding red een leven hand schudden

Collaboration Het Oranje Kruis and Amsterdam UMC with “Stop the bleeding – save a life”

First Aid Instructors of Het Oranje Kruis who have successfully completed the instructor course “Stop the bleeding – save a life” will receive an annotation on their First Aid Instructor diploma. Het Oranje Kruis and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, signed a collaboration agreement for this on September 23rd. The course and the eponymous campaign “Stop […]

Lichtkrant – Finale Amsia2019

patent 2

ACE Incubation Program


Amsterdam partners focus on Life Sciences & Health and AI

AI Technology for People On Wednesday 25 September, Executive Board President Geert ten Dam joined with Mayor of Amsterdam Femke Halsema and the presidents of the Amsterdam University Medical Centre (UMC), the Vrije Universiteit (VU), the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)/ Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Sanquin and the Amsterdam Economic Board to sign a memorandum of […]

opportunity UvA IBED Astrid Groot Fall Army Worm

Collab oppor UvA-IBED_Fall Army Worm_Astrid Groot

Collab Oppor UvA-HIMS Wybren Jan Buma Vibrational Circular Dichroism

Nanny Appel 24-9-19 foto lo res Fred van Diem-8560

Quantib Amsterdam UMC

Amsterdam UMC and Quantib enter partnership to accelerate AI solutions

Amsterdam UMC and Quantib, leader in Medical Imaging AI solutions, announce their partnership to develop and validate AI software in a joint venture with University Medical Center Utrecht, named Quantib-U. As part of the deal, Amsterdam UMC will provide access to data and allocate one of its top AI Medical Imaging scientists to projects within […]



KTO Masterclass in CES Unveiled at Beurs van Berlage

On the 17th of October, 70 KTO colleagues from the different universities of the Netherlands came together to participate in the annual KTO Masterclass as part of CES Unveiled at the Beurs van Berlage, hosted by IXA. Gigi Wang kicked of the day with an energizing presentation. Gigi runs the MG-Team, which delivers global entrepreneurship […]

Finalists AMSIA

Presenting the finalists of Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2019

The finalists for the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2019 are presented. The jury, led by Gigi Wang, has selected nine finalists for the Innovation Award from all submissions from the Amsterdam knowledge and research institutes. The innovations and new technologies offer promising solutions for a wide range of social issues. The finalists for the […]


De Innovatie van Inreda Diabetic (kunstalvleesklier) is een van de nieuwe Nationale Iconen

De kunstalvleesklier voor mensen met diabetes van Inreda Diabetic is door het kabinet naast twee andere innovaties benoemd tot een van de nieuwe Nationale Iconen. Staatssecretaris Mona Keijzer van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) heeft dit onlangs bekend gemaakt. Prof. Hans de Vries van Amsterdam UMC (locatie AMC) is vanaf het allereerste begin betrokken bij […]

ahti zorg2025

huisarts, bloeddruk

Jaap Bonjer 2018

Wuite en Peterman-Anne Reitsman


Impact Awards voor Jaap Bonjer, Erwin Peterman & Gijs Wuite en Roeland van Geuns

Jaap Bonjer (Amsterdam UMC), Erwin Peterman en Gijs Wuite (VU) en Roeland van Geuns (HvA) ontvangen de Impact Awards 2019. De Amsterdamse Impact Award wordt ieder jaar toegekend aan gerenommeerde onderzoekers of onderzoeksgroepen, die met hun onderzoek en innovaties een betekenisvolle bijdrage hebben geleverd aan de maatschappij. De Award is een lifetime achievement award en […]

Winnaars Impact Award 2019 amsia kleiner

Foto Brain Buildings Business

‘Brains, Buildings, Business: de Vrije Universiteit en Zuidas

‘Brains, Buildings, Business: de Vrije Universiteit en Zuidas’ was de titel van een congres over de ruimtelijke en inhoudelijke integratie van Vrije Universiteit (VU) en Zuidas, georganiseerd in november 2018

Foto Ik-Herstel

Innovatiefonds NH investeert in e-Health applicatie voor sneller herstel na een operatie

GPO-Healthcare | Ik-Herstel B.V., een bedrijf gevestigd in Amsterdam, heeft een converteerbare lening van € 250.000 ontvangen van het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. Deze lening is onderdeel van een grotere financieringsronde en stelt GPO-Healthcare | Ik-Herstel B.V. in staat om een e-Health applicatie te introduceren die een sneller herstel na een operatie mogelijk maakt. Ik-Herstel is de […]

Medisch fotonica foto

AmSIA achterkant event

AmSIA achterkant event 2

764A9437-alleen winnaars

Winnaars Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards 2019

Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards voor 3D-geprinte embryomodellen, opsporen crimineel geld in bankgegevens en oplossing fosfaatprobleem Impact Awards voor Jaap Bonjer, Erwin Peterman en Gijs Wuite, en Roeland van Geuns Marissa de Boer (UvA), Jill Coster van Voorhout (UvA) en Bernadette de Bakker (Amsterdam UMC) en hun teams zijn de winnaars van een Innovation Award […]

764A9437-alleen winnaars-

5,4 miljoen euro om effectiviteit medicijnen beter in beeld te brengen

Het internationale consortium Photonics Translational Research – Medical Photonics (MEDPHOT) onder leiding van hoogleraar Biofotonica Johannes de Boer van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam krijgt 5,4 miljoen euro uit het Perspectiefprogramma van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) voor het programma ‘Licht voor beter zicht op ziekten’. Het onderzoek gaat mede uitgevoerd worden in het […]

Press release Optics11 acquired FAZ technology 09122019

Press release Optics11 acquired FAZ technology

Optics11 acquired Fugro’s fibre optic FAZ technology to expand its sensing platforms

VU spin-off Optics11, a company offering high-end fiber sensing solutions, has acquired the fibre-optic technology – known as FAZ Technology – from Fugro. FAZ Technology specialises in the research and development of fibre-optic sensing solutions, whose potential is much broader than Fugro’s core markets; hence Fugro’s decision to divest. FAZ Technology’s fibre-optic sensing solutions will […]


Startup SusPhos wins Gouden KIEM 2019

UvA startup SusPhos has won the ‘Gouden KIEM’ for best Dutch startup in chemistry. The award, issued by the Dutch science foundation NWO and Holland Chemistry, was presented Tuesday 10 December at the Dutch national chemistry conference CHAINS. It consists of 25,000 euros for a research project and a sculpture. SusPhos is developing technology that […]

NWO logo


Rewarded Take-off grants for Amsterdam projects

Various projects within the Amsterdam knowledge institutions have received funding through a Take-off program from NWO. With this funding, they can further investigate the market opportunities for their products through a feasibility study or with an early stage route. Projects Feasibility studies (phase 1) A Freemium model for Open Online Research: from tests to real […]

Presentation TO2 SpectriS


Logo HHA

ahti connect 11 Feb 2020.jpg

lo res Patty den Enting 3-12-19 foto Fred van Diem-2757

Patty den Enting 3-12-19 foto lo res 2 Fred van Diem-2757

ACE Incubation Program April 2020


Foto IE regeling

© brenda de vries 2019

© brenda de vries 2019

eHealth application Ik-Herstel is the Winner of the region Zorg Innovatie Prijs 2020

Ik-Herstel is the winner of the preliminary round of the National Zorg Innovatie Prijs 2020 for the Amsterdam region. The innovative start-up Ik-Herstel, a spin-off of Amsterdam UMC, is a digital coach with personal recovery advice. The e-health application provides patients with clear and relevant information before and after their surgery. A personal recovery plan […]

Beeld knie

Physics to Market grants awarded to solutions for arthritis and photonic integrated circuit

Theo Smit (Amsterdam UMC) has been awarded for the developing of a new clinical approach to prevent and treat joint problems. Therefor a degradable elastic hydrogel will be developed that can be used for joint cushioning. The gel is to be injected in the joint. Theo Smit, head of the mechanobiology group at Amsterdam UMC, […]


Robert Moltmaker lo res 3-12-19 foto Fred van Diem-2660

Maaike Alderliesten

Patty den Enting2 lo res 3-12-19 foto Fred van Diem-2757

Robert Moltmaker2 lo res 3-12-19 foto Fred van Diem-2660

Mentoring Start-Ups 2020 factsheet



Foto BOC VeiligheidNL

Hearing check for employees what might suffer from occupational hearing loss

Nearly one million Dutch people work every day in potentially harmful noise levels. More than 3000 employees annually report to the occupational health physician about hearing complaints due to noise. The product currently known as “Bedrijfsoorcheck” is a speech-in-noise hearing test and has been developed jointly by LUMC, Amsterdam UMC location AMC and the Nationale […]

COVID-19 Funding possibilities and platforms

In the fight against COVID-19, various organizations have made extra money available or set up platforms to facilitate creative solutions.

Find Funding

At some point during your research project or the development of your idea, you might need it: money. IXA offers researchers from all the universities’ research disciplines – from engineering, maths and life sciences to the arts, humanities and social sciences – a roadmap to a variety of EU and national grants and funding opportunities […]

VU bericht COVID-19 onderzoekscontracten

VUmc bericht COVID-19 onderzoekscontracten

Corona banner

Onderzoek naar behandeling voor ernstig zieke coronapatiënten

Amsterdam UMC start een klinisch vergelijkend onderzoek onder ernstig zieke patiënten met COVID-19 die met een zware longontsteking zijn opgenomen op de intensive care. Het onderzoek kijkt naar de veiligheid en effectiviteit van de behandeling met een antilichaam dat een ontstekingsfactor blokkeert, de complement factor C5a. Het complementsysteem is een belangrijke afweer tegen virussen maar […]

Two Amsterdam UMC teams selected for Venture Challenge 2020

In April two teams of Amsterdam UMC researchers from location AMC were selected for the Venture Challenge 2020, a bootcamp for entrepreneurs in life science to help them kick-start their businesses. The Venture Challenge, this year organized by NWO, consists of two workshop session of three days where the teams sharpen their business plan and […]


TKI-PPP grants awarded to Amsterdam UMC researchers

Sixteen researchers of Amsterdam UMC have been awarded a TKI-PPP grant between € 300.000 and € 750.000 to perform a research project in collaboration with an industrial party. The funding is provided by the NL government (Ministry of Economic Affairs) through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie Life […]


Foto Hipper Therapeutics BV

Hipper Therapeutics: a new startup on digital support for geriatric rehabilitation launched by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)

The startup Hipper Therapeutics B.V. focuses on the development of a digital platform for the support of professionals and patients in ambulatory geriatric rehabilitation. The platform consists of a system that can measure physical activities of the older person remotely (i.e. in the home environment), a dashboard that visualizes this information and a protocol and […]

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combinatie horizontaal (3)

combinatie horizontaal

Lava and Janssen announces collaboration to develop bi-specific gamma-delta T-cell engager therapeutics

Lava Therapeutics B.V. (spin-off Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc) announced that it has entered into a research and license agreement with Janssen Biotech, Inc., one of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, to discover and develop novel bispecific antibodies to gamma-delta T cells for the treatment of cancer. The collaboration was facilitated by Johnson […]

Beeld Lava Therapeutics


Onderzoekers passen nieuwe meettechnieken toe om barsten in oude schilderijen te begrijpen

Om meer te weten te komen over het ontstaan van scheurtjes in verflagen, hebben onderzoekers van Het Rijksmuseum gebruik gemaakt van een nieuwe meetmethode gebaseerd op technieken uit de biomedische en natuurwetenschappen, in samenwerking met onderzoekers van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Met de resultaten beoogt het multidisciplinaire team onder meer bij te kunnen dragen aan […]

Foto Photosynthetic

Geld van Innovatiefonds NH voor 3D printen op micron schaal

Photosynthetic B.V., een startup gevestigd in Amsterdam, heeft een converteerbare lening van € 300.000 ontvangen van het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. Met deze financiering ontwikkelt het bedrijf een technologie om op micron schaal 3D structuren te printen. De technologie van Photosynthetic maakt het mogelijk om 3D structuren te printen op micron niveau. Toepassingen waar 3D printen op […]


Coronavirus: the importance of ventilation

Using laser light techniques, UvA physicists and medical researchers have found that small cough droplets, potentially containing virus particles, can float in the air in a room for many minutes, especially when the room is poorly ventilated. Good ventilation in public spaces (e.g. public transport, nursing homes) is therefore crucial to slow down the spread […]

Physics2Market valorization grants also open for COVID-19 projects

The IXAnext Physics2Market funding instrument, a seed funding to kick-start collaboration with industry on subjects in physics, is now also inviting initiatives contributing to the current COVID-19 pandemic.  The Physics2Market grant not only provides funding on subjects in physics but also  in the physical sciences in the broader sense. The maximum funding is € 35,000 […]

COVID-19 task force

Researchers and staff collaborate in Amsterdam UMC COVID-19 Task Force

Over a short time period, the Coronavirus outbreak has profoundly affected the daily practice of Amsterdam UMC staff. Many promising initiatives have shown an enormous adaptive power, creativity and perseverance of the Amsterdam UMC personnel. Not only doctors, nurses and supporting staff have worked around the clock to provide the best care for patients, researchers […]

Demonstrator Lab: news and updates

Demonstrator Lab is an entrepreneurship laboratory, a learning-by-doing environment where students and staff of HvA, UvA, VU and Amsterdam UMC have the opportunity to test and transform ideas into tangible products or services. Demonstrator Lab is located at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and is part of the IXAnext valorization program. For those who have successfully started […]

Sirius Pintuition System

2016 AMSIA winner receives CE Mark for non-radioactive tumor localization system

MedTech startup Sirius Medical has received CE Mark approval for Sirius Pintuition, a non-radioactive device to localize breast tumors. In 2016 Bram Schermers, then a scientist at NKI, pitched an early concept at the annual Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards and won first prize! His pitch also caught the attention of seasoned entrepreneur Hubert Martens, […]


Alumni Joint Master Entrepreneurship (UvA/VU) often pursue entrepreneurial careers

An annual survey held by the program directors of the Joint Master Entrepreneurship (UvA/ VU), Bram Kuijken and Enno Masurel, has found that 17.8% of alumni have founded their own company and 11.0% are currently working freelance. Additionally, the study found that 41.9% of alumni is employed by a startup (19.7%) or a scale-up (22.2%). […]

HvA Regeling Intellectueel Eigendom en Kennisexploitatie 2020

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ACE foto dames lachend

Logo CimCure

Intravacc to in-license CimCure’s iBoost technology, expanding its vaccine platform portfolio

CimCure, a spin-off of Amsterdam UMC and focusing on cancer immunotherapies for solid tumors, signed a strategic partnership agreement for in-licensing CimCure’s iBoost technology with Intravacc, a worldwide leading translational research and development vaccine organization with an extensive track record in developing viral and bacterial vaccines. The iBoost (immune boost) technology was developed at Amsterdam […]

CimCure beeld technology

Logo Lumicks en Glycostem (260×194)

LUMICKS enters collaboration with Glycostem to enhance NK cell-mediated immunotherapy

LUMICKS has entered into a collaboration with Glycostem Therapeutics, the Netherlands, to improve immunotherapeutic drug development. By quantifying binding strength between immune and cancer cells using the unique z-Movi® Cell Avidity Analyzer, Glycostem exploits the predictiveness of avidity in finding the best NK-cell population for cellular therapy. Glycostem is a leading NK-cell manufacturer that has […]





CDA Templates Vrije Universiteit

Templates Vrije Universiteit Ik heb voorgaande instructies en voorwaarden gelezen en door middel van het downloaden van een van de template CDA’s hieronder ga ik akkoord met deze voorwaarden. Standaard CDA one way voor VU Standaard CDA two way voor VU

Banner Explore

ACE Humanities 2018 groep

NWO beeld image-teaser-grand-depart

Rewarded Take-off grants for Amsterdam projects

Various projects within the Amsterdam knowledge institutions have received funding through a Take-off program from NWO. With this funding, they can further investigate the market opportunities for their products through a feasibility study or with an early stage route. Projects Feasibility studies (phase 1) VU-AMS, Ambulatory Monitoring of the Autonomic Nervous System Hoofdaanvrager: Prof. dr. […]

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Chris Slootweg

IXAnext Physics2Market grant and invitation to Round Table discussion for Chris Slootweg

Chris Slootweg (UvA) has been awarded an IXAnext Physics2Market grant for his work to use sodium borohydride as a carrier of hydrogen. For his expertise on the energy transition, especially in the field of hydrogen Slootweg has been invited to participate in the round-table discussion on the energy transition.  Regeneration protocol to release hydrogen Hydrogen […]


Haermonics ontvangt investering voor betere zorg na openhartchirurgie

Haermonics, een spin-off van Amsterdam UMC, heeft de effectiviteit en veiligheid bewezen van het spoelen van het hartzakje na een openhartoperatie. Een experimentele opstelling zorgde voor significant minder bloedingsgerelateerde complicaties. BOM Brabant Ventures en GAP Technologies investeren in het bedrijf voor de verdere ontwikkeling van de apparatuur en de disposables. Haermonics blijft samenwerken met Amsterdam […]

Logo AlphaBiomics

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A story of VU startup Fitsurance

Fitsurance and how they ‘pivot’ during COVID-19, as a VU ‘personal health’ startup All was lost (well, almost) After a great pilot-project in Zeeland, where we measured runners on the beach, to see what a 3-day running event did with runners’ health,  we stepped up our efforts to prepare for 2020, in order to make […]

IXA_VU en Amsterdam UMC Spin-off brochure

IXA_UvA brochure Spin off_van onderzoeker naar ondernemen NL

Amsterdam UMC and AlphaBiomics initiate collaboration to validate biologics treatment response predictor RxSelexTM in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease

This collaboration is part of 2-year UK government-funded project to bring RxSelexTM closer to patients Amsterdam UMC and AlphaBiomics Ltd., a United Kingdom (UK)-based precision medicine company, have initiated a collaboration to personalize care in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD patient response to biologics therapy is highly variable, with some patients receiving long-term benefits, […]

Logo AlphaBiomics

Geert D’Haens web

Webinar: Introduction in Valorisation

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Ahti Connect 8 oktober


Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP Grant

TKI-PPP grant Amsterdam UMC stimulates its researchers to perform research projects together with companies in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). The call for ‘Amsterdam UMC TKI-grant PILOT call 2024’ is now open. The grant amounts available to both AMC and VUmc will of course be combined again, creating a budget of approximately € 4 million that will […]

Lumicks Harbor

Introduction of LUMICKS consumables and script-sharing platform to facilitate Dynamic Single-Molecule analysis

In a move to broadly unlock Dynamic Single-Molecule (DSM) analysis, LUMICKS simultaneously launched two major initiatives: a new business line for reagents, biochemistry kits, and services, as well as its Harbor platform for sharing of DSM scripts. These new resources dramatically simplify the experimental workflow and make DSM analysis accessible across different fields and expertise […]

ASC Logos finalists 2020

VU startups Digi.bio and NextRound competing to become ‘Best academic startup in the Netherlands’

Digi.bio and NextRound are selected to compete with 18 other startups by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI) and Techleap to compete in the finals of the second edition of the Academic Startup Competition. The 20 startups were nominated from no fewer than an astounding […]


Afbeelding contracten


Finnish company impressed by AI technology of AVS start-up Findest

Amsterdam Venture Studio’s startup Findest scouts technologies by using IGOR^AI. A Finnish electricity grid operator Fingrid Oyj used IGOR^AI to find out how they could increase the transmission capacity or eliminate bottlenecks. In Fingrid magazine the company shared their experience, arguing that “[IGOR^AI] is one of the first applications to really demonstrate how artificial intelligence […]


AVS start-up Triply working together with Dutch Ministry of Finance

The Dutch government’s yearly national budget, the Miljoenennota, initiates a budget implementation cycle. This consists of various phases; spending, adjusting, auditing and reporting. During this cycle, the Dutch Ministry of Finance collects a multitude of reports and other information resources, originating from various government sources. The Ministry used to manually copy the data and use […]


Johan Hoorn en Elly Konijn ontvangen Huibregtsenprijs 2020

Johan Hoorn en Elly Konijn (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) hebben voor hun onderzoeksproject ‘Alice’ de Huibregtsenprijs ontvangen. ‘Alice’ is een elektromechanisch kleinkind dat eenzaamheid verdrijft. In een vegrijzende samenleving is sociale eenzaamheid een groot problem. Om die reden ontwikkelden de onderzoekers ‘Alice’. Het robotmeisje vereist een vorm van interactie waarbij het AI-systeem gevoel voor de gebruiker […]

More than 75% of the Entrepreneurship students aim to start their own business

This is the 7th year of the joint UvA & VU master Entrepreneurship (since 2014/2015). About 85 students on average per year were welcomed. This academic year, 2020/2021, between 90 and 100 students were welcomed. This number is slightly higher than last year. Origin per knowledge institute 49% of the students obtained their bachelor’s degree […]

IXA Demonstratorlab 2020

IXA Demonstratorlab 2020

Standaard CDA one way voor VU

Standaard CDA one way voor VU

Standaard CDA two way voor VU

Standaard CDA two way voor VU

Standaard CDA one way voor VUmc

Standaard CDA one way voor VUmc

Standaard CDA two way voor VUmc

Standaard CDA two way voor VUmc



Computer game tests potential employees for integrity


Gezond ouder worden met diabetes type 1

Voor de behandeling van diabetes mellitus type 1 lijkt poeptransplantatie steeds meer een interessante therapie. De darmbacteriën van anderen kan de gezondheid van deze groep patiënten verbeteren, maar genezing zit er nog niet in. Om het onderzoek naar poeptransplantatie verder te ontwikkelen, krijgt Amsterdam UMC vandaag een subsidie van één miljoen euro van het Diabetes […]


VU professors start company PersonalAIze BV

Mark Hoogendoorn and Sandjai Bhula, both Professors at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam set up the company PersonalAlze BV together with two Professors from Germany, to bridge the gap between academia and application in AI. The company is focused on consultancy in the area of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and aims to bring the latest scientific insights into […]


Patented ‘molecular heaters’ to increase crop yield

Novel concept based on sunscreen-like molecules could boost crop production worldwide. Researchers at the University of Amsterdam have developed a novel class of molecules capable of raising the temperature of plants. Application of such ‘molecular heaters’ allows crops to grow at lower environmental temperatures. This can extend the growth season, increase the availability of arable […]


LAVA therapeutics receives 71 million to advance novel immune oncology programs

Amsterdam UMC spin-off LAVA Therapeutics*, a biotech company pioneering the development of bispecific antibodies to engage gamma-delta T cells for cancer therapies, has raised €71 million to fund the advancement of its pipeline and platform. With the money, LAVA expects to be able to start a number of clinical studies for the treatment of tumors […]

Business Developers

Legal Counsels

Amsterdam UMC and VU employees can find their Legal Counsels online (intranet): Amsterdam UMC, About Legal Research Support (LRS) Amsterdam UMC Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Institutional and Legal Affairs – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (vu.nl)

Grant Advisors

Amsterdam UMC and VU employees can mail their requests for Grant Support to: Amsterdam UMC Research Grant Support or visit their website VU Grant Office or visit the website(VU intranet)


Computerspel test potentiële werknemers op integriteit

Integriteit is een persoonlijkheidstrek die relevant is voor hoe mensen zich gedragen, voornamelijk voor mensen in machtsposities. Ondanks dat het mogelijk is met standaard en nieuwe assessmentmethoden – zoals een computerspel – integriteit van potentiele werknemers in kaart te brengen, zijn deze methoden voor het meten van integriteit voor dergelijke openstaande posities zelden onderdeel van […]

Meer dan woorden alleen

Spreken ze Nederlands in New Jersey en komt robot uit het Tsjechisch?

Tot in de twintigste eeuw werd er Nederlands in de staat New Jersey gesproken, het woord robot is afkomstig uit het Tsjechisch, klanken kunnen hoekig zijn en gedichten kun je ‘schrijven’ in gebarentaal. Deze en nog meer taalvondsten en -feiten vind je in scheurkalender Meer dan woorden alleen. De kalender is samengesteld door taalkundigen van […]

IXA 2020

AVS start-ups continue to develop despite COVID-19

Start-ups and spin-offs affiliated to the Amsterdam Venture Studios establish new partnerships, keep developing and adjusting their innovative products and continue to take the stage in events, despite the disruptive changes the COVID-19 pandemic made in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Partnerships Establishing new partnerships is important for start-ups. Through partnerships, start-ups can develop their market strategy […]

IXA Demonstratorlab 2020

IXA Demonstratorlab 2020

L UVA kalender 1



Logo Lumicks

LUMICKS and Leucid Bio enter into a strategic collaboration

LUMICKS, a spin-off of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, is pleased to announce a collaboration agreement with clinical-stage biotech company Leucid Bio, which seeks to utilize LUMICKS’ z-Movi® Cell Avidity Analyzer (z-Movi) to accelerate entry of immunotherapeutic candidates into clinical trials. The goal of the partnership is to evaluate the efficacy of Leucid Bio’s next-generation chimeric antigen […]

Spinoza center


petri dish. cell lines. lab equipment

HepaRG-CAR: a new human liver cell line

HepaRG cells outperform all other proliferative sources of human hepatocytes in liver functions. Now we modified the HepaRG cell line by stable lentiviral overexpression of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR), a regulator of e.g. detoxification and energy metabolism, which has the following advantages: High liver functionality & increased mitochondrial energy metabolism in monolayer, particularly in […]

The Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging

The Amsterdam imaging core that offers access to both conventional (3 Tesla) and ultra- high field (7 Tesla) MRI facilities for fundamental and clinical research into the workings of the brain and brain disorders. Click here to download the brochure (PDF, 131kb) For more information contact:

The Netherlands Brain Bank, a biobank for translational neuroscience

Drug target discovery in neuroscience is increasingly relying on human samples to generate meaningful data that translates into actionable strategies. Open access to well-characterized brain tissue of high quality is crucial to obtain these insights and is the goal of the Netherlands Brain Bank. Click here to download the information sheet on this collaboration opportunity […]

Abuse Potential Evaluation with Pharmaco-MRI

A means of assessing abuse liability of experimental drugs in man using MRI methods and evaluating and mitigating abuse risk of novel Mechanisms-of-Action. Assessment of abuse potential of experimental drugs that engage with novel Mechanisms of Action is required as part of their development. The FDA strongly encourages industry to pay more attention to the […]


brain. brainbank. hersenen

Beeld MKBDigitalWorkspace

Mona Keijzer officially launched ACE initiative MKB Digital Workspace

On Friday November 20 State Secretary Mona Keijzer launched the national SME workshops digitization. The State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate talked to SME entrepreneurs and students. During the online event, Mona Keijzer launched the SME workshops by offering them to MKB Nederland. The majority of SME entrepreneurs are aware of the opportunities and […]

Losse visual foto’s

Startup Digi.bio one of the Top 10 most groundbreaking academic startups in NL

The ten winners of the prestigious Academic Startup Competition 2020 can use the title ‘Best Academic Startup of 2020’ for the coming year. The winning startups were chosen by an expert jury after a thrilling final in which all 20 finalists were asked to pitch. The ten winners were chosen on the basis of their value proposition, the […]

AMSIA 2021: Join us live!

Private: Take-Off Fund

Take-off is the funding instrument that is available to all scientific fields. The fund encourages activity and entrepreneurship within the Dutch knowledge institutions. Academic entrepreneurs – but also starters from universities of applied sciences (HBO) and starters who are making use of knowledge from institutions for Applied Research Organisations (TO2) – can use the fund […]

DB2 group coronasafe-Digi.bio

DB2 group coronasafe-Digi.bio-aangesneden-



VC PacingCure

Foto VC team Paging Cure

PacingCure wins the Venture Challenge 2020

Amsterdam UMC spin-off PacingCure is the winner of the Venture Challenge at the online edition of the Dutch Life Science Conference on the 26th of November. PacingCure develops precision gene therapies for common cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies, aiming to restore the natural pacing of the heart. The company is founded on combined research from the […]

Stairway to Impact Award and Rabo Sustainable Innovation Award for Chris Slootweg SusPhos – HIMS – University of Amsterdam

Stairway to Impact Award and Rabo Sustainable Innovation Award for Chris Slootweg & SusPhos

Chemist Chris Slootweg of the University of Amsterdam receives the very first Stairway to Impact Award from Dutch funding agency NWO. Slootweg developed a process to recover phosphate from waste streams, such as sewage, and upcycle it so it becomes suitable for high-end industrial applications. SusPhos has only been around since 2019, but the start-up […]

Arbeidsmarktresearch UvA BV

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New physics2market projects funded

The physics2market fund has awarded 10 to 35k euros to five astonishing projects. The projects cover gas sensing in stables, a laboratory facility, SMIs, COVID-19 virus and 3D-printing. The physics2market fund will enabling researchers to make a first step in collaborating with an industrial partner. Gas sensing in stables Marcel van der Horst (HvA) has […]

Humanities Bootcamp succesvol

Eind november hebben studenten van VU en UvA de Humanities Bootcamp succesvol afgerond, een initiatief van Humanities Lab, ACE en IXA. In een intensief programma leerden de beginnende ondernemers de basics over het starten van een eigen bedrijf. Winnaar van de pitchwedstrijd aan het einde van de week is UvA student muziekwetenschappen Sydney Schelvis die […]



Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP call closed: 50 applications received

In September 2020 the call for the Amsterdam UMC TKI grant 2021 opened. The pre-application closed on November 20. Knowing that applying requires a serious effort of the researchers, we were very happy and proud to receive a total of 50 applications. There is an amount of 8 – 9 million euros available to be […]

Beeld SpringerNature

Exploring societal impact: “You need to listen and be flexible.”

Springer Nature Group is interviewing researchers about their experiences of creating societal impact through research. Read the interview with Jutka Halberstadt, assistant professor at the Department of Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and the Dutch national project manager of Care for Obesity. She works on the improvement of care for children with obesity in order […]

Plantics Persbericht VepaDrentea_Lancering Hemp collectie_20201124

Plantics develops chair that absorbs more C02 than it emits

The sustainable chairs are developed by UvA spin-off Plantics in collaboration with furniture manufacturer VepaDrentea. The seat is made of hemp and resin, both of which are completely organic, platy and recyclable. UvA researchers Prof. Gadi Rothenberg and Dr. Albert Alberts accidentally found a sticky mass in their search for a biofuel from biological waste […]

© brenda de vries 2019

© brenda de vries 2019

ACE Incubation Program Cohort group photo


Webinar HighTech NL

High Tech NL visiting IXA online

On December 9, IXA organized an online event in which the members of High Tech NL, the branch organization of High Tech companies and organizations, visited spin-off initiatives in the area of sensors and AI in the Amsterdam region, like Optics11 (Spin-off VU, that uses his knowledge in fiber optics and acoustics in various applications) […]


LUMICKS and LAVA Therapeutics enter collaboration to characterize its tumor-specific γδ T-cell engagers

In their quest of creating safe and effective immunotherapy cancer treatments, VU spinoff LUMICKS and Amsterdam UMC spinoff LAVA Therapeutics joined forces. The partnership aims to evaluate the efficacy of various tumor-specific γδ T-cell engagers based on the resulting binding strengths (cell avidity) between T cells and tumors, measured with LUMICKS newly installed z-Movi® Cell […]


Foto Nilas

Slimme bokszak wint Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2020

VU startup Sports-f(x) is uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de 12e Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2020. Oprichter Nilas van Woersem ontving de prijs uit handen van jurylid Jan Hoefnagels voor de NextRound Boxing Bag, een slimme bokszak die direct feedback geeft. De Dutch Sports Innovation Award is de stimuleringsprijs voor een innovatief en kansrijk product of […]

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Reducing plastic waste and lowering CO2 emissions is the top priority of the EU when it comes to environmental action. Yearly almost 400 million tons of plastic is produced worldwide. New legislation forces industries to use alternatives to fossil-based plastics. Therefore, a shift to biobased and biodegradable plastics is needed. Current status? Today bioplastics only […]

Arbeidsmarktresearch UvA

Arbeidsmarktresearch UvA BV (ARR) is verbonden aan de vakgroep Arbeidsrecht van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en is in 2010 opgericht door professor Evert Verhulp. ARR ontwikkelt digitale, juridische kennissystemen op het gebied van het arbeidsrecht in brede zin. Het belangrijkste doel is de toegankelijkheid van het recht te verhogen en gebruikers inzicht te geven in hun […]


Photanol BV is een spin-off bedrijf opgericht in maart 2008 door UvA Ventures Holding samen met het Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Prof. Klaas Hellingwerf en Prof. Joost Teixeira de Mattos. Photanol produceert chemicaliën op basis van de hernieuwbare bron CO2. Met gepatenteerde, fotosynthetiserende cyanobacteriën wordt koolstofdioxide (CO2) door zonlicht omgezet in waardevolle chemische producten. Dit […]


Oefenweb.nl BV is een spin-off bedrijf van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, opgericht in januari 2009 door de Programmagroep Psychologische Methodenleer van de UvA (Prof. Dr. Han van der Maas) en UvA Ventures Holding BV. Oefenweb.nl maakt adaptieve online leersystemen, zoals de Rekentuin.nl, die aan het Game & Train, Track & Teach principe voldoen. Als kinderen educatieve computerspelen spelen (Game), […]


Confocal.nl BV is een spin-off bedrijf van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Het bedrijf is in februari 2016 opgericht door Erik Manders (Faculteit FNWI/SILS) en Peter Drent (ex Nikon Instruments Europe). Het bedrijf ontwikkelt een innovatieve en goedkope ‘plug & play’ oplossing om bestaande confocale microscopen, ook wel laser scanning microscopen genoemd, scherper te maken. Naast deze […]


CellaGenics BV  is a spin off of the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS/FNWI), University of Amsterdam. The biotech was founded in 2008 by UvA Ventures Holding to further develop biomedical applications of groundbreaking fundamental findings published by the group of Professor A.P. Otte. As of 2012 this technology (STEP® ) has been licensed to Batavia Biosciences […]



Sightcorp BV is a spin-off company of the University of Amsterdam (Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science), which was founded in July 2013 as a result of the work of Dr. Roberto Valenti, inventor, and Dr. Theo Gevers, professor of Computer Vision Technology in Amsterdam and Barcelona. Sightcorp offers technological solutions for automated facial […]

prototype cervical cancer screening device

Physicist Davide Iannuzzi awarded ERC PoC grant for project involving cervical cancer screening device

Davide Iannuzzi, a physicist at VU Amsterdam, has been awarded a Proof of Concept grant by the European Research Council (ERC), for the DIADEPH project. He plans to use this €150,000 research grant to explore ways of commercializing a new, non-invasive gynaecological device that can improve population screening for cervical cancer by excluding cancer before […]

Jill Coster

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COMCRIM – Jill Coster van Voorhout PhD, associate professor

COMCRIM: COMbatting CRIMes that undermine the rule of law in a smart and comprehensive manner, in a financial public-private partnership and through artificial intelligence – with a focus on human trafficking, money laundering and corruption Contactpersoon: Mw. mr. dr. drs. J.E.B. (Jill) Coster van Voorhout PhD, associate professor.

Cees Snoek

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AI voor veiligheid, zorg en welbevinden

AI voor veiligheid, zorg en welbevinden Contactpersoon: Dhr. prof. dr. C.G.M. (Cees) Snoek, Universiteit van Amsterdam


Invitation: launch new entrepreneurship teaching case “Eva de Mol: Successful Female Venture Capitalist”

It is with pleasure that we invite you for the online launch and interactive demonstration of the new entrepreneurship teaching case Eva de Mol: Successful Female Venture Capitalist on Wednesday 2 June from 16:00-17:00 hr. About the case Eva de Mol founded CapitalT in February 2020, together with Janneke Niessen. Their success can be expressed […]



Afbeelding VROOM

prototype-ERC Grant Davide Iannuzzi

Rewarded Take-off grants for Proof of Concept study

Various projects within the Amsterdam knowledge institutions have received funding through a Take-off program from NWO. With this funding, they can further investigate the market opportunities for their products through a feasibility study. VROOM: A virtual 3D room to accelerate tactical sports training Hoofdaanvrager: Dr. D.L. Mann, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam De ontwikkeling van atleten in teamsporten kunnen […]

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Sustainable Development Important for European Business Incubators

Sustainable development is an important phenomenon nowadays: see the current importance of, for example, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, the climate discussion, and the Circular Economy. Also the important role of business incubators for fostering entrepreneurs who wish to start up and develop their businesses is clearly acknowledged nowadays. Despite the acknowledged importance of […]

VU startup Findest part of French Virtual Reality AI innovation mission

  25 to 27 January, secretary of state Mona Keijzer led an AI innovation mission to France. Obviously fully digital, but as in-person as possible with the help of VR technology. Startup Findest was among the 27 participating Dutch companies. Find out how Findest co-founder and VU alumnus Vincent Franken presents himself in a virtual […]


2. Anna Heijker

ACE Health and Life Sciences

First 2021 ASIF P!tch event a success

With over 150 attendees and 30 start-up applicants, the 5 best start-ups pitched on the 21ste of January during this online event. Lexbee, Bloomcoding, Ziemi, Intrical AI and Nibblr took the stage to battle for both the Audience and the Jury price. Although all 5 pitches were of very high quality, the audience voted for […]


Scientists at VU Amsterdam launch spin-off Incircular

Incircular BV was founded by three (bio)chemists at VU Amsterdam who have developed a novel technology for stabilizing proteins: INCYPRO. In their recently launched spin-off, Saskia Neubacher, Sven Hennig and Tom Grossmann will use this technology to stabilize proteins for applications in drug development, diagnostic testing, and biocatalysis. INCYPRO-stabilized proteins Proteins are a class of […]

Afbeelding nieuwsbericht oproep inzending

Sign up for Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2021

Sign up your idea and have a chance to win € 10.000! Do you have an innovative idea and would you like to develop it further? The Innovation Award is the Amsterdam competition for research based innovative ideas that contribute to a better world. You have the chance to get feedback on your idea, get […]


Events & News

Foto Sakia Neubacher en team – Incircular

Start-up Cupplement receives investment in TV program Dragons Den

Is it possible to create a cup of coffee that’s healthy and tasty? At the entrepreneurship laboratory Demonstrator Lab at the Vrije Universiteit, Florian Fermin (27) and Stefan Wateler (26) developed Cuppelement, a Fairtrade biodegradable coffee capsule with added superfoods and vitamins. During the Dutch TV program Dragons Den, the entrepreneurs successfully persuaded the dragons […]




Predator: Start-up branding in a highly competitive market

To bring entrepreneurship education to a higher level, IXA is developing case studies about inspiring entrepreneurs. Each case features a successful company from the Amsterdam region. The new case study “Predator” provides insight into how customers perceive brands and the roles that a brand can play in their everyday lives. The Case Because of the rise […]

VU PHD’s dive into the world of entrepreneurship

The first VU Explore PhD Program was successfully completed on Friday February 26, 2021. Over the course of this 3-day program, initiated by Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and executed by Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE), 26 highly motivated PhDs at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam got the opportunity to learn about the basics of […]

Demonstratorlab logo

Instagram link in bio

Thank you for visiting our website through Instagram. Click one of the links below for the information you are looking for. Sign up for the free workshop to work on you AmSIA proposal Or visit one of our websites: IXA AmSIA DemonstratorLab Amsterdam Venture Studios  


Millions for AI knowledge and investment consortium

A knowledge and investment consortium made up of a large group of Dutch universities and a venture capitalist has been awarded an €8 million grant to accelerate the application and marketing of innovations in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The TTT.AI consortium will focus on transferring knowledge generated by AI research and providing early-stage funding […]


Optics11 and Optics11 Life secure funding to accelerate growth

Optics11 and Optics11 Life have secured funding from Rabobank. The funding will be used to strongly accelerate growth across global markets, to further build the team for the future and to strategically expand the high-tech product portfolios of both business units. “This is the right moment to pick up the pace. Rabobank’s funding helps us […]

Optics11_Funding announcement

Foto Cupplement


Azafaros enters clinical stage with AZ-3102, an oral small molecule being developed for rare neurogenetic disorders

Azafaros B.V., an Amsterdam UMC spin-off, announced today that the first cohort of healthy subjects has been dosed in a two-part Phase 1 clinical study with clinical candidate AZ-3102, a first-in-class small molecule compound being developed for the treatment of rare neurogenetic disorders. This double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 1 study is evaluating the safety and tolerability […]

Beeld ahti connect sociaal ondernemen

Dit is een test

Dit is een test

AMC spin-off SuperSeton prepares for US market

SuperSeton had its best quarter ever despite COVID-19. The spin-off developed a tool to close setons for Fistula treatment without a knot, preventing irritation and discomfort for patients. SuperSeton is distributed in Europe and beyond. Because of its success, the spin-off prepares to expand their reach and launch in the US.

Milestone: AMC spin-off Nico-lab closed AU$13 million

AMC spin-off Nico-lab raises AU$13 million in a Pre-IPO round. The scale-up developed StrokeViewer, a decision support tool that helps physicians to give stroke patients the right treatment in time.


VU spin-off Lumicks raises $93 million for further development of next generation instruments

With an investment of 78 million euros, the Amsterdam-based medical high-tech company LUMICKS is taking a big step forward in the further development of the next generation of instruments for biological research and drug development. The company started in 2014 in the basement of VU Amsterdam. The company now almost has one hundred and fifty […]

Team DigiBio

Get to know VU Amsterdam Startup Digi.Bio

Gold Award Winner at Academic Startup Competition and participant in the Digital Mission West Coast USA. Digi.Bio works at the intersection of biology, computation and engineering to develop faster and smarter automation tools that accelerate life science discoveries. MT/Sprout made an interesting video portrait of the award-winning startup. According to co-founder Sabrina Zaini, the VU […]

Private: Workshops & Events

Develop your skills  When introducing your idea to society, you may discover that you need to improve certain skills. That is why IXA organises a number of workshops, courses, webinars, seminars and much more. These enable researchers to explore activities that enhance the valorisation of research, develop their proficiency in specific valorisation–related topics, and gain essential entrepreneurship skills.  Workshops and courses for researchers on all aspects of valorisation E.g., Take your place at the table for the Valorisation webinars where […]

Beeld Taalcentrum VU

Private: COVID-19 Force majeure

In many cases, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on current research contracts with cooperation partners and grant providers. In legal terminology, a pandemic such as the COVID-19 pandemic can be described as force majeure. Contractual obligations in such a situation are regulated by law in the Netherlands. Most contracts also have an article […]


TKI-PPP grants awarded to Amsterdam UMC researchers

Seventeen researchers of Amsterdam UMC have been awarded a TKI-PPP grant between € 300.000 and € 750.000 to perform a research project in collaboration with an industrial party. The funding is provided by the NL government (Ministry of Economic Affairs) through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie Life […]

The Spring ’21 Incubation Program of ACE kicked off!

ACE presents the 14 innovative startups part of the Spring ’21 edition of their incubation program. In total, they have received over 170 applications, of which 35 startups were invited to pitch in front of team ACE and their mentors. On Monday May 3, the first session of their 10-week program took place online. Amsterdam […]

AmSIA applications are being assessed

The applications for the Innovation Award, the Amsterdam competition for innovative ideas that contribute to a better world, are being assessed. The organisation of the Innovation Award received a lot of cutting edge ideas for new businesses, systems, products, platforms and more. “We are very happy with the amount of applications we received,” says Richtsje […]

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Promising Phase III data for a new passive vaccine against RSV

Infection by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants. The currently available preventive treatment is a monthly injection with an anti-RSV antibody, which is only given to high-risk infants and only temporarily provides protection due to a limited half-life. Now, a new antibody against RSV, which was developed by scientists […]

RSV Yale Rosen Flickr


Students of UvA receive €100,000 for sign language project

Master students of the UvA and University of Oslo received €100,000 for the DITA project to bridge the communication gap between users of sign language and society. The DITA project, located in Demonstrator Lab, was awarded the STUD-ENT grant from the Research Council of Norway last April. There is a communication gap between users of […]


425K investment for VU startup Cargoplot

Cargoplot recently raised 425K funding by several angels and ASIF Ventures, a startup fund run for, and by, VU, UvA and HvA students. Cargoplot is an online platform for e-commerce importers and freight forwarder, that aims to speed up the process of finding the best freight forwarder on specific routes for different types of cargo. […]

Invitation: launch new entrepreneurship teaching case “Predator”

It is with pleasure that we invite you for the online launch and interactive demonstration of the new entrepreneurship teaching case about Predator on Tuesday 26 January from 16:00-17:00 hr. The Predator case was written by Jorge Labadie (Strategy Director at 37°Celsius brand consultancy and affiliate faculty member at the Amsterdam Business School) and Ileen […]

Entrepreneurship Case-Eva de Mol – IXA-kleiner

Amsterdam UMC teachers developed an online platform to structure curriculum information

Teachers from the department of medical informatics of Amsterdam UMC have developed an online platform to gather and visualize structured curriculum information, called act-E. Education managers, teachers and students use this platform to gain insights regarding their curricula that could never be viewed as easily before. These insights help them to have an informed conversation […]

Beeld Lalaland Wehkamp

VU startup Lalaland.ai starts collaboration with Wehkamp

VU alumni International Business Administration Michael Musandu and Ugnius Rimsa founded Lalaland in 2019. The startup generates and hyper personalizes full human body models from head to toe by using AI. As a result, models are available in different ethnicities, sizes and ages, allowing customers to always recognize themselves in the clothing of their choice. […]

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Milestone: A novel antibody for chronic kidney disease is now entering clinical phase

Chronic kidney diseases are a severe and growing worldwide problem with a lack of effective treatments often leading to dialysis, transplantation, and high costs to health care systems. Now, a monoclonal antibody, named BION-1301 (anti-APRIL), is being developed to treat patients with IgA nephropathy. BION-1301 is a potential disease-modifying approach to prevent the formation of […]


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VU en Amsterdam UMC brochure

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AmSIA jury

Beeld ASIF Pitch XL

Pre-finalists of the Innovation Award announced!

The pre-finalists for the Innovation Award, the Amsterdam competition for innovative ideas that contribute to a better world, are now selected! The pre-finalists have a chance to win one of the three Innovation Awards and €10,000. The Innovation Award has three categories: Society, Health and Environment & Climate. In the coming months, all pre-finalists will […]

ACE Explore Program: CERN

For whom Individuals and teams up to 4 persons; Based in the Netherlands; Individuals interested in creating applications from CERN technologies. The 2-day program includes: Mini design sprint sessions Founder story Pitch training Pitching contest with jury panel Details Dates: 13 & 14 September 2021 Time: 09:00-17:00 Location: @ Startup Village – Amsterdam Science Park […]

Amsterdam UMC scale-up company Caelus Health has reached an important milestone. Caelus Health recently started a key clinical trial in individuals suffering from Metabolic Syndrome or pre-diabetes; these individuals are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The microbiome product based on a single micro-organism (named A. soehngenii) may delay or even prevent the onset […]


Scale-up Cealus Health starts key study on microbiome product

Amsterdam UMC scale-up company Caelus Health has reached an important milestone. Caelus Health recently started a key clinical trial in individuals suffering from Metabolic Syndrome or pre-diabetes; these individuals are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The microbiome product based on a single micro-organism (named A. soehngenii) may delay or even prevent the onset […]

Linking oral and general health challenges

Oral healthcare professionals in the Netherlands join forces in ORANGEHealth.nl in a mission to shape the future of health and healthcare. In the future, the dentist could play a much greater role in monitoring overall physical health, says Willem Fokkema, Executive Director at ACTA Dental Research. Read here the full article.




Beeld ILCA

VU rejoins ILCA as a core partner

The Chemistry and Pharmaceutical sciences group at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) has recently rejoined Innovation Lab Chemistry (ILCA), which provides innovation support to chemical companies, supported by various organisations in the region. With this participation, the VU hopes to contribute new knowledge and expertise in addition to the existing universities that are already part of […]

Paper published with Amsterdam UMC developed smart manuscript platform

This month the first smart manuscript created with FiglinQ was published in Nature. FiglinQ is a new collaborative platform, developed by Amsterdam UMC researcher Dr. Przemek Krawczyk, that enables a new approach to scientific publication. Using FiglinQ, scientist can create their own smart manuscripts with shareable, interactive, data-connected charts and figures. This could provide a […]



Open Kitchen Labs: an accessible chemistry lab for startups

Sustainable Chemistry, is Open Kitchen Labs belangrijk voor het eco-systeem op Amsterdam Science Park dat is gericht op het tot wasdom brengen van innovatieve ideeën en het stimuleren van ondernemerschap en valorisatie. “Het Demonstratorlab biedt onderzoekers en studenten de eerste mogelijkheid te ontdekken of hun idee tot een product of dienst kan leiden met betekenis […]


VU alumnus startup listed in top 5 startups MT/Sprout

GymStory – co-founded by VU Amsterdam alumnus Business Administration Lars van der Wal – has been named by MT/Sprout in the top 5 startups working hard from the Netherlands to conquer the sports world! GymStory (resident of Amsterdam Venture Studios on VU Campus) makes it easy to keep track of fitness activities and share them with others: a kind of […]

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VU alumni tech startup selected by Google’s Black Founder Fund

Recently, Google for Startups announced that startup Lalaland.ai – co-founded by VU Amsterdam alumni International Business Administration Michael Musandu and Ugnius Rimsa – was one of the 30 selected for Google’s Black Founder Fund. Lalaland generates and hyper personalizes fully human body models using Artificial Intelligence. In October 2020, the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund announced a $2 million initiative […]


Amsterdam UMC drug seems effective against Corona

A scientific breakthrough: Amsterdam UMC researchers may have found a very effective medicine against Corona. Research shows that the drug Imatinib, usually prescribed for Leukemia and gastric cancer, halves mortality and shortens the stay of Covid patients at the ICU by a week. Imatinib is especially effective in the 20 percent most ill Covid patients. […]

Valorisation and Impact training: creating a societal impact strategy

For whom For VU PhD’s in all disciplines, from the social sciences and humanities to law, economics, physical and behavioral sciences and natural sciences. We can place a maximum of 12 participants. A selection process might be needed. After the two sessions you will: Know about different motivations to engage with impact Know what impact […]

nextdoor beeld

Samenwerking VU en Nextdoor in het Grote Nextdoor Buurtonderzoek

Door buren bij elkaar te brengen, kunnen we bijdragen aan een vriendelijkere wereld waarin iedereen een buurt heeft om op te bouwen. Dat is het motto waar VU en Nextdoor elkaar gevonden hebben. Peer Smets en Jasper Muis (sociologie) van de faculteit sociale wetenschappen verrichten onderzoek naar de leefbaarheid van buurten, waarbij gekeken wordt naar […]


Imran Avci (VU) receives funding awarded in Open Technology Programme AES (NWO) for developing routine cancer diagnostics and screening

Implement light sources, detectors and sensing elements with a single optical chip for better results in routine cancer diagnosis and screening. Imran Avci of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has received a grant from the Open Technology Program AES (NWO) to develop this optical chip, the COMB-O. With this approach, Avci and her team hopes that […]


IKH phone + winnaar

IkHerstel app wins the ‘VGZ Zinnige Zorg Award 2021’

VGZ stated that the IkHerstel app is the most innovative health care idea in the Netherlands in 2021. A special app that provides patients with relevant information before and after their surgery and a personal recovery plan has won the Zinnige Zorg Award 2021 (Meaningful Care Award).  IkHerstel helps patients recover faster after surgery and […]


amsia award



Met de Fitkit ontdek je in 15 minuten hoe jij gezond ouder kunt worden

Doorstart voor veertigplussers, na ‘corona’ Gezond ouder worden willen we allemaal. Hoe we dat doen, verschilt van persoon tot persoon. Wat voor de één werkt, werkt voor de ander niet. Voor veel mensen is het echter niet eenvoudig om te bedenken met welke leefstijl zij het beste gezond ouder worden. De Amsterdamse start-up Fitsurance ontwikkelde […]

Fast, Large-Scale 3D-Printing with Sub-Micron Resolution

collab oppor Fall Army Worm

Fall army worm pest control

The team of prof. Astrid Groot from the UvA Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) are looking for a financial sponsor which can help close the funding gap or a organization who is interested in a partnership. Aim is for finding a sustainable control strategy to address to the fall army worm pest in […]

leaflet Fall army worm pest control UvA-FNWI-IBED

the gate

utrecht holdings


TTT AI consortium


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Rewarded Take-off and Demonstrator funding

Various projects within the Amsterdam knowledge institutions have received funding through a Take-off or Demonstrator program from NWO. This will allow researchers to further develop their results into a commercial product, carry out a feasibility study into the commercialisation of their innovation or enter the market as a start-up. Take-off phase 1 – Feasibility study  […]


Beeld NWO covenant








MIT subsidy for analysis of smart system for exercise motivation

Fitsurance was awarded RVO MIT feasibility subsidy from Provincie Noord Holland. With this subsidy Fitsurance will investigate the feasibility of a Reinforcement Learning system that analyzes the best method to motivate someone to exercise more. The software is intended for patients with a metabolic disease and for healthy people to prevent metabolic diseases. The feasibility […]

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VU spin-off Incircular receives support from Noord-Holland Innovation Fund

VU spin-off Incircular received a €300,000 convertible loan from Noord-Holland Innovation Fund. With the loan, Incircular will further develop its INCYPRO technology to stabilize proteins for applications in research and drug discovery.  Proteins perform a plethora of essential tasks with unparalleled efficiency and specificity within every organism. It is these properties that have driven scientists […]


Dr. Alexander Kostenko’s tips for creating a start-up

What are the first steps when beginning a start-up? IXA sat down with postdoctoral researcher and entrepreneur Alexander Kostenko to obtain advice for starting academic entrepreneurs. Starting a company is “really hard,” explains Alexander Kostenko with a smile. Alexander found his start-up Photosynthetic in 2019 so he could build high-end 3D printers that make micron-sized objects […]

Kostenko’s tips for creating a start-up

Workshop: Introduction in valorisation

What can valorisation contribute to my research? Would you like to know more about how to create societal or economic impact with your (preliminary) research results, translate it into practical applications or share it with external parties?  Then this workshop is for you. In this workshop you will learn in a nutshell what activities are […]

Addendum to the Set of Guidelines Dealing with IPR and Students

Demonstrator Lab launch ASP

Following the tremendous success of the Demonstrator Lab at the VU campus, the Amsterdam knowledge institutes have decided to launch a new location at Amsterdam Science Park. The new location will be situated in the heart of the UvA Faculty of Science’s laboratories, on the ground floor of building D. The reconstruction of the lab […]

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Experiencing the AmSIA as a finalist

What is it like to participate in the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award? We spoke to Dr Monalisa Goswami about her participation in 2017.  The Amsterdam Science and Innovation Award is “a celebration of innovation coming out from scientists,” says Monalisa. “It makes you feel special.” The Amsterdam Science and Innovation Award (AmSIA) is the […]

LUMICKS, Photanol and Optics11 in top 250 scale-ups

VU spin-offs LUMICKS and Optics11 and UvA spin-off Photanol are in the top 250 scale ups in the Netherlands. The Top 250 Scale-ups is made up of the 250 Dutch companies that grew the most in turnover and/or employees during the period 2016 until 2019. LUMICKS, Optics11 and Photanol have grown as companies despite of […]

Start-up Verides wins ING circulair entrepreneurship award

Start-up Verides has won the ING Circulair ondernemenprijs. Verides is developing a device that could revolutionize the recycling industry. Recycling plastic is only possible by using high-quality plastic. But separating top quality plastics from lower quality plastics has proven to be very hard. Verides has now developed a device that solves this problem. The start-up […]

VU start-up NextRound secures funding

VU start-up NextRound received funding of the government initiative Sportinnovator. NextRound develops a smart boxing bag that enables gamification of workouts. This makes training more fun and effective. With the funding, NextRound will now work together with the VU and Vechtsportautoriteit to study how the boxing bag can make an impact on the world of […]


Amsterdam UMC cursus opgenomen in de nieuwe Nederlandse Richtlijn Eerste Hulp

Onlangs is de cursus ‘Stop de bloeding, red een leven’ standaard EHBO geworden in Nederland, en dus opgenomen in de nieuwe Nederlandse Richtlijn Eerste Hulp. De cursus – een initiatief van traumachirurg Leo Geeraedts – is de eerste gecertificeerde cursus in Nederland waarbij  iedereen kan leren om levensbedreigende bloedingen te stoppen als omstander. De cursus is […]


studenten, overleg

End of Pipe Knowledge Transfer: Fundamentals and Practice

For whom This course is for 3rd and 4th year PhD students of the Faculty of Science of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and related interdisciplinary research institutes (IOZIs) Subjects Valorization; The Amsterdam Entrepreneurial Ecosystem; Entrepreneurial behavior; Outreach; Collaboration with external commercial partners; Intellectual property rights. Details Course duration: 1 November 2021 – 1 April 2022; […]

Beeld ChloroSpec

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UvA assistant professor Mazi Jalaal receives Physics2Market subsidy for research

Mazi Jalaal – assistant professor at the Institute of Physics at the University of Amsterdam – has received a Physics2Market subsidy to work out his idea on a new technique to measure the mechanical properties of soft materials, based on image processing and artificial intelligence. The goal is to develop a cheaper and simpler rheometer, […]

Foto Ronald van Steden

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ChloroSpec, the newest spin-off of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The project ChloroSpec, initiated by Alfred Holzwarth and Roberta Croce, establishes as BV. Lead by Peter Kievit (serial entrepreneur), ChloroSpec is a developer of plant health and stress analysis systems. ChloroSpec has developed a new technology that should become the gold standard in chlorophyll fluorescence monitoring of plants and algae, and analyzes how plants respond […]


Llama ‘nanobodies’ could outwit HCMV VU scientists found

A small fragment of a llama antibody, also called ‘nanobody’, is capable of reducing human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in patients, scientists at the Vrije Universiteit and University of Cambridge found in a study. This could lower CMV-associated diseases and mortality during life-saving solid organ and stem cell transplantation and could be a potential lifesaving drug. HCMV […]

Beeld politie bij Ronald van Steden VU


Dr. van Steden of VU starts new cooperation with Dutch police

Dr. Ronald van Steden enters into a partnership with the Dutch police. Together they are committed to guide and monitor the new position of ‘director care and safety’ (regisseur zorg en veiligheid) in Amsterdam. Dr. Ronald van Steden, Associate Professor of Public Administration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Senior Researcher at the NSCR, has […]

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Beeld NextRound

story talk diversity inclusivity

Story Talk: How to build a diverse and inclusive start-up

How is diversity and inclusivity relevant for start-ups? And what can you do as a start-up to contribute to these themes? IXA sits down with Michael Musandu and Bouchra Talidi to talk about the benefits of building a diverse and inclusive start-up and to receive some tips on how to do so.

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Dr. Kostenko on finding a team and funding for start-ups

How do you create a team and find financial support when you launch a start-up? IXA talked to postdoctoral researcher and entrepreneur Alexander Kostenko. When Alexander launched his start-up Photosynthetic in 2019 to build a new kind of 3D printer, he didn’t have a team yet, nor financial resources. Now, he has found a team […]




Public voting for the AmSIA 2021 is closed

Thanks for all the votes! Per category, the participant with the most votes will go to the final. The ballot boxes are open! Vote for your favorite innovative idea that contributes to a better world. We have selected the pre-finalists of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award. You can now vote which ideas should be […]

Combining strengths to spur innovations in oncology and neurology

The mission of Amsterdam Oncology and Neuroscience Research (ADORE) is to propel research into the development and application of next generation therapeutics. The initiative combines the strengths of different disciplines – oncology and neuroscience – to investigate disease mechanisms and new treatment options using different perspectives and methods. ADORE is a joint initiative from Amsterdam […]

Presenting the finalists of the AmSIA 2021

The finalists for the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2021 are presented. The jury, led by Gigi Wang, and the public have selected nine finalists for the Innovation Award from all submissions from the Amsterdam knowledge and research institutes. The innovations and new technologies offer innovative solutions for a wide range of social issues. The finalists […]

Finalists AMSIA


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Last physics2market grant awarded to VU assistant professor Raoul Frese for research

Raoul Frese – assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – has received the last Physics2Market subsidy to further develop material to substitute mineral wool in greenhouses. Greenhouse horticulture is a highly controlled way to grow crops and flowers in a semi-artificial environment. This main industry in the Netherlands […]

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Beeld Photonics Healthcare

Amsterdamse Impact Awards voor onderzoek naar vluchtelingen en diversiteit, klimaatadaptatie en virusantilichamen

Halleh Ghorashi, Jeroen Kluck en Hergen Spits winnaars Impact Award 2021!


Study of anesthesiology possible through support of Amsterdam UMC spin-off

Oxygen is of vital importance. In critical situations, the management of oxygenation is difficult. Many interventions during and after surgery and in intensive care are aimed at maintaining oxygen levels in organ cells. Until now, only indirect information about this has been available. As a result, what is the best treatment for the individual patient […]


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amsia award

Amsterdamse Impact Awards voor onderzoek naar vluchtelingen en diversiteit, klimaatadaptatie en virusantilichamen

Halleh Ghorashi, Jeroen Kluck en Hergen Spits winnaars Impact Award 2021!



Nederland als Valorisatie-hotspot van Europa

Op 1 november heeft de commissie KTO-Nederland namens alle KTO’s van de universiteiten, UMC’s en TNO hun plan aangeboden aan Focco Vijselaar, directeur-generaal Bedrijfsleven en Innovatie van het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Door samen te werken en keuzes te maken kan Nederland de valorisatie hotspot van Europa worden.


Join us online for the festive finale of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award

Join us online for the festive finale of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award!

Innovation Awards 2021 uitgereikt

Amsterdamse Science & Innovation Awards 2021 voor digitale urineweegschaal, nanofolie en dyslexiespel voor kinderen  In NEMO Amsterdam zijn voor de 15e keer de jaarlijkse Innovation Awards uitgereikt. De innovatieprijzen zijn een initiatief van Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA). IXA bekroont met de Awards vernieuwende ideeën van jonge onderzoekers, verbonden aan de Amsterdamse universiteiten en kennisinstellingen. Tom […]



Bestaand medicijn verbetert prikkelverwerking bij kinderen met autisme

Een veilig medicijn tegen hoge bloeddruk helpt kinderen met autisme prikkels beter te verwerken; een studie van Amsterdam UMC bewijst dit. Daarnaast ontwikkelden de onderzoekers een algoritme dat helpt voorspellen bij welke kinderen dit middel werkt. “Deze methode brengt een eerste behandeling op maat in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie”, aldus hoofdonderzoeker Hilgo Bruining. Uit het […]

Amsterdam UMC proudly presents new spin-off Kling BioTherapeutics

Kling BioTherapeutics is a newly-formed Amsterdam UMC spin-off that is discovering and developing innovative antibody and antibody-derived drugs to treat cancer and infectious disease patients. With its lead program preparing to enter human clinical trials, Kling is well positioned to become an immuno-oncology biotech leader with a novel discovery platform and a robust pipeline of first in […]

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Logo Kling blauwe letters breed

Groepsfoto Humanities Bootcamp


JCA innovation vierkant transparant

Kickoff ACE Incubation Program Fall 2021



Aftermovie: Explore Entrepreneurship in Public Health ’21

A few weeks back, the two-day explore program – a collaboration between the Amsterdam Public Health research institute and ACE – successfully took place for the first time. The program supported APH researchers to identify how they can improve the impact of the research that they are working on. “What stood out most in the […]

ACE presents: 23 innovators part of the Fall ’21 cohort

ACE is incredibly proud to present: the 9 innovative tech and science based startups participating in the ACE incubation program, Fall ’21. The cohort kicked off on Monday November 29 in a hybrid format and we’re still buzzing with excitement. ACE Program Manager, Daniela Redondo Velez, asked the founders to share their hopes & dreams […]

Johan Cruijff ArenA a living lab for UvA researchers

The UvA and Johan Cruijff ArenA started a partnership that aims to increase the societal impact of research in society with joint research projects. The Johan Cruijff ArenA is a vibrant innovative organization and one of the most exciting living labs in the Netherlands. Right from the outset of the Johan Cruijff ArenA’s innovation platform […]

Business Developer AI

ACE Explore Program: Social Sciences Humanities & Law Program

Are you interested in learning more about societal entrepreneurship? This 3-day program aims to help you discover the ins and outs of venture creation, taking into account societal impact to generate a business idea. With this program we aim to enlighten, provide practical guidance and inspire you with examples of entrepreneurship in the Social Sciences, […]

HealthInc 2022 Demo Day

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Toby Kiers wint NWO Stairway to Impact Award

Evolutionair bioloog Toby Kiers en oprichter van SPUN is een van de drie winnaars van de Stairway to Impact Award van NWO. Elke winnaar ontvangt 50.000 euro, bedoeld om te gebruiken voor verdere stappen richting impact en kennisbenutting. De drie winnende onderzoekers hebben volgens NWO ‘effectieve stappen gezet om met hun wetenschappelijke resultaten maatschappelijke impact […]

Valorisatie in praktijk: Research Centre for Longevity Risk

UvA Amsterdam School of Economics en Nationale-Nederlanden openden afgelopen december een nieuw onderzoekscentrum, dat de ontwikkeling en impact van veranderende levensverwachting onderzoekt. Het kennistransfer office van de UvA, IXA-UvA, leverde een mooie bijdrage aan de totstandkoming van deze Publiek-Private samenwerking met uitgebreide valorisatie ondersteuning. ‘Ondanks de lange aanloop is in een relatief korte tijd het nieuwe Research […]

Valorisatie in de Praktijk

De samenwerking tussen IXA en FEB bij realiseren van Research Centre for Longevity Risk

Take-off financiering voor 10 Amsterdamse projecten

In de najaarsronde 2021 van de NWO Take-off Grant hebben tien Amsterdamse projecten, ontwikkeld aan de UvA, VU, de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC en ACTA, een Take-off financiering toegekend gekregen. Kennisintensieve en innovatieve starters kunnen met deze financieringsvorm een haalbaarheidsstudie uitvoeren en de commerciële toepassing van vernieuwende ideeën toetsen. Tegelijkertijd kunnen de ontvangers de […]


Amsterdam UMC spin-off FiglinQ takes off

Amsterdam UMC researcher Dr. Przemek Krawczyk has developed FiglinQ: a cloud-based, collaborative platform for analysis, interactive plotting and publishing of research data in smart manuscripts. Earlier this year, Przemek was awarded an IXA Proof of Concept grant to launch FiglinQ, and since then several big milestones have been achieved: In June, the first smart manuscript […]


UvA spin-off Sightcorp acquired by American company Raydiant

What started as a spin-off of the UvA’s Informatics Institute is now a successfully developed technology that is ready for the global market. Sightcorp, specialist in the field of digital out-of-home artificial intelligence, has been acquired by the American company Raydiant. The company takes over Sightcorp’s team, company name and technology. The company Sightcorp was […]

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RuG new partner in ARCNL consortium

De Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG) is begin dit jaar toegetreden tot het consortium van het Advanced Research Center Nanolithography (ARCNL). Daarmee krijgt dit publiek-private onderzoeks-consortium toegang tot lab- en onderzoeksfaciliteiten van de RuG. Enkele RuG onderzoekers zullen daarnaast te gast zijn in het Matrix 7 gebouw op het Amsterdam Science Park. Het ARCNL lab is een […]


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Demonstrator Lab @ Amsterdam Science Park welcomes first projects soon

The successful university incubator Demonstrator Lab Amsterdam will also soon open its doors at the Amsterdam Science Park in building 904. Thanks to the huge success at the VU location and the enormous need for such a living lab, the incubator is expanding with a location in the UvA FNWI building. At both locations, researchers […]

business man on a boat watching the future with binoculars

business man on a boat watching the future with binoculars


3. Inspire


Knowledge Bites: Intellectual property and patenting

Why is intellectual property important? What is included in intellectual property and what not? How does patenting work? Sanne Stembert of IXA explains everything you need to know about the valorisation process, intellectual property and patenting.




Online tool Oncokompas remains available thanks to collaboration with provider Sananet

Oncokompas en e-Health aanbieder Sananet gaan samenwerken om patiënten met kanker te helpen met het verbeteren van hun kwaliteit van leven. Oncokompas is een online tool waarmee patiënten met kanker vragen kunnen beantwoorden over onderwerpen zoals fysieke klachten, psychische problemen, en leefstijl in relatie tot hun ziekte. Op deze manier geeft Oncokompas inzicht in de […]

Optics11 10e

VU spin-off Optics11 number 10 in Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100

VU spin-off Optics11 heeft de 10e plaats behaald van beste innovaties van Nederland in 2021 van de Kamer van Koophandel. De oplossing voor het monitoren van deelontladingen – OptimAE PD – is op nationaal niveau erkend als een innovatie met impact. Hierdoor kan het maximale uit de elektrische hoogspanningsapparatuur worden gehaald en worden de onderhoudskosten […]


hand, deal

Foto Tom Grossmann

ERC Proof of Concept grant for chemist Tom Grossmann

Tom Grossmann, professor of Biomimetic Chemistry at VU Amsterdam, has been awarded a Proof of Concept grant by the European Research Council (ERC), for the proCOLON project. He plans to use this €150,000 research grant for the development of new therapeutics for colorectal cancer. With more than 1.9 million new cases and 935,000 related deaths […]

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Health insurer and ZonMw stimulate implementation of the ikHerstel app

De ikHerstel-app, ontwikkelt vanuit Amsterdam UMC, was recent in het nieuws. Aanleiding was een overeenkomst tussen het Maastricht UMC+ en zorgverzekeraar VGZ om het gebruik van een hartritme-app te financieren als onderdeel van de reguliere zorg. De ikHerstel-app (winnaar VGZ Zinnige Zorg Award 2021) wordt momenteel nog op beperkte schaal toegepast. Deze app is met […]

Foto OrangeHealth ACTA

Logo Gemeente Amsterdam

Workshop postponed: Research collaboration

Share your knowledge with confidence. Are you going to collaborate with an external organization, or have you been asked to make research results available? What should you take into account when working with an external partner? The IXA colleagues will give you an overview of what industry is looking for, and how you can prepare […]

Feestelijke afsluiting IXAnext valorisatieprogramma

Vijf jaar geleden is het IXAnext valorisatieprogramma gestart. Een samenwerking tussen de Amsterdamse kennisinstellingen en de Gemeente Amsterdam om valorisatie en kennis-gedreven ondernemerschap een impuls te geven. Nu, vijf jaar later, kijken we trots naar wat er is gerealiseerd en blikken we vooruit naar de toekomst. Graag nodigen wij u van harte uit om het […]

Workshop: How to fund your idea

From valorisation grants to collaborating with companies. Are you looking for funding to explore the feasibility of your idea for a product or service in order to develop your idea further? During this workshop you will gain insight in the funding options at different stages of valorisation. The valorisation/ utilisation paragraph in grant applications is […]

Workshop: From research-based idea into an impact strategy

With your research activities you generate ideas constantly. But translating an idea into an application, innovation, product, or service is usually more challenging. In this workshop our experts share different models on how to transform your idea into a more concrete concept that can be turned into a solid business case. What can you expect? […]

ORANGEHealth receives subsidy for oral health collaboration

Het consortium ORANGEHealth.NL ontvangt ruim 1,5 miljoen euro vanuit de Topsector Life Science & Health om de toekomst van (mond)zorg en (mond)gezondheid in Nederland te verbeteren. Het consortium is een samenwerking tussen de 3 Nederlandse academische opleidingen voor tandheelkunde, waaronder die van ACTA, en de 4 hogescholen voor mondzorgkunde met publieke en private partijen. Speciale […]

Demonstrator Lab @SP opens 28 March 2022

The successful university incubator Demonstrator Lab Amsterdam opens a second location at Amsterdam Science Park. Thanks to the huge success at the VU campus  and the enormous need for such a living lab, the incubator is expanding with a location in the UvA FNWI building. At both locations, researchers and students from the HvA, UvA, VU […]

Opening Demo Lab Jan Lintsen – Chris Slootweg foto Bas Aalbersberg 764A7818

Jan Lintsen officially opened DemoLab @Science Park

On Monday 28 March, Jan Lintsen, member of the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam, opened the second location of the successful university incubator Demonstrator Lab Amsterdam. Demonstrator Lab Science Park offers employees and students the opportunity to become acquainted with entrepreneurship and product development in a hands-on and innovation-oriented environment. The opening of […]

Explore: Impact Creation & Entrepreneurship in Public Health

Are you an Amsterdam Public Health research institute (APH) researcher and do you want to learn more about the effect that your research can have beyond academia, societal impact creation and entrepreneurship in the public health sector? Join our 2-day explore program on impact creation &entrepreneurship in public health on June 10 and 17. This […]

Explore Entrepreneurship VU PhD program

For whom We welcome PhDs at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) to register for the course. The program The 2-day Explore Program includes: Ideation session; Lean startup methodology session; Funding opportunities session; Meet the founder session; Pitch competition with a jury of experts. Details Dates: March 29th and April 5th, 2023 Time: 9:00-17:15 Location: VU campus, […]

Workshop: Entrepreneurship in science

For researchers eager to explore entrepreneurship and want to know more about the facilities university offers Are you curious about what entrepreneurship in science exactly entails? Dreaming about your own company, what this can mean for your development and how the university facilitates entrepreneurship? What steps are involved and what should you take into account? […]


Loads of new ventures and inspiration: five years of IXAnext program

On 14 April we concluded the valorisation program IXAnext: talent for innovation with a festive gathering.






Beeld video Demonstratpr Lab

DLab video

Five years of Demonstrator Lab

At Demonstrator Lab, two locations: @Zuidas and @Science Park, researchers and students from the HvA, UvA, VU and Amsterdam UMC can go to develop and test their research-based idea for a product or service. In the past five years, more than 100 projects were launched, from which 21 start-ups have emerged. Jardo Stammeshaus (co-founder of […]

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Stories of Physics2Market Fund

The Physics2Market fund offered researchers the opportunity to take physics research from lab to society. For example, by building a prototype or proof-of-concept study, collaborations with companies emerged. Raoul Frese – assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, Biophysics Photosynthesis/Energy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – received the last Physics2Market subsidy to further develop material to […]


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Five years of Amsterdam Venture Studios

The academic incubator facility Amsterdam Venture Studios has found its place in the heart of five campus locations in Amsterdam (Startup Village on Amsterdam Science Park, LawHub on Roeterseiland, AVS VU Campus, AVS Humanities Lab on City Centre Campus, HvA Venture Centre at the campus in Zuidoost and AVS ahti near AMC also in Zuidoost). […]

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Entrepreneurship Education

Developing high-quality entrepreneurship education – Amsterdam’s higher education institutions have been working closely together on this since 2008. This was done in the IXAnext valorisation program between 2016 and 2021. We proudly present the main results of the IXAnext program: Ten Amsterdam entrepreneurship cases; Post experience education for alumni; Blended learning modules; A mentoring platform […]

Beeld APH Explore

Beeld Free for APH researchers

Workshop postponed: How to protect your knowledge

Patents and other means to safeguard inventions and innovations Have you come up with a unique invention or innovation? Then you might need to protect it to ensure commercial control over it. But how do you protect your invention, what are the benefits of patenting and how does the university supports you in this? Attend […]

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IXA Amsterdam UMC, location AMC

IXA-HvA Venture Centre

IXA-UvA @Science Park

IXA Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc

Beeld APH valorisatie projecten

Funding for three interesting APH valorisation and impact projects

At the start of 2022, Amsterdam Public Health (APH) in collaboration with IXA have launched a call for support of valorisation and impact projects within the research institute. This resulted in 23 interesting applications, of which three projects have been awarded a grant of € 2500.- complemented with in-kind support from Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA). […]

IXA CDA VU two-way (NEW – September 2020)

IXA CDA VU two-way (NEW – September 2020)

ACE presents 6 innovative startups of the Spring ’22 cohort

The ACE Incubation Program kicked off with six innovative tech and science based startups of VU, UvA, HvA and other universities. In this 10 week program the startups will get intensive training after which they are ready to spread their wings. Meet the startups: DBugIT – VU Startup Sector: Software Founders: Marc Went, Robert Jansma, […]


Spring cohort ’22 group photo


Cover Gurney

Patenting: steps to bring innovation to the clinic

To make innovations in health care quickly accessible for patients, it is vital to assign value and significance to inventions (=valorization). One way to valorize is to protect the novel intellectual property by a patent. The patent underlines the importance of the finding and grants value, which is necessary for clinical development and implementation. Have […]



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First dog in the Netherlands successfully treated with vaccine against bone cancer

Dog Rax had bone cancer, was given a cancer vaccine at the Medical Center for Animals, and seems to be all right. It is hopeful news in the development of a cancer vaccine for humans, says Arjan Griffioen, professor of Experimental Oncology at Amsterdam UMC. He has been working on the development of this vaccine […]

Newly founded Amsterdam UMC spin-off Phlox Therapeutics receives seed investment

The pre-seed investment from BioGeneration Ventures will be used to advance Phlox’s lead program focused on rare genetic laminopathies.

Academic Startup Competition 2022

The registrations for the Academic Startup Competition 2022 are now open! During a Grand Finale on October 5th the ten most promising Dutch academic start-ups will be announced. This event will take place at the campus of Erasmus University Rotterdam. A good chance for you to compete with the top academic start-ups! The 20 finalists […]

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Humanities hub with a view to the world

New collaboration between City of Amsterdam, KNAW and UvA connects the humanities with society. On 31 May, Mayor of Amsterdam Femke Halsema, Leo Lucassen, vice-president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Humanities Cluster and Geert ten Dam, President of the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) signed a cooperation […]



VU start-up Gymstory received a loan from Innovation Fund Noord-Holland for the development of a platform for tracking fitness activities

Gymstory B.V. heeft een converteerbare lening van €234.000 euro ontvangen van het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland voor de ontwikkeling van haar platform voor het tracken van fitnessactiviteiten in de sportschool. Het project van Gymstory wordt gefinancierd met co-financiering van Jordy Kool’s Iron Asset Management & Graduate Entrepreneur Fund. Met de financiering kan Gymstory hun Proof-of-Concept technologie testen […]

Beeld Sem Vijverberg

Beeld Tijmen Bakker UvA

Logo Faculty of Impact

Sem Vijverberg (VU) and Tijmen Bakker (UvA) selected as participants in Faculty of Impact

Sem Vijverberg – PhD Candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – and University of Amsterdam PostDoc researcher Tijmen Bakker have been selected as participants in the Faculty of Impact, and will be taking part in an intensive two year program where ten ambitious scientists work with each other and with a selection of experts to conquer […]


Revalorise+ program: for SSH researchers seeking to create impact

Unlock the value of your social sciences + humanities research. Join the free training program that starts October 6th this year, if you want to create societal impact with your SSH research. Revalorise+ uncovers new insights, knowledge and valorisation skills which enhances the entrepreneurial potential and social impact of SSH research. REVALORISE+ is led by […]

#thisisvalorisationtoo: book by UvA researchers full of language mysteries and curious stories in bookstore now

Every language contains riddles and secrets, currently there are seven thousand+ known languages. A treasure trove of colourful, curious and enigmatic stories. Every language tells a story about and gives a picture of the culture and the people that speak or have spoken this language. And every language is full of riddles and secrets that […]

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Beeld Anya Biotech wins Proefdiervrij venture Challenge 2022

Anya Biotech wins the Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge 2022

Anya Biotech, representing Amsterdam UMC, has won the second edition of the Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge on the 22nd of April 2022. Their winning innovation is based on research from the Department of Medical Biology at the AMC. The team takes home €25.000, – in prize money to kick-start their venture based on human heart models […]


TTT-AI & NWO AI startup workshop

Visual 2 – UvA


Regeling Kennisexploitatie AMC+VUmc per 01-06-2018_ENG

Knowledge Exploitation Regulation 2019 VU

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Start-up OrthoKey BV received financing from Innovation Fund

OrthoKey B.V., een start-up gevestigd in Amsterdam, heeft een converteerbare lening ontvangen van het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland voor de ontwikkeling van haar oplossing ter verbetering van de diagnostiek bij klachten na een gewrichtsvervanging. Het project komt voort uit het Amsterdam UMC en wordt mede gefinancierd vanuit een Topconsortium Kennis & Innovatie, Public Private Partnership (TKI-PPP) en […]

Leergang Bouwstenen praktijkgericht onderzoek (HvA)

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Demonstrator Grant for development of novel chemical probe

Prof. Sander Woutersen of the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (UvA) has been awarded a Demonstrator Grant of 160,000 euros by the Dutch Research Council NWO (Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences). Together with his colleague and Veni-fellow Dr Giulia Giubertoni he will be developing a structure- and size-sensitive chemical probe. In their project […]



Call for Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP grant proposals

We are very happy to announce that the call for Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP grants is now open. Deadline for your pre-applications is November 18, 2022.


photo by Fred van Diem 2012

Eddytec spins out HvA and UvA

Eddytec is the newest spin out of Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) and University of Amsterdam (UvA). It develops sensing solutions for detection of defects in carbon fibre composites.

Studio HvA voorkant buiten

Studio HvA buitenzijde voorkant


AmSIA ’21 winner SolarFoil spins out UvA

UvA’s most recent spinout SolarFoil aims to increase greenhouse productivity by optimizing sunlight to increase crop yields. In doing so, the use of SolarFoil aims to reduce the use of energy- hungry artificial lighting and make horticulture more sustainable.

Haermonics Series A funding offers Pure™ promise for future heart surgery patients

Haermonics, a clinical-stage breakthrough medtech company, has successfully closed a 4.3 M Series-A financing round with an investment syndicate led by existing shareholder BOM, strategic partner Demcon and Stepping Stone (a fund managed by healthtech venture builder NLC), further including impact investor Invest-nl and a group of strategic private co-investors.

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Amsterdam UMC spin-off PacingCure received EIC Transition funding

Amsterdam UMC spin-off PacingCure received a prestigious EIC Transition grant of 2.5 million euros. PacingCure develops platform gene transfer technologies for the heart and uses these technologies to engineer novel treatments for cardiac arrhythmias in patients with high unmet medical needs.

WasteBase receives AUAS Launch Grant

Creatieve oplossing voor reststromen. Studenten Romaike Slikker en Ramon Iongh ontwikkelden binnen het 10K programma van het HvA Venture Centre een innovatieve oplossing voor hergebruik van materialen. Met de toekenning van een HvA Launch Grant kunnen zij hun idee uitwerken tot een prototype. “We gaan een marktplaats starten waar producenten uit de Nederlandse industrie hun […]

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Presentation New Entrepreneurship Case

This is the story of Ruben Brave, a Dutch citizen from Amsterdam, with a Surinamese background, and with a black skin. Ruben is a successful serial tech entrepreneur, investor, and board member at several impactful organizations such as the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER). He is also playing a key role in […]


Big step forward for Crohn’s disease treatment is near

Recently, researchers from Amsterdam UMC and other European hospitals, together with several companies and patient organizations, have proposed a revolutionary strategy for the treatment of Crohn’s disease and received funding of more than €10 million.


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Elisabeth Jäckel wins UvA 3 Minute Thesis pitch competition

Industrial and organizational psychologist Elisabeth Jäckel, UvA PhD candidate with the section Leadership & Management at Economics & Business, has won the UvA preliminary round of the international Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) pitch competition. In the 3MT competition, PhD candidates pitch their research in three-minute videos aimed at an audience of non-scientists. Elisabeth will represent the UvA this autumn at the European final.

ACE Inspire: Entrepreneurship Program | Explore entrepreneurship in multidisciplinary fields

Are you a researcher at the University of Amsterdam and are you curious to learn more about the opportunities entrepreneurship has to offer? Join our 2-day Inspire Entrepreneurship program to know what it takes to start an initiative or venture. Throughout this program, you will be working in teams to develop a new or existing […]



Flying start Megosu

Megosu.com is een online community voor productontwerpers. Van een bescheiden community is het platform in korte tijd uitgegroeid tot de grootste online community voor designers. De mogelijkheden voor verdere ontwikkeling van het platform kunnen met deze subsidie worden onderzocht. Megosu-oprichters Max Hochstenbach en Guido Lok zagen dat veel studentprojecten die ontstaan tijdens de opleiding Product […]

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Story of Maaike van Rest (VU Amsterdam)

How to make an impact with your research and what does it take to go from idea to product or service. Watch the video of Maaike van Rest. Maaike explains what has helped her to bring an idea to the market in the shape of a product.

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Story of Sue Gibbs (ACTA / Amsterdam UMC)

How to make an impact with your research and what does it take to go from idea to product or service. Watch the video of Sue Gibbs, regenerative medicine ACTA / Amsterdam UMC. She explains how her research contributed in making a lasting impact.

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ACE AI & Entrepreneurship: from Challenge to Startup

During the event we will: Shine light on the mission & vision of the rebranded ACE AI Lab (formerly AI Startup Lab); Share the lessons learned of a seasoned AI entrepreneur (T.B.A); Introduce the bright team working on the uniQure challenge who will present their results uniQure challenge; Present the upcoming challenges and partners; Bridge the gap between […]

IXA-HvA @Amstelcampus

IXA-UvA @REC Impact

UvA grants license on fast 3D-printing with sub-micrometre detail

The University of Amsterdam has reached a license agreement with the Gouda-based company atum3D on a method for fast, large-scale 3D-printing with sub-micron resolution. The method, developed at the university’s Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, combines photo- and stereo-lithography to produce high-resolution features at scale. Potential applications include tissue scaffolds for regenerative medicine, […]

Foto Toby Kiers

TIME named Toby Kiers as one of the 100 emerging leaders of 2022

Evolutionary biologist Toby Kiers is named to the 2022 TIME100 Next List. TIME100 Next highlights 100 emerging leaders who are shaping the future of business, entertainment, sports, politics, health, science and activism, and more.



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Optics11 Life raises €5 million in funding for superior life science instruments

Optics11 Life, the fiber optics life science instrumentation company, announced today €5 million in new venture capital from FORWARD.one and returning investor Value Creation Capital.

TKI grant recipients

In 2023 a number of researchers of Amsterdam UMC have again been awarded a TKI-PPP grant between € 300.000 and € 750.000 to perform a research project in collaboration with an industrial party. The following videos highlight the 2023 grant recipients of the Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP grant. For a quick overview of all the winners […]


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7 million in grants awarded to Amsterdam UMC researchers

Researchers of Amsterdam UMC have been awarded a TKI-PPP grant between € 300.000 and € 750.000 to perform a research project in collaboration with an industrial party. The funding is provided by the NL government (Ministry of Economic Affairs) through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie Life Sciences […]


SusPhos received EU funding for upcycling solution

UvA spin-off SusPhos has been selected for the EIC Accelerator funding. They receive a grant and an equity investment from the EU fund for its game-changing solution for upcycling phosphate from waste streams into sustainable products. SusPhos, now based in Leeuwarden, aims to create “urban mines” in Europe to produce phosphate compounds out of waste. […]

Beeld Law Hub clinic

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Use of Smart ‘swimming cap’, directs people suffering a stroke to right hospital

A smart swimming cap with electrodes can diagnose a stroke in the ambulance, so that a patient receives the correct treatment more quickly.

IXA-GO CDA VU two-way (NEW – October 2022)

IXA-GO CDA VU two-way (NEW – October 2022)

IXA-GO CDA VU one-way (NEW – October 2022)

IXA-GO CDA VU one-way (NEW – October 2022)

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Hybrid stereolithography utilises composite imaging where large-scale, low-resolution patterns are realised using a DLP (Digital Light Processing) projector. Within these layers, pre-defined photomasks enable the realisation of micro-features. What’s more, switching photomask patterns between layers can create three-dimensional repetitive micro-features. The method can be implemented in conventional DLP 3D printers with only minor modifications. Materials include photopolymers currently used stereolithography but can also include composites such as ceramic or metal-laden photopolymers. The method has been demonstrated with a proof-of-principle setup, resulting in printed parts with feature sizes under 10 μm. The theoretical resolution limit, however, is much lower. Image: HIMS.

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Impact story of Melvyn Roerdink (VU Amsterdam)

How to make impact with your research and what does it take to go from an idea to a product or service. Melvyn Roerdink is Associate Professor Technology in Motion at the Department of Human Movement Sciences (FGB) at VU and tells about the augmented reality queuing application, Holocue, he developed for people with Parkinson’s. […]

PreActive Mockup

MIT Feasibility subsidy for VU start-up PreActive to adopt AI in Welness app

VU start-up, PreActive, has been awarded the MIT Feasibility Study subsidy of € 20k from Provincie Noord-Holland! With this subsidy funding PreActive will explore the utility and feasibility of incorporating Artificial Intelligence within the PreActive wellness app to help improve & personalise the user experience. Feasibility study of the Wellness app The PreActive Wellness app […]

PreActive Founders

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gathering of people in susphos plant


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Entrepreneurship journey of VU spin-off Optics11

Talking on Dutch television about Optics11 and the collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Defence, raising €5 million in funding for superior life science instruments and selling products worldwide: Vrije Universiteit spin-off Optics11 is scaling up. At IXA, we were curious to find out about their journey.



Foto Davide Iannuzzi

Foto Niek Rijnveld

Winners Innovation Award 2021-fotograaf Bastiaan van Aalbersberg

winners 2021 Arnon Lesage, Desi Bootsman, Tom Brouwer

Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award

The Amsterdam competition for research based innovative ideas and impactful innovations, organised by IXA for Amsterdam researchers and students. Don’t get fooled by the name of this competition. The Amsterdam Science & Innovation award is an inclusive competition. It is open to idea’s from all research disciplines: from aviation to engineering, maths, red and green […]

Entrepreneurial journey of Imran Avci (VU Amsterdam)

It was love at first sight: Imran and photonics. After doing lots of research, participating in the Demonstrator Lab with various projects, experiencing the Amsterdam Science Innovation Awards and receiving the Physics2Market grant, Imran is now the founder of the start-up Rapid Photonics. At IXA, we were curious to find out about her entrepreneurial journey.

