Pre-finalists of the Innovation Award announced!

June 27, 2021

The pre-finalists for the Innovation Award, the Amsterdam competition for innovative ideas that contribute to a better world, are now selected!

The pre-finalists have a chance to win one of the three Innovation Awards and €10,000. The Innovation Award has three categories: Society, Health and Environment & Climate. In the coming months, all pre-finalists will showcase their idea through a personal video. The following ideas are selected for the semi-finals:


  • Astrid Bijl (Amsterdam UMC): Efficiency and efficacy of the nursing process
  • Imran Avci (VU): RAPID PHOTONICS: Low-cost and fast prototyping of photonic integrated circuits
  • Desi Bootsman (HvA): Mazehunter
  • Floris Roelofsen (UvA): Automatic text-to-sign translation
  • Joop Akerboom (HvA): Scrollbook
  • Yuri Westplat (HvA): Prapla
  • Sanneke Stigter (UvA): DIAL Digital Index of an Artwork’s Life
  • Przemek Krawczyk (Amsterdam UMC): GraphlinQ – a collaborative platform for data analysis, plotting and publishing in data-connected smart manuscripts
  • Jan Willem Plaisier (Amsterdam UMC): Daily Dose, your scientific Tinder application
  • Tom Broens: act-E (Amsterdam UMC): Unravel your curriculum
  • Felienne Hermans (VU): Hedy: A Gradual Programming Language for Children


  • Guido Weide (VU): SoundTomics
  • Liz van de Riet (Amsterdam UMC): The Jeroen Pit Huis: innovation of hospital2home transition for children and families with medical complexities
  • Tobias Stornebrink (Amsterdam UMC): An injectable cushion for the painful joint
  • Jan Willem Duitman (Amsterdam UMC): Screening assay for early detection and treatment of progressive pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Tara Donker (VU): Getting rid of your fear without getting up from your couch: An evidence-based AR app for phobia Treatment
  • Lucia Talamini (UvA): A non-invasive neurotech solution for sleep and memory improvement
  • Tom Brouwer (Amsterdam UMC): Flowsure: A digital hanging scale to continuously measure, store and present urine production
  • Steven Chamuleau (Amsterdam UMC): CardioHOLOgy –Walk this Way
  • Ramla Jamac (VU): Mobile Uurka
  • Alice Grasveld (ACTA): The Healthy Teeth Foundation (THTF): A participatory action research into oral health amongst disadvantaged children aged 4-12 in the Schilderswijk, The Hague, The Netherlands
  • Isan Firdaus (VU): Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Biofeedback (VRET-BF)  for Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Category Environment & Climate:

  • Edcel Salumbides (VU): Non-invasive pre-symptomatic illness detection in farm animals
  • Tiago R. Matos (Amsterdam UMC): Dermoscope
  • Marta Malé-Alemany (HvA): The Upcycle Wood Platform
  • Jawad Essalami (HvA): Eddy Lite
  • Lukas Helmbrecht (AMOLF/ UvA): Lumetallix: a bright method to detect toxic lead
  • Jardo Stammeshaus (VU): The Liion Power Battery Life Extender
  • Sem Vijverberg (VU): Long-lead time predictions of weather and its impact using AI
  • Corentin Coulais (UvA): Edible Metamaterials
  • Arnon Lesage (UvA): SolarFoil
  • Syranos Tjee (HvA): Recipe Creation

The expert jury, chaired by Gigi Wang, together with the public decide which finalists will present their idea during the finals in November at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam.


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