Valorisation & Impact funding

IXA gives Amsterdam researchers from all research fields access to a variety of funds. You can receive financial support for early-stage activities, such as carrying out feasibility studies, starting your innovation-driven enterprise, start-up or setting up collaborations with companies or non-profits.

Follow the links for more information, how to apply, terms and conditions:

  • IXA Proof-of-Concept Funding and Pre-Seed Loan
    The PoC and Preseed Fund, managed and carried out by IXA, has been established to stimulate research-driven entrepreneurship among staff and students and to create an environment where new initiatives and ideas can be tested and further developed.
  • HvA – Impact Fonds
    To prepare implementation and validation of research results towards practical application and exploitation (i.e., feasibility studies, business plan, proof of concept, etc.).
  • UvA – Proof of Concept Fund
    For further conceptualization and validation of research- based concepts and innovations, towards (commercial) exploitation.
  • UvA – SSH Concept Fund
    To further conceptualize and validate SSH research based ideas into an initial concept/ businessplan for a company (non-profit or for-profit).
  • UvA – SSH Impact Fund
    This fund aims to capitalize on SSH research by supporting the development of spin-offs that address societal challenges.
  • VU – Impact Fund
    For further conceptualization and validation of innovations and projects, towards (commercial) exploitation.
  • AUMC, UvA and VU – Thematic Technology Transfer Artificial Intelligence (TTT-AI) program
    Funding and support that aims to transform academic research into ground-breaking AI applications and spin-offs.

External innovation funds: