AmSIA applications are being assessed

May 10, 2021

The applications for the Innovation Award, the Amsterdam competition for innovative ideas that contribute to a better world, are being assessed.

The organisation of the Innovation Award received a lot of cutting edge ideas for new businesses, systems, products, platforms and more. “We are very happy with the amount of applications we received,” says Richtsje Kurpershoek, one of the organisers of the award. “We cannot wait to announce which ideas are selected for the semi-finals.”

The ideas are assessed on various scales. First of all, it’s important that the ideas are innovative. The ideas should also benefit society, the environment and climate and/ or the health sector. Furthermore, the application and feasibility of the idea should be made clear. Which group will benefit from the idea and will they actually use it? Participants also have to show their entrepreneurial skills. How are they going to enrol their ideas into society? Which steps do they think they have to take?

This month, the participants of the Innovation Award know if they will go to the semi-finals. The expert jury, chaired by Gigi Wang, decides which finalists will present their idea during the finals in November at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam.