Amsterdam UMC TKI-PPP Grant

TKI-PPP grant Amsterdam UMC stimulates its researchers to perform research projects together with companies in Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).

The call for ‘Amsterdam UMC TKI-grant PILOT call 2024’ is now open. The grant amounts available to both AMC and VUmc will of course be combined again, creating a budget of approximately € 4 million that will be divided over the best PPP-research proposals that we will receive from all of you. Please feel free to share this call for proposals with any interested researchers from your group.

Presentation during Broodje TKI

This year the conditions of the TKI grant and PPP proposals have changed from previous year. If you are unfamiliar with the grant scheme or curious what has changed, we organised two session called ‘Broodje TKI’, a combined lunch and workshop focusing on the conditions of the grant, nature of the eligible research, budgeting, participation of private partners, application and granting process.

Those of you who have a proposal in mind and a private partner to collaborate with are invited to prepare and send in a pre-application using the attached form and budget sheet no later than the deadline of Friday  May 24th, 2024 14:00. In addition, a signed Letter of Intent from each private partner is required at this stage (template attached).

Consortium Agreement

Please provide your industrial partner(s) with the Consortium Agreement at an early stage, allowing your partner(s) to get acquainted with the conditions that they will need to accept once your joint application is awarded.
Two versions are available; 1) Stichting Amsterdam UMC as contract party and 2) AMR BV as contrac party, see downloads.

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

The funding is provided by the Dutch government (Ministry of Economic Affairs) through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie Life Sciences & Health (TKI-LSH, a.k.a. Health-Holland).

General information

For those of you who are unfamiliar with TKI grants and PPP-proposals, read the leaflet (TKI-PPP flyer) in the downloads below where the procedure is explained as well as all used abbreviations. Videos with examples of awarded projects can be found here.

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