
Samenwerking VU en Nextdoor in het Grote Nextdoor Buurtonderzoek

Door buren bij elkaar te brengen, kunnen we bijdragen aan een vriendelijkere wereld waarin iedereen een buurt heeft om op te bouwen. Dat is het motto waar VU en Nextdoor elkaar gevonden hebben. Peer Smets en Jasper Muis (sociologie) van de faculteit sociale wetenschappen verrichten onderzoek naar de leefbaarheid van buurten, waarbij gekeken wordt naar […]


Amsterdam UMC drug seems effective against Corona

A scientific breakthrough: Amsterdam UMC researchers may have found a very effective medicine against Corona. Research shows that the drug Imatinib, usually prescribed for Leukemia and gastric cancer, halves mortality and shortens the stay of Covid patients at the ICU by a week. Imatinib is especially effective in the 20 percent most ill Covid patients. […]


VU alumni tech startup selected by Google’s Black Founder Fund

Recently, Google for Startups announced that startup – co-founded by VU Amsterdam alumni International Business Administration Michael Musandu and Ugnius Rimsa – was one of the 30 selected for Google’s Black Founder Fund. Lalaland generates and hyper personalizes fully human body models using Artificial Intelligence. In October 2020, the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund announced a $2 million initiative […]


VU alumnus startup listed in top 5 startups MT/Sprout

GymStory – co-founded by VU Amsterdam alumnus Business Administration Lars van der Wal – has been named by MT/Sprout in the top 5 startups working hard from the Netherlands to conquer the sports world! GymStory (resident of Amsterdam Venture Studios on VU Campus) makes it easy to keep track of fitness activities and share them with others: a kind of […]


Open Kitchen Labs: an accessible chemistry lab for startups

Sustainable Chemistry, is Open Kitchen Labs belangrijk voor het eco-systeem op Amsterdam Science Park dat is gericht op het tot wasdom brengen van innovatieve ideeën en het stimuleren van ondernemerschap en valorisatie. “Het Demonstratorlab biedt onderzoekers en studenten de eerste mogelijkheid te ontdekken of hun idee tot een product of dienst kan leiden met betekenis […]


Paper published with Amsterdam UMC developed smart manuscript platform

This month the first smart manuscript created with FiglinQ was published in Nature. FiglinQ is a new collaborative platform, developed by Amsterdam UMC researcher Dr. Przemek Krawczyk, that enables a new approach to scientific publication. Using FiglinQ, scientist can create their own smart manuscripts with shareable, interactive, data-connected charts and figures. This could provide a […]


VU rejoins ILCA as a core partner

The Chemistry and Pharmaceutical sciences group at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) has recently rejoined Innovation Lab Chemistry (ILCA), which provides innovation support to chemical companies, supported by various organisations in the region. With this participation, the VU hopes to contribute new knowledge and expertise in addition to the existing universities that are already part of […]


Linking oral and general health challenges

Oral healthcare professionals in the Netherlands join forces in in a mission to shape the future of health and healthcare. In the future, the dentist could play a much greater role in monitoring overall physical health, says Willem Fokkema, Executive Director at ACTA Dental Research. Read here the full article.


Scale-up Cealus Health starts key study on microbiome product

Amsterdam UMC scale-up company Caelus Health has reached an important milestone. Caelus Health recently started a key clinical trial in individuals suffering from Metabolic Syndrome or pre-diabetes; these individuals are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The microbiome product based on a single micro-organism (named A. soehngenii) may delay or even prevent the onset […]


Pre-finalists of the Innovation Award announced!

The pre-finalists for the Innovation Award, the Amsterdam competition for innovative ideas that contribute to a better world, are now selected! The pre-finalists have a chance to win one of the three Innovation Awards and €10,000. The Innovation Award has three categories: Society, Health and Environment & Climate. In the coming months, all pre-finalists will […]