Beeld Flame Away

Flame Away makes the world a little (fire) safer!

Something that started three years ago as a study assignment, is now available as the ‘Flame Away’, a small piece of design that fits in every household. In case of a fire throwing this glass product can be enough to extinguish it. “If I can save even one life, my goal will be reached!” says […]


Michelle Meeks

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Venture Challenge

ACE Incubation Program

With the ACE incubation program we help turn entrepreneurial academics into academic entrepreneurs. The 10-week program consists of hands-on expert sessions with seasoned entrepreneurs, growth sessions to keep yourself and your peers accountable for your growth and networking events that connect you to experienced mentors, relevant service providers and potential investors. Think you have what […]


Meetup Entrepreneurship & AI Research

TTT-AI x Startup Amsterdam: bridging the gap between AI academia and entrepreneurs

TTT-AI meetup 25012023

HvA Rollar_jongens

HvA Switch Case

HvA Waste Base

Three HvA startup’s awarded with HBO-Take Off grant

Each startup will be granted € 40.000 to continue their research on the development of their innovative startups

Impact Program

Create more societal impact through your research and teaching The work you do as a researcher and teacher is important. But how do you increase your societal or economic impact? What kind of strategy do you need? How do you present the story behind your research more clearly, with more emphasis on output and relevance? […]


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Beeld uit flyer Impact Program

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lo res Edith Petersen foto Fred van Diem-01

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HvA Venture Centre presents a podcast series about sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship

HvA Podcast printscreen

Now online a podcast series about entrepreneurship

Find inspiration in this series of Podcasts about sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship

Workshop: From research-based idea into an impact strategy

Would you like to know more about how to create societal or economic impact with your (preliminary) research results, translate it into practical applications or share it with external parties? In this workshop you will learn in a nutshell what is involved in valorisation of research. You will learn about the steps to take to […]

Workshop: Entrepreneurship in science

For researchers eager to explore entrepreneurship and want to know more about the facilities university offers Are you curious about what entrepreneurship in science exactly entails? Dreaming about your own company, what this can mean for your development and how the university facilitates entrepreneurship? What steps are involved and what should you take into account? […]

VU and Amsterdam UMC well represented in Take-off approvals NWO

In the 2022 autumn round of the NWO Take-off Grant, six Amsterdam projects, developed at VU Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, have been awarded a Take-off grant. With this Take-off grant, academic and innovative starters can investigate whether their science-based innovative ideas are feasible and commercially applicable. They can also explore the possibility of starting a […]



Start-up Photosynthetic receives Eurostars grant and wins Formnext Start-Up Challenge

Photosynthetic, a VU tech start-up developing 3D lithography technology and founded by postdoctoral researcher and entrepreneur Alexander Kostenko, has not been sitting still in the past years.

Hergen Spits_AMC

portrait Hergen Spits AMC photo by Fredn van Diem 2021

First drug developed by AMC spin-off reaches market

Medicin developed by Amsterdam UMC researchers, to treat life-threatening virus in newborns is ready for use.

ERC Proof of Concept Grant for VU chemist Tom Grossmann

Tom Grossmann, professor of Biomimetic Chemistry at VU Amsterdam, has been awarded a Proof of Concept grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for the project “Smart RNA delivery for therapy and diagnostic (grabRNA)”.

The impact journey of HvA spin-off Hipper Therapeutics

In this video, HvA researchers Ben Kröse and Margriet Pol share how their practice-based research project led to the rehabilitation support product Hipper and the establishment of the first HvA spin-off Hipper Therapeutics BV Theme’s in this video Development and Impact practice-based research | product development | exploitation plan | impact | knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship | […]

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For HvA researchers: training online impact met LinkedIn

De insteek van deze meerdaagse training is om je te helpen om – vanuit eigen ambities en doelstellingen – als praktijkgericht onderzoeker je impact en die van je onderzoeksgroep te vergroten met behulp van deze online platformen. Deze training bestaat uit live en online sessies en wordt verzorgd door ervaren trainers van Noscura, bureau voor […]

AmSIA flyer

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Sign up for Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2023

Do you have an innovative idea that could positively impact tomorrow’s world?
Submit your idea and compete to win € 10,000!

Sign up for AmSIA 2023


Timo Quote

Marianka Quote


Putting your research results to work in clinical practice

Cancer Center Amsterdam has a dedicated IXA alliance office to assist oncology researchers in creating value from their expertise and discoveries

Max Nijman-FD

Max Nijman (founder Flame Away) one of the 50 FD Talents

Only available in Dutch. Max Nijman, oprichter van VU startup Flame Away, is verkozen als een van de 50 talenten die verschijnen in het Financieel Dagblad 50 onder de 35. Dit is een lijst waarin gekeken wordt naar jonge talenten die de wereld een stukje beter maken. Max startte drie jaar geleden met een studieproject […]

Medical researcher dripping blood into a test tube

Medical researcher dripping blood into a test tube from a micropipette. Doctor working with various bacteria and tissue, pharmaceutical research for antibiotics against covid19.

Kick-off Biotech Booster programme in Amsterdam: Thematic Cluster 4 ‘Diagnostics/Services’

We’re off! As part of the Biotech Booster programme, IXA is setting up the Thematic Cluster 4 ‘Diagnostics/Services’ in Amsterdam.



Postponed to 18 April – Workshop: Improve your AmSIA application

This workshop will be postponed to Tuesday 18 April, see agenda  


Festive finale

Festive final AmSIA 2023

Follow the final at NEMO or via livestream!

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NWO-funding for Dr. Herwig Bachmann’s evolutionary technology with microbes

Dr. Herwig Bachmann’s innovative system, Evogold, has received funding from the Open Technology Programme (OTP), by the NWO, to further the innovation of experimental evolution or the purposeful growing of microbial populations. The use of microbes plays a major role in food, biotechnological, and medical industries. The innovative system will make new applications possible, such as in the process of making bread and the carbonation of soft drinks.

Timeline VC fall 2023 web

Timeline VC fall 2023


VEO wins Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge 2023

Scientific innovations that can replace laboratory animals are already highly advanced. Yet implementation still leaves much to be desired. That is why Proefdiervrij supports researchers to bring their non-animal methods to the market with the Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge. During this challenge, teams of researchers work incredibly hard to turn their animal-free innovations into a start-up […]

Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP Grant (draft call open)

TKI-PPP grant Amsterdam UMC stimulates its researchers to perform research projects together with companies in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). We are very happy to announce that the call for Amsterdam UMC TKI-grants is open from September 12, 2022. The grant amounts available to both AMC and VUmc will of course be combined again, creating a record […]

TKI-PPP grants awarded to Amsterdam UMC researchers ’23

Seventeen researchers of Amsterdam UMC have been awarded a TKI-PPP grant between € 300.000 and € 750.000 for conducting research in collaboration with industrial parties.


Levi’s partners with VU alumni start-up Lalaland.ai to revolutionize shopping experience

Levi Strauss & Co., a well-known denim giant, recently announced its partnership with VU start-up Lalaland.ai, a Dutch start-up co-founded by VU alumni International Business Administration Michael Musandu and Ugnius Rimsa. During the recent Business of Fashion Professional Summit, Levi’s shared its plans to test Lalaland’s AI technology to transform its shopping experience, making it […]

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UvA spin-off Panel BV receives PoC funding from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland (IFNH) 

Panel B.V., a spin-off from the University of Amsterdam, has received a loan from the Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. This loan will enable Panel to continue building its innovative tool for inclusive participation processes. The unique method was designed by sociologists Gerben Moerman and Christiaan Bröer of the UvA Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.  The method […]


Phlox Therapeutics raises additional seed funding for RNA therapies

Phlox, a private biotechnology spin-off from Amsterdam UMC and specializing in developing innovative RNA-therapeutics for rare genetic cardiomyopathies, has secured additional seed funding to advance Phlox’s lead program aimed at rare genetic laminopathies.

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Two VU start-ups in Techleap’s Pole Position programme

Photosynthetic & Veridis, two VU start-ups, are part of the Pole Position Programme #4 by Techleap. Through the programme, like-minded industry experts who will guide the founders of Photosynthetic & Veridis on their journey towards becoming global leaders and take Pole Position. Techleap is a government funded organization to connect and empower startups to grow and sustain a productive tech community.



VU start-up Fitsurance receives subsidy for innovative health platform

Fitsurance is intensifying the development of the digital health platform 3D lifestyle Coaching that counters chronic diseases through generating personal lifestyle advice.

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Zuyderlannd – Josje Langenveld-II


REC Impact artist impression locatie

Foto BDers BIO Boston 2023

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Madglove video

Madglove wins ASIF P!tch XL event, revolutionizing rehabilitation with innovative solution

Madglove, a participant in the Demonstrator Lab at VU Amsterdam, has clinched the top spot at the ASIF P!tch XL event, marking a significant milestone in their mission to revolutionize the field of rehabilitation.

CZ invests in eHealth app IkHerstel

IkHerstel, an app that helps patients recover after surgery, is getting a capital injection by  CbusineZ – the investment arm of health insurer CZ, together with investment company Healthy Capital.

REC Impact at University of Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus

At Amsterdam’s Roeterseiland Campus (REC) a Hub will arise, dedicated to cultivating a culture of impact learning, research, innovation, and valorisation.

IXA at the BIO International Convention to boost life science partnerships

From 4-9 June, IXA attended the BIO International Convention in Boston, aiming for global partnerships. The BIO International Convention attracts 14,000+ biotechnology and pharma leaders for one week of intensive networking to discover new opportunities and promising partnerships. A team of six business developers from both the Amsterdam UMC and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam had 87 […]

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Pre-finalists of the Innovation Award 2023 announced!

Topics that you will see this year are most definitely novel uses of AI, for instance in academia and in health, clever notions on how to deal with the effects of climate change, inspiring solutions in medical care technology, ideas about solving mental health issues, and innovative plans for improving education.


Pulse, Madglove and VU-AMS won the DLAB’s Summer Pitch Event

Demonstrator Lab was celebrating their successes with the Demonstrator Lab’s Summer Pitch Event on June 22nd. Out of a total of 21 pre-finalists, 6 projects made it to pitch their idea to an expert jury in the finals. Madglove, Pulse and VU-AMS won the competition and were each awarded EUR 1.000 vouchers to be spent […]


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Speciale app zorgt voor sneller herstel na grote buikoperaties

Met de zogeheten ikHerstel-app herstellen patiënten aanzienlijk van grote buikoperaties dan patiënten die de app niet gebruiken. Het herstel duurt nog maar 7 in plaats van 9 weken. Met de app ervaren patiënten meer eigen regie door zelf actief aan hun herstel te werken. Daardoor wordt ook het zorgpersoneel ontlast.


NWO Take-off approvals for VU, UvA and Amsterdam UMC

As a result of the spring 2023 round of the NWO Take-off Grant, no less than seven Amsterdam projects, developed at Vrije Universiteit, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC, have been awarded a Take-off grant.

Quantum Computer Ion Trapped

Revolutionary Design for Quantum Gates in Trapped Ions Quantum Computers

Researchers Dr. Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Dr. Robert Spreeuw, Dr. Rene Gerritsma and Matteo Mazzanti (Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam) have patented a groundbreaking design for quantum gates in trapped ions, resulting in cheaper and simpler quantum computers. Quantum computers can do complex calculations at very high speeds which will be groundbreaking when used […]

DBugIT artikel

DBugIT’s Innovative Software Testing Platform Secures NRO and NWO Grants

DBugIT, an innovative platform for software testing, has received a significant boost with the award of both an NWO Take-off grant and an NRO grant. Developed at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) as part of the VU-BugZoo project, DBugIT aims to transform software testing by engaging users in a captivating bug-hunting game, replacing traditional assessments. Funding […]







Bettina Zijlstra



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Visual – Incubation Program ’23

Humanities Bootcamp | Fall ‘23

The Humanities Bootcamp will kickstart your initiative and help you on your way to making an impact. Throughout the week, you will work with mentors, experts, and founders who will cover all the necessary stages to develop your social venture, non-profit organization, or innovative startup. The program is open to students, recent graduates, master students […]

Visual – Humanities Bootcamp ’23


Advanced Microbiome Interventions receives funding from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland for drug development for type 1 diabetes

AMI BV, spin-off of Amsterdam UMC, researches and develops innovative drugs for type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.

Call for Amsterdam UMC TKI-grants is now open!

We are very happy to announce that the call for Amsterdam UMC TKI-grants is now open. Deadline for the pre-application is November 10.



Vote your favourite innovative idea to the AmSIA stage!

Which innovative ideas will make it to the stage during the finale of the AmSIA ’23? You vote, you decide! On 21 November, the AmSIA’s expert jury will award € 10,000 to the 3 best ideas in the categories of Society, Health and Environment & Climate.

ACE Explore Program: Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences

Are you a junior researcher, PhD candidate or postdoc researcher affiliated to the Amsterdam UMC and are you curious about entrepreneurship? Join our 2-day Explore Entrepreneurship program in November. This program aims to enlighten and provide examples of entrepreneurship in the Health & Life Sciences sector, as well as practical guidance for coming up with […]


IXA Amsterdam UMC as the one central office for medical valorisation

As a logical consequence of the VU Medical Centre and the Amsterdam Medical Centre merging, also IXA’s business developers have moved under one roof. Under the new name of IXA Amsterdam UMC, the combination of formerly IXA VUmc and IXA AMC, has been officially operational since the beginning of 2023. The merged team of IXA […]




Amsterdam UMC spin-off inSteps launches as company

inSteps, born as a spin-off from the University of Amsterdam, is now taking its official form as inSteps B.V.. The company employs in-silico modelling technology, aimed at propelling advancements in the treatment of severe strokes. After participating in the Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge 2022 last year and finishing its preparatory phase with seed funding, inSteps looks […]


A decade of innovation: Celebrating Innoseis’ 10-year journey

Innoseis recently marked a significant milestone – a decade of pioneering work in seismic sensing. The company, a spin-off of VU and the National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Nikhef, uses precision motion sensing for seismic and guidance applications. We sat down with CEO Mark Beker and CTO Jo van den Brand to learn more about […]



Biotech Booster’s CEO Nettie Buitelaar about the exciting biotech valorisation opportunities in Amsterdam

In the race to a sustainable and healthy future, the benefits of biotech innovations are key. Both biotech academics and entrepreneurs must continue to turn knowledge into social and commercial successes. Nettie Buitelaar, Biotech Booster ‘s CEO, answers five questions in order to tell us how to boost new biotech innovations.  The Biotech Booster programme […]


UvA spin-off Plantics and NoWa Kitchen debuts with eco-friendly kitchen

The Dutch company NoWa Kitchen presented its newest kitchen featuring only bio-based materials and a sustainable cradle-to-cradle design. A key enabler for the kitchen are plant-based polymers and materials brought to market by the University of Amsterdam’s spin-off company Plantics, stemming from a discovery made by chemists at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular […]

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Meet the nine finalists of the Innovation Award 2023!

During the festive finale, the nine finalists will pitch their innovative ideas and solutions to the jury and audience. The three inspiring winners each receive €10,000 to further develop their idea.


Position paper

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Amsterdam UMC publishes new position paper about valorisation

Amsterdam UMC has a lot of medical and health science knowledge and expertise in-house on a large scale. But what happens outside the organisation with all those insights: does society benefit sufficiently from them? There is still much to be gained here, as can be read in the brand new position paper Valorisation: from academic […]

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UvA spin-off PsyPhy BV brings portable EEG equipment to market

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Steven Scholte, co-founder of recent UvA spin-off PsyPhy, was presented with more room for explorative and entrepreneurial thought. Whilst the idea of a portable EEG had crossed his mind, it wasn’t until he obtained a NWO take-off grant when he and Bert Molenkamp developed the first versions of portable EEG devices. […]

New Scientist Science Talent 2023: Bernadette de Bakker

Dr. de Bakker’s research illuminates the complexities of embryonic and fetal development through the ‘3D Embryo Anatomy Atlas.’


NWO Grants for two Amsterdam UMC researchers to start Demonstrator development

Two Amsterdam UMC researchers have been awarded funding from the NWO Demonstrator programme to manufacture a product or service in the form of a demonstration model. The model serves as a showcase to convince third parties to invest in product development to enable a market introduction of that technology. The two researchers from Amsterdam UMC […]


New collaborative consortium formed for rare disease research

Recently, the European STXBP1 Consortium (ESCO) was established, uniting Amsterdam UMC and seven prominent partners. ESCO expects to be supported by several industry partners and announced the initiation of formal proceedings with the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Neurological disorders STXBP1 related disorders (STXBP1-RD) are the most common group of SNAREopathies – neurological disorders caused by […]

2023 Impact Award recipients

Amsterdamse Impact Awards voor radioactieve TomTom, wiskundige optimalisatie en essentiële schimmels

Onderzoekers Guus van Dongen, Dick den Hertog en Toby Kiers krijgen de Impact Award 2023. Deze wordt uitgereikt aan gerenommeerde onderzoekers die een betekenisvolle bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij. Er zijn drie categorieën: Gezondheid, Maatschappij en Milieu & Klimaat. Categorie Gezondheid: Guus van Dongen, hoogleraar medische beeldvorming en biomarkers bij Amsterdam UMC, ontwikkelde nieuwe beeldvormende […]

Amsterdamse Impact Awards voor radioactieve TomTom, wiskundige optimalisatie en essentiële schimmels

Festive final AmSIA 2023

Programme event 14:15 – 14:55     Welcome with coffee and tea 15:00                 Official opening 15:15                  Pitches of the nine Innovation Award finalists 16:00                 Jury consultation 16:00                 Presenting […]


Beeld winnaars

Innovation Awards 2023 voor implantaat tegen bekkenbodemverzakking, test voor lachgasgebruik en duurzamere productie van nanodeeltjes

In NEMO Science Museum zijn voor de 16e keer de Innovation Awards uitgereikt, aan Zeliha Guler, Pepijn van Rutten en Olivier Lugier. Zij krijgen ieder 10.000 euro om hun idee verder te ontwikkelen en naar de markt te brengen.


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How science might save the banana

Fusarium, a soil born fungus, poses a significant threat to the agricultural sector, particularly in the cultivation of crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and bananas. Researcher Frank Takken from the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science, and the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, along with his research team, discovered a ‘backdoor’.

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Madglove Amsterdam raises €300.000 in pre-seed funding from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland

Madglove Amsterdam BV, een VU start-up, heeft een converteerbare lening van €300.000 ontvangen van het Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. Madglove heeft een elegante, low-tech en toegankelijke thuisrevalidatiehandschoen ontwikkeld om mensen hun onafhankelijkheid terug te geven en hun kwaliteit van leven te verbeteren. Madglove heeft reeds financiering ontvangen uit het Takeoff-1 programma van NWO en is een samenwerkingsverband […]

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UvA spin-off Hydra Computing is pioneering Classical-Quantum hybrid algorithms for Enhanced Combinatorial Optimization

Dr. Jiri Minar, dr. Juraj Hasik and dr. Arghavan Safavi-Naini obtained a Proof-of-Concept grant (100k EUR) from IXA-UvA to integrate state-of-the-art quantum physics inspired classical computational methods with quantum algorithms, to address the limitations of current quantum hardware, offering a groundbreaking solution for industries grappling with large datasets and complex optimization tasks.  The primary goal […]


UvA spin-off Eddytec receives financing from Innovation Fund North Holland

Eddytec is developing an advanced hardware and software solution to make maintenance and quality control of carbon fiber composite parts in aircraft faster, easier and more affordable.

TKI grant recipients 2022

In 2022 several researchers of Amsterdam UMC have been awarded a TKI-PPP grant between € 300.000 and € 750.000 to perform a research project in collaboration with an industrial party. The following videos highlight the 2022 grant recipients of the Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP grant. For a quick overview of all the winners and their projects […]

Bas Jasperse

Bruno Sovran

Carel Meskers

Cas Smits


Fleur Tjong

Inge Verberk

Liffert Vogt

Maarten Soeters

Martijn Beudel

Prabath Nanayakkara

Rik Ossenkoppele

Ruud Brakenhoff

Ruud Brakenhoff

Sven van der Lee

Theo Geijtenbeek

Yolande Pijnenburg

Yongsoo Kim


New prototype of Flowsure gets innovation into the clinic

How does valorisation work in a clinical setting? And how do you get an innovative idea to a patient’s bed?


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Now live: AmSIA 2023 Aftermovie & live recording in full

For the 16th time, the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards have taken place at NEMO Science Museum! It was a dazzling event in which 9 finalists took the stage to pitch their innovative ideas. An expert jury awarded three winners, Zeliha Guler (Amsterdam UMC), Pepijn van Rutten (VU) and Olivier Lugier (UvA) with an Innovation […]

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in English

VU IXA-GO Impact Fund

Do you have an innovation or project that needs further development, but its practical feasibility and/or the (commercial) exploitation opportunities are still uncertain? Or are you working in the early stages of your startup? Then you may be eligible for funding from the IXA-GO Impact Fund at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The IXA-GO Impact […]

Opleiding Impact voorjaar 2025

Hoe vergroot je je maatschappelijke impact? Wat voor strategie heb je nodig? Hoe presenteer je het verhaal achter je onderzoek duidelijker, met meer nadruk op output en relevantie? Wie zou geïnteresseerd kunnen zijn in jouw project of idee? En hoe benader je media, overheden of bedrijven? De Opleiding Impact biedt antwoorden op al deze vragen […]

Impact Program Fall 2024

How do you increase your societal impact? What kind of strategy do you need? How do you present the story behind your research more clearly, with more emphasis on output and relevance? Who might be interested in your project or idea? And how do you approach media outlets, government agencies or companies? The Impact Program […]

Beeld Leerlijn Impact

the application form VU IXA-GO Impact Fund

the application form VU IXA-GO Impact Fund

acamedic startup competition

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Ten Amsterdam startups compete in Academic Startup Competition selection round

On December 14th, forty-five pre-selected academic start-ups will present themselves to an expert jury of (international) investors and companies.


Sue Gibbs receives lifetime achievement award for non-animal scientific research

This award is presented every 10 years. Gibbs is nationally and internationally recognized as an innovator and advocate for animal-free scientific research.

Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Ever think about the impact that your work can have outside of academia? The autumn session starts in October with various start dates to participate.

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SolarFoil B.V. raises €300,000 to develop technology for sustainable horticulture

SolarFoil B.V., a spin-off from the University of Amsterdam, has received a convertible loan of €300,000 from the North Holland Innovation Fund. SolarFoil is a pioneer in spectral conversion technology designed to optimize sunlight for improved plant growth and production. The new funding is meant to bring the technology to advanced agricultural facilities, namely greenhouses, […]

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TrianecT receives €250,000 NWO Take-off 2 for groundbreaking stroke triage device

TrianecT is a company developing a breakthrough stroke triage device for patients with acute stroke to be used directly in the ambulance. The funding allows TrianecT to accelerate its mission to bring every stroke patient as quickly as possible to the right hospital for treatment. With a speedy diagnosis in place, patient outcome will be improving drastically. “In […]

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ACE Incubation Program | Spring ’24

We recognize the untapped potential within academic corridors. The ACE incubation program is designed to empower academics like you to transform your innovative ideas into thriving businesses that drive change and create value. What will the 10-week program exactly bring you? 🔬 Research-driven approach 🤝 Collaborative community 🚪 Access to Amsterdam’s startup ecosystem 🎯 Expert […]

Apply for the Venture Challenge Spring 2024! Deadline 6 February

The Venture Challenge is a 10-week programme to develop an initial idea – a breakthrough research result – into a solid business case. Participate and learn to build a customer value proposition, identify key risks and assumptions, develop a validation and de-risking strategy, build and pitch a Venture Plan and get connected to Life Sciences […]

Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Ever think about the impact that your work can have outside of academia? Would you like to explore how you can increase the impact you’re already making? IXA developed a learning path on getting involved in valorisation and creating impact. The aim? To inspire you and make you aware of the power of creating value […]

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Laura Rupp helps +100,000 students with their English (VU Amsterdam)

A huge range of people need to be able to speak English in today’s globalised world. VU researcher Laura Rupp developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), followed by more than 100,000 learners worldwide, teaching people how to understand the wide variety of accents in English and to speak more understandably themselves. She has also […]

Beeld ACE Incubation program

startscherm Laura Rupp

Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Ever think about the impact that your work can have outside of academia? Would you like to explore how you can increase the impact you’re already making? As of January 2024, IXA will offer a new learning path on getting involved in valorisation and creating impact. The objective? To inspire you and make you aware […]

Many researchers have already preceded you. Would you like to learn from them how they took the first steps in their impact journey? Watch the videos or read the blogs of a number of researchers and learn how they started, what they encountered, what their next steps were or how they obtained funding. The impact […]

Laura Rupp

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VU spin-off Photosynthetic finalist in prestigious Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge

Photosynthetic has been selected as a finalist in the 9th edition of the Hello Tomorrow Global Challenge out of more than 4,000 international participants.


Bernadette Credit Caren Huygelen

Exciting Collaboration between Amsterdam UMC and Primal Pictures Enhances Medical Education

There is a significant milestone in medical education through a newly forged licensing agreement between Amsterdam UMC and Primal Pictures. This collaboration marks a pivotal step in the enhancement of anatomical education, thanks to the innovative work of Dr. Bernadette de Bakker, embryologist at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Four Amsterdam start-ups selected in Academic Startup Competition’s top 20

On the basis of their pitch, these start-ups have been selected by an expert jury and investors to participate in workshops, promotional programmes and peer-to-peer learnings to help the startups’ founders accelerate the growth and scalability of their companies.


Lightcore aims to Revolutionize Consumer Electronics through Light-Powered Innovation

Every Dutch household has over 40 electronical devices that have a staggering need for batteries. Our reliance on batteries results in significant financial and environmental costs. UvA spinoff Lightcore, founded by Dr. Tijmen Bakker, is developing a revolutionary light-powered solution for consumer electronics that is efficient, innovative, and sustainable. Lightcore has now been granted a […]


Scouting, training and polishing: in search of a world-class HIV vaccine

There is not yet a vaccine against the second deadliest infection in the world after tuberculosis: HIV. No one has been able to develop a vaccine thus far, but Professor of Virology Rogier Sanders of Amsterdam UMC is optimistic about the possibility of developing one now, specifically targeting rare immune cells capable of making antibodies. […]


Funding for novel lysosomal protease inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is becoming a healthcare burden of epidemic proportions for which there is no cure. UvA researcher Dr. Ewelina Weglarz-Tomczak addresses the underlying molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in the disease. She will be bringing her invention one step closer to clinic with a €100,000 proof-of-concept grant by IXA to evaluate the designed lead structures […]

Berno Bucker


Berno Bucker appointed interim director Demonstrator Lab VU

Berno Bucker will step into the role of interim director of Demonstrator Lab VU. He’s succeeding Linda van de Burgwal, who was director for the past two years. Berno is no stranger to the Demonstrator Lab, having launched his own start-up there six years ago and spending the last four years coaching Demonstrator Lab projects. […]













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Laura Rupp

Module 3: Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Module 1: Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Impact through research: in-depth look at valorisation In this half-day workshop, we will explore what impact means to you, how it can benefit your research, and how to take the first steps toward creating impact. What can you expect? Different motivations to engage with impact; Tools to turn your idea into an application; Insights into […]

Module 2: Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Impact through research: focusing on your own practice. During two interactive half-day sessions, you will further develop and concretise your idea.



Towards an effective HIV vaccine by Rogier Sanders and Godelieve de Bree (Amsterdam UMC)

There is not yet a vaccine against the second deadliest infection in the world after tuberculosis: HIV. Rogier Sanders and Godelieve de Bree of the Amsterdam UMC are optimistic about the possibility of developing one now. It’s for the first time that a vaccine is being developed in one hospital (Amsterdam UMC) from the design […]

HvA Venture Centre is now powered by IXA-HvA

For IXA -HvA and HvA Venture Centre 2024 started positive with their partnership in full swing. It is a milestone in the mission to support students from all AUAS faculties in developing their entrepreneurial competences. The Venture Centre is dedicated to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit within AUAS student community. Through different initiatives like the 10K […]

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team IXA-HvA and HvA Venture Centre


Amsterdam Startup Launch


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Giulia Giubertoni and Sander Woutersen receive IXA Proof-of-Concept funding

To develop an optical spectroscopy device for sizing molecules and nanoparticles





Susphos en snb

SusPhos partners with Europe’s largest sludge incinerator to build first-of-its-kind phosphate recycling factory

UvA spin-off SusPhos partners with Europe’s largest sludge incinerator, Slibverwerking Noord-Brabant (SNB), to build first-of-its-kind phosphate recycling factory.

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Amsterdam knowledge institutions and ROM InWest sign collaboration agreement for innovation in Life Science Health

The UvA, VU, Amsterdam UMC, HvA and ROM InWest have signed a collaboration agreement on 12 March 2024. The parties are intensifying their collaboration for more entrepreneurship and innovation in Life Science Health (LSH). 


A glimpse of AI in chemistry: innovation, human capital, and partnerships

The Dutch chemical industry grapples with pressing challenges, such as green energy supply stability, the need for enhanced facilities and infrastructures to facilitate efficient scaling up of chemical processes, and the complexities surrounding material transition. These challenges underscore the imperative for increased innovation and robust public-private cooperation. Marco Tibaldi, from the Amsterdam Chemistry Network, explains […]

faculty of impact

Four Amsterdam researchers admitted to NWO’s Faculty of Impact

In the Life Sciences & Health round, 14 researchers have been selected for the Faculty of Impact programme for two years of intensive and personal guidance in entrepreneurship, intellectual property and investment. Four Amsterdam based researchers have been selected as well: Anouk Post (VU), Olivier Lugier (UvA), Felix Paulußen (VU) and Ewelina Weglarz-Tomczak (UvA). A […]


Demonstrator Lab Summer Pitch Event 2024 – May 16th

Demonstrator Lab is showcasing and celebrating the new generation of entrepreneurial students of the VU on May 16th, during the second edition of Demonstrator Lab’s Summer Pitch Event.


New investment in VU spin-off Rapid Photonics for even faster internet

Rapid Photonics receives funding from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland for the development of an innovative production process of photonic chips with lithium niobate. Rapid Photonics B.V. is a spin-off of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Through the new convertible loan of €300,000, the company will be getting their technology market-ready to produce integrated photonic chips with lithium niobate, […]

Paul de Vries

Temme, Kira

TKI folder 2024-1

Open now: TKI call for public private partnerships Amsterdam UMC

The grant amounts available to both AMC and VUmc will of course be combined again, creating a budget of approximately € 4 million that will be divided over the best PPP-research proposals that we will receive from all of you. Deadline for the pre-application is May 24.

Knowledge clips

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Knowledge clip ‘How to fund your idea?’

In this knowledge clip, Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business developer at IXA, briefly explains the types of funding available to further develop your idea. From feasibility studies to private partnerships. You will also gain insight in the funding options at different stages of valorisation.  

Thumbnail how to refine your idea

Knowledge clip ‘How to refine your idea?’

In this Knowledge clip Alba Herranz de la Nava, Business Developer at IXA,  explains, using the Triangle, how to make your idea more concrete: What is the problem that you are solving for your customer? Is there a NEED for the solution? Who are you solving it for? Who is prepared to pay for it? Why […]

rieneke stelma roorda

VU researcher of ‘Levenstestament’ sheds light on societal dynamics

The ‘levenstestament’ is on the rise as a legal document enabling adults to appoint a representative and record their wishes for when they are no longer able to make decisions, for example due to old age.

Fokke en Laura

fokke gerritsen

Laura Rupp_mentorship program

Societal Impact Awards for two VU humanities projects

As part of the VU profile theme Connected World, the Societal Impact Award has been awarded to humanities researchers Fokke Gerritsen and Laura Rupp. Fokke Gerritsen’s project, Water Memories, aims to address modern sustainability challenges through a heritage walk, harnessing the historical water structures of Istanbul reflecting its Byzantine and Ottoman heritage. Laura Rupp’s project […]

RSV-vaccine developed by Amsterdam UMC spin-off in Immunisation Programme

The Dutch national government has decided to include vaccination against the RS virus in the Vaccination Program. Worldwide, the RS-virus is the second leading cause of death in infants. It was researchers at Amsterdam UMC who discovered the antibody that protects against this life-threatening virus for newborns.


Collaboration VU and DNNL to improve access into entrepreneurship for all underrepresented groups

“With this agreement, we fortify our collaboration, reaffirming our dedication to diversity, sustainability, and entrepreneurship – values exemplified by DNNL. An endeavor that aligns with the educational and research efforts we stand for as a university,” says VU President Jonkman.


impact path

Figure 1: UvA Pathway to Impact

Exciting launch of Social Sciences & Humanities Impact Fund at UvA

UvA Ventures Holding has launched the Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) Impact Fund that aims to capitalize on SSH research by supporting the development of academic spin-offs that address societal challenges. The initiative is a response to the need for practical applications of SSH research, identified through discussions with university researchers. For whom? The SSH […]


Kepler Vision Technologies secures €1.5M investment to boost healthcare innovation

Kepler Vision Technologies, a spin-off company from the University of Amsterdam, secured a significant €1.5M investment from ROM InWest last month. The Dutch company will use the funds to accelerate the production of its ‘Kepler Night Nurse’ solution, a smart technology for care home fall detection. The company is now positioned for global expansion, targeting the UK and US markets.

Hergen Spits

Flyer Impact Program Fall 2025

Flyer Impact Program Fall 2025

Flyer Opleiding Impact voorjaar 2025

Flyer Opleiding Impact voorjaar 2025

DLab pitch event 24 -2

ReadLer, Medassist, MycoFarming® win Demonstrator Lab’s Summer Pitch Event 

Demonstrator Lab celebrated its participant’s achievements in the vibrant atmosphere of the Summer Pitch Event held on 16 May.

Impact Program Fall 2025

How do you increase your societal impact? What kind of strategy do you need? How do you present the story behind your research more clearly, with more emphasis on output and relevance? Who might be interested in your project or idea? And how do you approach media outlets, government agencies or companies? The Impact Program […]


Laura Rupp

New MOOC on the horizon helping people improve Dutch online

Laura Rupp, Associate Professor of English Linguistics, and the VU-NT2 team are partnering to contribute to the Dutch pronunciation variants of international speakers who are living, studying, and working in the Netherlands. 

startscherm Laura Rupp

Felix Paulussen

Felix Paulussen

Advancing Colorectal Cancer Treatment: VU researcher Felix Paulußen joins Faculty of Impact

Felix Paulußen has been selected to join the Faculty of Impact program. He is working on a new treatment for colorectal cancer that targets the β-catenin/Wnt pathway with peptide-derived agents. We interviewed Felix about his work and aspirations.  

Alina SAF

Winning pitch from Eddytec at Sustainable Aviation Futures 2024

UvA spin-off Eddytec B.V. won the pitch contest at the Sustainable Aviation Futures 2024 Congress, recognized by a jury of industry experts. Their technology, crucial for advancing carbon fiber composites in aviation, supports making planes lighter and more sustainable.



Demonstrator Lab Summer Pitch Event 2024 – May 16th

We would like to invite you to the Demonstrator Lab’s Summer Pitch Event on May 16th     Discover the next big thing in the startup-world! This academic year, Demonstrator Lab has welcomed 45 new projects of students and staff, and 71 projects are currently working on demonstrating the potential of their entrepreneurial idea. Program May […]


beyond weather

VU spin-off Beyond Weather secures 250K investment for AI climate expertise

Amsterdam spin-off Beyond Weather secures an investment of €250,000 via TTT-AI funds (managed by LUMO Labs) for further development of its AI technology for long-range weather and impact forecasting. Beyond Weather leverages extensive climate expertise and cutting-edge AI developments. Beyond Weather’s AI-driven models offer timely, interpretable and actionable forecasts that enable the energy and agricultural […]


Dlab aftermovie

Watch the Aftermovie of the Summer Pitch Event 2024!

