De ikHerstel-app, ontwikkelt vanuit Amsterdam UMC, was recent in het nieuws. Aanleiding was een overeenkomst tussen het Maastricht UMC+ en zorgverzekeraar VGZ om het gebruik van een hartritme-app te financieren als onderdeel van de reguliere zorg.
De ikHerstel-app (winnaar VGZ Zinnige Zorg Award 2021) wordt momenteel nog op beperkte schaal toegepast. Deze app is met subsidie vanuit het ZonMw-programma DoelmatigheidsOnderzoek onderzocht op kosteneffectiviteit. Daaruit blijkt dat mensen die de app gebruikten vijf tot veertien dagen eerder herstellen terwijl de kosten gelijk blijven. Het project heeft recent een VIMP-subsidie (verspreidings- en implementatie impuls) toegekend gekregen om de app verder te implementeren.
Water, comprising over 70% of our planet, is the source of all life. The presence of emerging contaminants in our water, including pharmaceuticals, pose serious health and environmental risks, such as DNA damage, reproductive issues, and cancer. New equipment to detect these contaminants developed by VU researchers has been sold to other research groups all over the world. Now the researchers are taking the next step, together with IXA, to expand sales to water companies worldwide as well as other applications such as food and drug discovery research.
NewsAre you looking for a testing ground for your innovation? SAIL and the Amsterdam Marathon present an excellent opportunity to test your ideas. These major events attract millions of visitors and come with sustainability, accessibility, and logistical challenges that need fresh solutions. The In Residence Events program allows you to test your innovation during these […]
NewsThe Academic Workplace Rudolf Berlin Center (AW RBC) aims to make a meaningful contribution by supporting young people with learning disabilities through enhanced education and care.