Welcome to the aftermovie of Demonstrator Lab’s Summer Pitch Event held on 16 May 2024! Among the 26 pre-finalists, six standout projects presented their ideas to an esteemed jury in the finals.

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Call open for NWO’s Faculty of Impact: turning research into impactful ventures

A new call round of the Faculty of Impact is now open. This program provides researchers with the opportunity to turn breakthrough research into impactful ventures, including non-profit businesses. Two themes are connected to the current round: Agriculture, Water, and Food, which focuses on healthy agriculture and safe water and soil management, and Circular Economy, […]


See you there: Final Day for Amsterdam Startup Launch ’24 cohort

Get ready for an inspiring and dynamic event as the Amsterdam Startup Launch cohort of 2024 takes the stage!

project U_RISE

Researchers implement innovative digital mental health solutions for Ukraine

The ongoing two-year war in Ukraine has created an immense need for psychological support, while the capacity of mental health care systems in the region remains insufficient. The U-RISE project, developed at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam with support from the EU, aims to provide a science-based, adequate mental health and psychosocial support to address the pressing […]


readler team

VU start-up ReadLer: innovative AI-powered tool for children improving their speech

Once upon a time, data scientists from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam began translating their technological advancements in phonetics. Realizing the field’s vast potential for solving problems in speech therapy, they founded ReadLer, a start-up focused on children with speech and pronunciation challenges. After winning the Demonstrator Lab’s Summer Pitch Event, it’s time to meet two of […]

Gabriele Mingoli

Pascal Koot


Digital innovation in healthcare: entrepreneurial lessons from Kepler Vision Technologies

Few sectors are as in need of digital innovations as healthcare. In elderly care, the already pressing staff shortage will increase by another 20% over the next five years, partly because the demand for care is only growing due to an aging population. Kepler Vision Technologies has developed the Kepler Night Nurse: a system that […]

Venture centre HvA

Venture Centre IXA-HvA now located at Studio HvA @Amstelcampus

The Venture Centre IXA-HvA has announced that it is prominently located at Studio HvA from now on! This new home reflects their commitment to being an accessible and integral part of the entrepreneurial landscape at the HvA.  

Open Hardware Event 18 june 2024 at the VU (11)



Towards impact: new open hardware community emerging at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam recently hosted its first Open Hardware event to support the growing community dedicated to openly sharing innovative technologies and tools. Aligned with the principles of open science, open hardware allows for the creation and modification of physical tools without restrictions so that it can be studied, modified, created, and distributed by […]

Social entrepreneurship_Gwendolyn Keasberry

Navigating New Frontiers: Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is being explored more and more by researchers and students within the social sciences, humanities, and beyond. The participants of the two-day Explore Program for Social Entrepreneurship struck up the conversation about how to do more with their research for societal benefit. For what is social entrepreneurship? And where do you begin? Who’s […]

wereld in taal

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New book by UvA language researchers and lecturers available in bookstores

A new book titled “De wereld in taal – een reis in 40 verhalen” is now available in bookstores! The book is a partnership between Alla Peeters, a lecturer in Russian and Slavic linguistics, and Petra Sleeman, a lecturer in French linguistics, both affiliated with UvA.

still umc meaning making

Funding from KWF for palliative cancer patients in meaning-making at home

The diagnosis of incurable cancer profoundly disrupts patients’ lives, often causing existential crises and a sense of lost purpose. The KWF-funded project “In Search of Stories” (ISOS) aimed to support these patients by partnering them with spiritual counsellors and professional artists. This co-creation process proved highly beneficial. New funding from KWF Dutch Cancer Society supports […]

DON – Max Nieuwdorp

Amsterdam – Portret van Max Nieuwdorp, gemaakt in opdracht van Diabetes Onderzoek Nederland (DON). Foto: Arnold Reyneveld

Max Nieuwdorp’s innovative research on gut microbes: a path to combat fatty liver disease

Internist Max Nieuwdorp, of Amsterdam UMC, discovered a few years ago that the microorganisms in the intestines of many overweight people produce alcohol to an increased extent. Breaking down excessive alcohol leads to fatty liver disease, which in turn poses a risk of serious conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Nieuwdorp has now received an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros for a major study into the underlying causes of this excessive alcohol production.  

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portret Laura Rupp

QR code aanmelden najaar 2024

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Impact in education and beyond: VU researcher Laura Rupp secures Comenius Leadership Fellow grant

Laura Rupp has been awarded the Comenius Leadership Fellow grant for a three-year period. This grant of €500,000, will fund a project titled “Global English and International Dutch on the VU Campus”. Over the years, Rupp has successfully reached more than 100,000 people online worldwide, teaching how to understand diverse English accents and speak more […]

REC Impact opening

REC Impact opens its doors, sparking innovation and change

On 5 September REC Impact opened with a full house of researchers, entrepreneurs, impact drivers, and innovators. REC Impact – located in the former physics lab on Roeterseilandcampus of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) – is where innovation meets action. It will serve as a hub for visionary thinkers and social entrepreneurs working to solve […]


Amsterdam UMC aims to strengthen focus on nutrition, health, and disease through public-private partnerships

The Executive Board of Amsterdam UMC has expressed a strong interest in expanding the institution’s expertise at the critical intersection of nutrition, health, and disease. This initiative aims to enhance our impact on social well-being and healthcare by fostering collaboration among various (pre)clinical research groups at Amsterdam UMC. Driven by this vision, the Amsterdam Gastroenterology, […]

Explore your Brain


Tieme Jansen

Explore Your Brain: unique neurofeedback tool helps adolescents cultivate a ‘growth mindset’

VU researchers Nienke van Atteveldt and Tieme Janssen have been successfully piloting a unique innovation that helps adolescents become aware of their brain’s potential to adapt.

Sustainable Innovation in Biaryl

Green chemistry breakthrough for sustainable advances in medicine and manufacturing

Researchers Tati Fernandez and Kezuan Deng of the University of Amsterdam have developed an innovative, eco-friendly method for producing biaryls—chemical compounds that play a crucial role in the creation of many medicines, agrochemicals, and materials used in displays and lighting (OLEDs). Traditionally, manufacturing biaryls involves complex processes that generate significant waste and rely on harmful, […]

Next Food Collective

Next Food Collective-lichter

VU becomes member of the Next Food Collective to accelerate transition into sustainable food

VU Amsterdam has become partner of Next Food Collective, an organisation that unites the entire agro-food industry to launch and implement impactful initiatives to accelerate the transition to a healthy and sustainable food system. Also closely involved in the Next Food Collective membership is VU IXA-GO, to support collaborations between researchers and third parties. “The […]

NWO Demonstrator grant for new photonic microchip technology ready to create breakthroughs

Imran Avci, from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, has secured the NWO Demonstrator grant for a project titled SOHO: A New Approach for Ultra-Precise, Fast, and Sensitive Photonic Microchip Measurements. The innovation in this field is expected to lead to breakthroughs in quantum computing, neuromorphic processors, wearable sensors, Lidar systems, […]

AUAS venture centre


AI start-up Longform.ai secures €300,000 funding to revolutionize audio data analysis

Longform.ai BV, a spin-off from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and based in Amsterdam, has secured €300,000 in funding from Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. In addition, the company has benefited from extensive mentorship provided by the TTT-AI program, accelerating both its research and commercialization efforts. Longform.ai is building a cutting-edge platform that leverages generative AI to extract […]


Deeptech AI startup meets VC AI Week

Deeptech AI startup meets VC AI Week

Startups can sign up to Deeptech AI startup meets VC to be matched with venture capital firms that specialize in deeptech.

Apply now for Amsterdam Startup Launch Fall ’24!

All you need is an idea, a team (minimum of two people), motivation, and a connection to the Vrije Universiteit.

Explore your Brain_v2.0

HvA Venture Centre empowers over 650 students with entrepreneurship skills and mindset

We’re thrilled to share the success of the HvA-wide EXPLORE Workshops, organized by the Venture Centre HvA (part of IXA-HvA). These workshops are designed to ignite entrepreneurial spirit among students, helping them discover their competencies and attitudes. The goal? Equip students to spot opportunities and create value within their fields—whether in business, healthcare, or other […]

Humanities Create

Join Humanities Create and transfer your ideas into your venture

This innovative four-day programme offers the opportunity to bring your ideas to life. It goes through all the stages of starting a business and connects you with experts and like-minded people. It offers a unique opportunity to test your solutions, refine your direction, and build a real, market-ready prototype. The programme is specifically designed for […]

Arjan Griffioen

Scientist Arjan Griffioen leads cancer treatment innovation with lab and startup (Amsterdam UMC)

Could an innovative cancer treatment be used as a preventative vaccine? Arjan Griffioen and his team are determined to find out. These scientists have been developing proteins that specifically target cancer cells in the blood, leaving healthy tissue untouched. Every step of this journey—from vision to execution—has relied on the team’s dedication, as well as essential […]

Scientist Arjan Griffioen leads cancer treatment innovation with lab and startup


Data & AI: drivers of innovation in Amsterdam UMC

Data and AI driving innovation across all domains Data and AI have the potential to bring acceleration, depth, efficiency, and improvement to all domains in our organization: in care, education, operations, and research. Such as the fast and effective registration of telephone consultations between doctor and patient using Chat GPT. It is hard to imagine […]

6 step impact model UMC

impact workshop


Amsterdam UMC Impact Model: a guide for researchers

To support the impact journey of researchers, Amsterdam UMC has created an Impact Model that guides them through the stages needed for a successful impact initiative, covering key considerations and processes.

red fluorescent protein

New vibrant red fluorescent protein has massive global impact on cell biology R&D

Fluorescent proteins are essential tools in biological research, helping to visualize various cell types and structures. They play a key role in studies ranging from stem cell research to investigations into cancer-related proteins. A research team from the University of Amsterdam, led by Dorus Gadella, has developed a new, bright red fluorescent protein called mScarlet3. […]


Contribute to Amsterdam’s Future: test your innovation at SAIL and the Amsterdam Marathon

Are you looking for a testing ground for your innovation? SAIL and the Amsterdam Marathon present an excellent opportunity to test your ideas. These major events attract millions of visitors and come with sustainability, accessibility, and logistical challenges that need fresh solutions. The In Residence Events program allows you to test your innovation during these […]

Demonstrator Lab Open House

Meet like-minded academics and researchers in our entrepreneurship laboratory Are you walking around with a potential commercial or non for profit spin-off idea of your research, but you never had the time or comfort to get it out there and test it with others? Are you in need of a low barrier to entry environment […]


Tackling learning difficulties in Academic Workplace

The Academic Workplace Rudolf Berlin Center (AW RBC) aims to make a meaningful contribution by supporting young people with learning disabilities through enhanced education and care.

Foto Bittenbinder VU

VU researchers develop research equipment to identify contaminants in water

Water, comprising over 70% of our planet, is the source of all life. The presence of emerging contaminants in our water, including pharmaceuticals, pose serious health and environmental risks, such as DNA damage, reproductive issues, and cancer. New equipment to detect these contaminants developed by VU researchers has been sold to other research groups all over the world. Now the researchers are taking the next step, together with IXA, to expand sales to water companies worldwide as well as other applications such as food and drug discovery research.

Beeld Arjan Griffioen

Knowledge clip How to make a stakeholder analysis

In this Knowledge clip Diane Schöller, Business Developer at IXA, explains, how to make a Stakeholder analysis. The knowledge clip addresses questions such as: What is a stakeholder? Who are your potential stakeholders? How to connect with your partner? When identifying your stakeholders, it is good practice to do this in three steps. Diane explains […]

Stakeholder beeld 3

Collaborating with external partners-beeld 6

Knowledge clip about Networking

In this knowledge clip, we will talk about how to map out a network, how to approach people and how to prepare. Networking is a mutually beneficial interaction that involves exchanging ideas and information between individuals who are connected by a common interest, goal, industry, or profession. To create societal or economical impact networking is […]

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Knowledge clip Collaborating with external partners

In this Knowledge clip Diane Schöller, Business Developer at IXA, explains, how to start a successful collaboration with external partners Diane will address different topics like: Why collaborate with external partners? What are the different types of collaboration? How to start a collaboration? And what makes a collaboration successful?

Beeld REC Impactkoffietent

Talking (REC) Impact

Join us for an Impact Talk over lunch!  When: 12-12-2024 from 12:30 to 13:30 Where: Roeterseilandcampus, J/K building, The Floor (1st floor, REC Impact) Free lunch included. The future of science is evolving, and academia is expanding beyond education and research to emphasize valorization, innovation, and impact. How can science meaningfully collaborate with public and private organizations to […]


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Make a flying start with your innovative idea: sign up for AmSIA 2025

Sign up your idea before 9 February and compete to win one of the three prizes of €10.000! Participating in this contest will give you an excellent opportunity to develop your idea further, get professional feedback and share it with the public. 

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Workshop: Improve your AmSIA application

Boost your chances of success at the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award! Join our workshop to learn valuable tips and tricks for writing a standout AmSIA application. Our experienced business developers will guide you through the application format, helping you articulate your idea clearly and effectively. They’ll also address any questions you have about AmSIA […]


AUF Impact Call 2024: funding opportunity for young researchers

Are you a young researcher from either the UvA or the Amsterdam UMC looking to make a societal impact? The Amsterdam University Fund (AUF) is offering €200,000 in grants for innovative research and education projects. With a focus on sustainability, equality, and youth well-being, this is your chance to secure funding and address today’s most […]

Phlox logo

Phlox Therapeutics raises €1.9M to advance RNA therapies for rare heart diseases

Phlox Therapeutics, a biotechnology spin-off from Amsterdam UMC, has secured €1.9 million in seed funding to accelerate the development of RNA-based therapies for rare genetic heart conditions. This funding brings Phlox closer to delivering life-changing treatments for patients with genetic laminopathies, a critical unmet need in cardiovascular health. This round of funding adds ROM Utrecht […]



Introducing IXA’s vibrant new logo

We are happy to introduce IXA’s bold and modern new logo! Since the launch of IXA in 2014, the brand style has been evolving. However, the logo has not been updated in a few years. With an energizing and dynamic redesign set to launch in 2025, we’re excited to present IXA in a fresh, authentic […]

Module 2: Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Impact through research: focusing on your own practice Ever think about the impact that your work can have outside of academia? Would you like to explore how you can increase the impact you’re already making? IXA developed a learning path on getting involved in valorisation and creating impact. In this module, you will work on […]

Module 1: Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

Impact through research: in-depth look at valorisation In this half-day workshop, we will explore what impact means to you, how it can benefit your research, and how to take the first steps toward creating impact. What can you expect? Different motivations to engage with impact; Tools to turn your idea into an application; Insights into […]




Start-up VU-AMS has big plans with clever stress monitoring device

VU-AMS is on a mission to revolutionize how we understand and manage stress-related health issues. Now an official VU spin-off, there are big plans for clinical applications. Founder of VU AMS Martin Gevonden explains: “We offer researchers autonomic biomarkers that are valid, reliable and easy to use, without getting under the skin.” After thriving in […]

PULSE Sports

PULSE Sport Wins Prestigious Dutch Sports Innovation Award 2024

PULSE Sport, a start-up from the Demonstrator Lab, has reached a significant milestone by winning the prestigious 14th Dutch Sports Innovation Award. The company’s flagship product, a cutting-edge athlete management system, integrates advanced software and artificial intelligence to revolutionize athlete health and performance monitoring. About the Innovation PULSE Sport’s athlete management system provides a holistic […]

Bio tech booster_toekenning kontentai

Biotech boost(er) for life sciences innovations

Amsterdam researchers have secured Biotech Booster funding for a total of six projects, that include a promising cancer treatment, a new diagnostic method for Alzheimer’s Disease, an implant helping blindness, lab innovation in biotechnology, and a nutritional intervention for mental health. The researchers will develop a solid business case for their innovations in the time […]


Flyer Learning Path Valorisation and Impact ENG Spring 2025

Flyer Learning Path Valorisation and Impact ENG Spring 2025

VU hoofdgebouw

Innovation Award

Do you have an innovative idea to tackle a societal challenge – for a product, service, or otherwise? Sign up for the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2025 (AmSIA), to get a chance to win €10,000 for developing your idea that contributes to a better world!

The lasting impact and application of HvA research: Etherport

In this video, HvA researcher Sepp Eckenhaussen explains how his practice-based research project led to the tool Etherport. What is special about this project is that the tool was transferred to and is managed by a collective of cultural organisations. They ensure that Etherport is available for use by other cultural organisations. The tool was […]

Sepp Eckenhausen

sint zegt top





Pop-Up art exhibition explores controversies about menopause

“I do not accept what has been made of me”

Foto Chellie

Overcoming impact obstacles through intervision

How do you deal with your internal (own professors or colleagues) and external stakeholders (companies and governments) where interests sometimes seem to be opposed, and as a researcher, you sometimes hit proverbial walls? Participants in the IXA Impact Program work together with Chellie van den Bergh to tackle such obstacles through intervision. Amsterdam UMC, UvA, […]

jonathan coutinho

Highly impactful Amsterdam stroke innovation now reaches even more patients

Ten years ago, a groundbreaking medical innovation made it possible to remove a blood clot from stroke patients using a catheter procedure. The health benefits for patients after this procedure are often much greater than with other treatments. Thanks to the collaboration with Amsterdam UMC, this treatment is now also being performed at the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep in Alkmaar.


UvA spin-off Eddytec wins Women TechEU Grant

This €75k funding will help validate their business model and accelerate their go-to-market strategy. Eddytec’s technology aims to revolutionize maintenance and quality control processes for aircraft components, making them faster, easier, and more cost-effective.


NWO Take-off Approvals Announced for VU and UvA

The fall 2024 round of the NWO Take-off Grant has brought exciting news for Amsterdam’s academic community. Four innovative projects have been selected, with two from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and two from the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The Take-off grant empowers academics to explore the feasibility and commercial potential of their science-based ideas, […]

announcement pre-finalists

announcement 28 pre-finalists

announcement 28 pre-finalists

Presenting 28 pre-finalists of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards 2025

Get to know the 28 pre-finalists of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award (AmSIA). The selected ideas offer solutions to a wide range of contemporary challenges, including (mental) health, climate, energy, nutrition, education, sports, and more. 

All Spinoffs